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Everything posted by Guppio

  1. Guppio

    Man im fucked.

    For real, part of the womans moans is what gets me going ( so long as shes not too annoying & over the top or sounds like the Japanese women).
  2. Guppio

    Man im fucked.

  3. Guppio

    Man im fucked.

    Wait Jimble, u r of age. Im sure ur folks knwo u watch porn, its only natural. Your room mate prolly teefed it anyway.
  4. Guppio

    Man im fucked.

    Reminds me of that Youtube clip where she wakes up in a mans hse (theyd obv done the do) & he says she can take her time & get ready, hes off to work. So she takes a shower & then needs a sh*t after the sh*t the toilet doesnt flush so she puts the sh*t in a plastic bag. While she writes her No. down she puts the kacka down & then leaves.As the door locks behind her, she realises shes left her shite on the coutner wher she wrote her No. down. As you were.
  5. BooooooooooooooooooooooooooooI guess u didnt like it them.Do pregnant womens boobs double in size?Do u hv a lil penis?
  6. BooooooooooooooooooooooooooooI guess u didnt like it them.
  7. BooooooooooooooooooooooooooooI guess u didnt like it them.
  8. American Gangster was good, but nothing new, stories been done 1000x before.
  9. I go loads seeing as I cant party anymore, but I have pregnancy brain & cant think of anything.Oh "No Country for Old Men" twas good & nice & violent 4 u guys.
  10. Guppie find me!!!!!My glowstick waving, dress and trainer wearing, stomping, LSD taking 90's buddy!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxlol, I dont even know ur real name sweetness, or shld I just put in the search "hottest, glow stick waving, mouth chewing, stomping, skipping, sex gods from bk in the day"?
  11. I have only just started using it & found BARE friends from Pompey, its like a lil school reunion.
  12. I had glazed chicken w rice & salad (from a shop) it was lavlie & only $6.96!!!
  13. How can Sloshes can do this though?! They have no moralsGoli Should have took the baby to the park or something so the bitch would start panicking when she finished getting mashed lol, yeah that wlda been a good lesson.
  14. Vile behaviour. But ur friend is just as bad, from she came with the baby he shlda said something.
  15. LMAO!I did Paralegal Studies last yr, the only college I have ever done & Im now a paralegal - big up me.
  16. LMAO @ ur sig, I was about to say thats a vile head. Tres clever.
  17. Guppio

    Fat people

    That ass is mesmerizing I must sayhay.
  18. Oh yeah & LMAO @ her, shes jokes.
  19. Its like that yeah D-Structo? Just coz Im pregnant with another mans child we're history, u moved on to the next like its nuffin.
  20. Guppio

    Fat people

    Aww damn, really? lol, yeah really I was proper struggling as I cldnt see down there. But just coz Im pregnant doesnt mean I shld let it all out, I still gotta keep my trim, trim.
  21. Guppio

    Fat people

    Being pregnant I really see how life is difficult for them & I hv zero sympathy. No Im not fat, but the belly makes life harder. You cant bend over properly, cant trim ya pubes, get knackered from walking up the stairs, legs ache, its a nightmare.
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