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Everything posted by Nazomi

  1. Im not even afraid of the prospect of giving birth..hmmm Im kinda excited about how painful it will be.I have a high threshold for pain and just ride it through it usually.. my worst pain was wen I broke my finger but that wasnt too bad really, I usually just think to myself it could be worse/its temporary, and that tends to make it not hurt as much. now I dont even think about my period pains to tuff.
  2. Nazomi


    Noticing a mans hand is considerably larger than my own... maybe a size 8 or 9 hand (yes hands have sizes lol)....duno why but it just turns me on sometimes. I have small hands and i came across one guy who had the same size hand as me , i was like wtf??!
  3. been waiting for this album to drop. was so sad wen I heard she wasnt going to sing again! so for her to change her mind im haps!
  4. Maybe she likes the tickling on the tongue
  5. Nazomi


    I remeber seeing one guy walk out a London library (in some waste ends) with a book in his hand and for some reason that turned me on lololol
  6. Nazomi


    Shet, my friend said this exact same thing today LOL
  7. lol!! @ spitting barson the contrary i dont sleep properly 'lying on a chest', or 'in a spooning position' -these are good positions when u are both awake and chatting.. cos to be honest this bruks my neck, and I cant sleep with my neck all awkward or high up aching because of his arm or chest ( thats why I need a seriously flat pillow) so many times I wanted to say 'move from me now' *sigh* so i can have complete space to myself.certain man think its compulsory to be in these sentimental positions, not wen u hav sh*t to do the next day its not wise(unless u really find this comfy ) !!!partner who snores atrociously is sickening (my ex had some insane ,almost unforgivable snore ).you can end up growing resentment towards that person lolI on the other hand am silent
  8. Nazomi

    Turn offs

    A guy that has some horrible turkey neck looking ball sack.I know its not a pretty sight anyway but this unfortunate one I experienced was diff and a complete turn off , i couldnt look at it let alone touch it or do anyting intimate!!! I felt kinda nauseous ,couldnt believe my eyes.
  9. Awwwww another in need of good loving
  10. realised i didnt even answer myselfVex sex and Morning is me
  11. Nazomi


    probs been said but I really found myself drooling over this guys chunky African thigh...cheeezeee!!!
  12. Who is Sam roberts? lolololol! this is jokes, im getting 'negged' and accused of being a guy
  13. NeggedForeplay game or GTFOEvery post will be negged until my demands are met.I dont know what 'negged' is..?? lolol!LOL !!! @ you guys needing evidenceclearly i draw my conclusions from my own experiences I am sorry to hear that foreplay is wack for you guys! (considering the level of emotion and disbelief of you all lol)its just something i enjoy doing! when i am serious with someone, i am serious about sex ,and i am serious about pleasing my partner, this includes understanding what they want, when they want, how and where!! communication is key.call me pedantic and foreplay does not just mean head game.
  14. You guys clearly desire a woman to make you moan, upon request of my foreplay game.is it not 'moist' tho?
  15. LMAO! ya'll are too funny ! Yea man, I like that FILTHY talk..hmmm And Kurious , I dont think he was trying to conceal you kno, cos he made more noise when it was some next gal and not his 'girlfriend'.thats why I found it interesting hmmmm..lolI think foreplay is the main source that brings out the vocals in men..
  16. Nice backtrack. The fact that I'm not moaning doesn't mean I'm not enjoying it.This is interesting, makes me wonder if it is a psychological control of emotions to assert masculinity,setting the role of pleasure giver and female as the reciever even tho both are experiencing the same pleasure. do you sometimes get the urge to tho?
  17. Fortunately for me this has never happened in my own personal experience, . i guess thats why im kinda surprised to have discovered that it happens! I have made my partners moan minus penetration, i love foreplay and drivin a guy wild before the act itself,i get alot of kicks from that.. If it did happen to me i would actually say something, and ask if there is something wrong and if there is something he would like me to do in particular to please him! would be awkward just experiencing it as a one sided ting,act would feel incomplete,maybe thats just me.and nah i just like manga and anime! lol
  18. is that the question that runs through a mans head?? tbh i didnt even know what to call this post but this is a genuine question , why do some guys not make noises whilst having sex?? are you holding it in? feel like you dont want to show too much emotion? not enjoying?upon hearing the 'silence' of my housemate whilst he is gettin busy ( *sigh* unfortunately the walls are paper thin and of course my natural mind begins to analyze based on what i am forced to hear hmmm) it seriously made me wonder what the heck? as a female i would think im a bit sh*t if im not arousing some kind of vocal emotion ! I love a vocal guy in bed it makes me want to f*ck harder..mmm hmm
  19. Nazomi


    A guy who has a nice pair of shoes on and it just suits his feet well.
  20. but felt like reminiscing....who remembers when this got posted on rwdthen Smaddy said she looked like a black furbyswear im still creasin 4 years later lolololI saw her on facebook not too long ago which reminded me LOL
  21. lol does it also happen when they just have some mad name that you dont expect.. for example there was this guy i liked then i found out his name was Delvin (sorry to all the Delvin's) but what the heck is that?? it just made me crease up ...he lowered his percentage because of the name he had no control over! lol i think im 'name-ist'yea unfortunatey it is an issue, it was just his first name that was the same, but he also suddenly had a similar appearance once i clocked his name, I started to think 'wtf do all ****** look like this??' and now I guess I have a type so if I was to take it further and we seriously got invloved it would be too weird, spesh them intimate moments *double sigh*
  22. Nazomi


    No need.Clench your jaw... that's it, except some men do it involuntarilythat's called bruxismand it's no joke or laugh i tell youwell bruxism is SEXY AS HELL!!! when a guy is a lil frustrated or angry and he does it...Shet!!!
  23. I realised he had the same name as my ex..wtf?and why is it always the ex you have the duttiest break up with aswell?? we were having some sexy banter and the chemistry was on point, then I clocked the name pinned to his shirt and somehow it shattered the entire conversation and flow of flirtation... didnt think this was an issue till it happened. has this ever happened to anyone else or do you not care if the person you are interested in has the same name as your ex??KMT lol
  24. Nazomi


    thought that was just me who felt this still. I co-sign to the max!
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