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If You Could Run A Country


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Which country would it be? United KingdomWhat would you do? First things first I would legilise weed, change the education system giving all the less fortunate kids a chance to make a go of it, cut all education fees aswell they try rob ur ass, say if I wanted to go college now I wudnt be able to afford it aswell as a full time job. Id scrap the id cards idea and push the drinking age to 21.onize the education system and abolish student fees, promoting a free education for all. Why? Why not?

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IranKick all the theocratic crackheads out of all the political areas. i will build churches, temples,....all that. Liberal policies on the social front and neo capitalistic approach economy wise, introducing higher taxing yet with more incentives than the chinese gov will offer. would nationalise all the main industries, would change the format of the political system from First past the post to a AMS system so there is more proportionate representation, secure the boarders so no herion can go out, legalise that herb, death penalty abolished, make the punishment system more about rehabilition. education would be free for all, and be the first nation to employ the use of carz that don't use petrol and sell all the oil to the west. we will be cool. we got china right next to us for products aswell.

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nigeriaid erase the corruption in the country, or attempt to at leastmake a focal point of africa, and use it to make african countries a global forcei would create strong links between leaders there and in the caribbean and basically utilise the labour and sheer population density to turn the tables on the worldraggs

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IranKick all the theocratic crackheads out of all the political areas. i will build churches, temples,....all that. Liberal policies on the social front and neo capitalistic approach economy wise, introducing higher taxing yet with more incentives than the chinese gov will offer. would nationalise all the main industries, would change the format of the political system from First past the post to a AMS system so there is more proportionate representation, secure the boarders so no herion can go out, legalise that herb, death penalty abolished, make the punishment system more about rehabilition. education would be free for all, and be the first nation to employ the use of carz that don't use petrol and sell all the oil to the west. we will be cool. we got china right next to us for products aswell.
i like the way u thinkand seriouss, standardly on this remote bombing ting
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If I ran a country there would be CCTV on EVERY street. Everyones DNA would be in a database.Come with them China laws and women would need a licence to have a baby if not some fat f*ckoff fine.My country >>>>>>>>>>>
seriously toney?i would only have cctv in shops and banks and thatfriggin like london was 15 yrs ago, i miss the old daysi would also make prisoners who are lifers especially do manual labour, that way, they are earning their keep and not wasting tax payers money keeping murderers alivepeados would get straight life, i would hold a referendum on capital punishment for them, if there is extensive evidence - videos and such, its death no qualms
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Guest Seriouss

Toney you sound unfun, your country is NOT invited to the big US party. And we we have oil wrestling, pin the turban on Osama and also bombing fun.So ner ner ner-ner ner.

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If I ran a country there would be CCTV on EVERY street. Everyones DNA would be in a database.Come with them China laws and women would need a licence to have a baby if not some fat f*ckoff fine.My country >>>>>>>>>>>
seriously toney?i would only have cctv in shops and banks and thatfriggin like london was 15 yrs ago, i miss the old daysi would also make prisoners who are lifers especially do manual labour, that way, they are earning their keep and not wasting tax payers money keeping murderers alivepeados would get straight life, i would hold a referendum on capital punishment for them, if there is extensive evidence - videos and such, its death no qualms
excute criminals on street judge dread style
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