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Francis Coquelin

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the racism is a alot lool

kingston556 (1 week ago) Show HideMarked as spamMarked as spamAS SOME BLACK GUY TOLD ME ONCE............The reason most blacks are so angry all the time is they wished they were white. So sad....makes me feel bad for themVettemania1 (1 week ago) Show HideMarked as spamMarked as spamHave you noticed every time a black person has an idea or a dream They get shot. ya'll weren't diein when you'll were pickin cotton.mistaspot1 (1 week ago) Show HideMarked as spamMarked as spamReally? Wow. You're sick.observer75 (1 week ago) Show HideMarked as spamMarked as spamIt was an accident, you low IQ internet turds. My brain was able to assess that, why couldn't yours?omnistella (1 week ago) Show HideMarked as spamMarked as spamYou just can't do that kind of sh*t. The the guy stepped on the other guys face. It was on purpose too. The guy got ejected and should be suspended for at least a game. whatever the race scenario black, white whatever. its just not coolhazor777 (1 week ago) Show HideMarked as spamMarked as spamHey EVERYONE lets all give credit to "afrikanfan" -- he's crusading for equality and tearing down the"strongholds" of racism and he is the youtube cop for the word 'NIGGER' oh,but he NEVER has a racist viewpoint, oh no...not even when he uses the word 'cracker'. Personally ,NIGGER, the word cracker doesnt offend me in the least bit .mistaspot1 (1 week ago) Show HideMarked as spamMarked as spamDisgustingkingston556 (1 week ago) Show HideMarked as spamMarked as spamxxmonickkkkaxx (44 seconds ago) Give me some ideas stolen by whites.--------The only idea some whites have stolen from blacks is being a lowlife failure on welfare. Some whites stole that idea, but most continue to live in civilization, far away from most blacks.To blacks, sorry some whites stole the idea of being a failure from you. Personally I think those whites should apologize to you.boogeyman121212 (1 week ago) Show HideMarked as spamMarked as spamDumb niggas!!!!!!!!!Berlitz777 (1 week ago) Show HideMarked as spamMarked as spamDon't waste time arguing with the dirty white monkeys.Hey, did you hear about the white guy who took a shower?.....me neither.
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