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New Funky/ Soulful House

Vibez P

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People will get vexed at this post but it sounds like you need to learn more about music in theory and in production.You have caught the vibe and I commend you for that very much but it sounds rather imitated than natural.I hear dissonance in that e.piano but it doesn't sound like you intended it like if you were playing in a blues key.You used a pad that creates a minor chord effect and just ran up and down the keys.The crash is on the perfect 1st beat during the intro at the same velocity and tells the listener that this wasn't recorded live or even had a chance of being so.The percussion sounds forced, sampled?Particular conga hits are too loud in the mix.Sorry for taking your music apart but this is how I and a professional producer of this genre would criticise you.The irony is in a club people will overlook these things and just vibe to it and that's why I feel credible music is dying.

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People will get vexed at this post but it sounds like you need to learn more about music in theory and in production.You have caught the vibe and I commend you for that very much but it sounds rather imitated than natural.I hear dissonance in that e.piano but it doesn't sound like you intended it like if you were playing in a blues key.You used a pad that creates a minor chord effect and just ran up and down the keys.The crash is on the perfect 1st beat during the intro at the same velocity and tells the listener that this wasn't recorded live or even had a chance of being so.The percussion sounds forced, sampled?Particular conga hits are too loud in the mix.Sorry for taking your music apart but this is how I and a professional producer of this genre would criticise you.The irony is in a club people will overlook these things and just vibe to it and that's why I feel credible music is dying.
I hear what your saying... No i didnt use any Mics or live instruments so I didnt really expect it to sound recorded, everything was played through a midi keyboard. yeah it could do with some proper mixing down, levels and compression, guess il atempt that later but the main concept for the beat was to be mellow/soulful just something to sit back and jam to...The percussions were played through the midi but it only has three velocity settings (I think) so that probably added to the unatural feel your talking about.interesting thoughts though..music student maybe?
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This is banging..Same boat as Jeffers about the snares but other than the beat is sexy, good arrangement too.
lol yeah I was wondering myself when I added them, but liked the flow combined with the kicks... kinda felt it added more life to the track
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Without getting defensive, how comes you don't apply your knowledge to your production?
I feel I work better without computers.Like I can write a score and tell somebody to play it, mic them up to my suiting etc.But yh when I listen to my music made on computer usually the mixing is shoddy and I can tell there are parts where i've been lazt and all that.If I brush up on that side I feel I can get somewhere.
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