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Jerry Springer

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It appears that the News of the World were not totally honest in their story this week about Sean Ash and wife Chloe, which Dizzy sent me this weekend. After reading this story I was, understandably I hope, swayed to the argument in favour of the return of a married couples tax break.ConservativeHome flagged it as an example of Brownââ¬â¢s failures and something that Iain Duncan-Smithââ¬â¢s ââ¬ÅBreakdown Britainââ¬Â report is attempting to address. However, the deeper reality of the story is much more harrowing than the reason the News of the World gave for the split, which they put across as being for tax reasons.n3_15_01.jpgWhat they failed to mention was the affordable housing issue that is at the root of the Ashââ¬â¢s problems and the reason Sean Ash contacted the News of the World in the first place. Contacting me in relation to my earlier post, Sean said: ââ¬Åââ¬Â¦the story I gave [The News of the World] (not sold them, gave them) was originally to do with housing and how the local council failed to help house me and my family. They accused us of making ourselves intentionaly homeless and placed me, my wife and our son into a 1 bedroom flat on the Milford Towers Estate in Catford, South East Londonââ¬ÂHe continued to tell me that while living on the estate there was a fatal shooting of a man in his early 20s pretty much outside their front door. Since that incident the family began to receive threats themselves for no reason. Naturally, Sean wanted to move his family out and approached the council for help. ââ¬Åââ¬Â¦they didnââ¬â¢t help us which left us no choice but to rent private, costing ã800 a month where as people coming in after us, i.e single mothers & immigrants, ended up being housed before us. ââ¬ÅWhat the News of the World failed to convey was the true situation about the coupleââ¬â¢s working life, instead opting for the headline ââ¬ÅWe Split Up to Get More Benefitsââ¬Å. ââ¬ÅI wanted to go back to work, I passed telephone interviews, assesements and was 1 of 7 people to pass and get the job out of 15.ââ¬ÂWhat Sean did was to add up the sums of the prospective salary and compared it to what he was getting from benefits and was as shocked as anybody to learn that the state was paying him more money to stay out of work.What the News of the World could have done is to help people understand that Sean is a carer for his mentally ill wife with whom he also has a young son. The challenges that this presents a father are great and it is highly admirable that Sean wanted to get off benefits and back into work - something that Iain Duncan-Smithââ¬â¢s report want more people to do.Sean didnââ¬â¢t even take benefits in the first place, something that he told the News of the World: ââ¬Åââ¬Â¦ they focused more for their own headlines in making me and my family look like scroungers which is the last thing we want to beââ¬Â¦ they also failed to mention that when I was diagnosed with Sciatica I did not claim any benefits for 1 year because I did not want to take from the state! It was a year later when Inland Revenue sent me a letter asking for tax I had not earned. Because I was not claiming benefits they assumed I was working so from that point I was forced to claim benefits.ââ¬ÂThere is something seriously wrong with ââ¬ÅBreakdown Britainââ¬Â when the state is forcing people to claim benefits. Surely if Sean opted not to claim benefits while he was not working he should be supported in that decision.Sadly, the situation gets worse for Sean as he falls victim to a manipulative newspaper that has made him and his family look like scroungers. In this he is particularly critical: ââ¬ÅItââ¬â¢s amazing how the News of the World will go to the lowest points to make me and my family, with a child of 1 years old, to look bad in front of the nation. Now I am paranoid to go outside as people have approached my parents today accusing me of being a grass and selling people out.ââ¬Â ââ¬ÅWith the headlines they have used they have blackened my family name and made people think that I recieved some sort of payment for my own advantages.ââ¬Â ââ¬ÅThat is what I get for trying to do the right thing, to be a good person, to try and bring awareness to politicans that there are people like me in the same situation who want to go back to work off the sick but need help with affordable housing.ââ¬ÂIt is interesting that people think that Sean has ââ¬â¢sold outââ¬â¢ as if raising awareness of this governmentââ¬â¢s failures to help people back into work is a bad thing. Perhaps the people in his community are more than happy to continue claiming benefits - itââ¬â¢s clear that the government is more than happy to continue paying them.The News of the World, or rather the journalist Philip Whiteside, has cocked up with this story. It was a story worthy of better coverage as there is a clear issue highlighted by a personal situation, but instead they opted to run with sensationalist headlines without giving a damn about they people theyââ¬â¢d be hurting in the process.I hope that anybody reading this will pass it on to their friends, post a comment or do something to show a bit of support for Sean and his family.
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Whats ur opinion on Australia Ashman, do you think their genuinely Australians or are they in the same boat as people who migrated here?
Totally agree with what they are saying..If only this country had a set of bollox.Too busy sucking up to America and there policies...following them idiots.If they was born there and grew up there, lived all there lives there then yes they are Australian.
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And Carpe 'immigrant' Derum would hate Australia because the country does not benefit him or hes people in any way.Carpe is here for the money, nothing more.If there was no money in this country do you really think people Like Carpe would be here? or be sending money or donaiting tins of food?NO CHANCE.

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Guest Billy Bonds
Werent original australians black? the aboriginie or something? My geography isnt all that.
Somalians are more black then them yet you wouldn't class them in the same catagory.
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And Carpe 'immigrant' Derum would hate Australia because the country does not benefit him or hes people in any way.Carpe is here for the money, nothing more.If there was no money in this country do you really think people Like Carpe would be here? or be sending money or donaiting tins of food?NO CHANCE.
same way britain was in the empire for the money. ur point is stupid, bcos the money u claim i or my family is here for is worked for, more time its helping ur shitty steel industry. you lied about ur story..end of. whatever that man printed is WHAT YOU TOLD HIM. its good tat NOTW made u to look like fools.
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And Carpe 'immigrant' Derum would hate Australia because the country does not benefit him or hes people in any way.Carpe is here for the money, nothing more.If there was no money in this country do you really think people Like Carpe would be here? or be sending money or donaiting tins of food?NO CHANCE.
same way britain was in the empire for the money. ur point is stupid, bcos the money u claim i or my family is here for is worked for, more time its helping ur shitty steel industry. you lied about ur story..end of. whatever that man printed is WHAT YOU TOLD HIM. its good tat NOTW made u to look like fools.
But what do you know? nothing.He didn't make me look like a fool mate, you don't know what support I have been getting..Just because a few forum d*ckheads wanna go on NOTW website posting fraff that don't mean sh*t.The main public tend to agree with the point I have raised and it will benefit this country even more in the long run.It's mad how a fool has made a national story in order to benefit this country.The money you get in your hand mate is money printed in this country, remember that.Cuss our Steel industry, you can make alot more things out of steel then you can a weed plant and dust.
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And Carpe 'immigrant' Derum would hate Australia because the country does not benefit him or hes people in any way.Carpe is here for the money, nothing more.If there was no money in this country do you really think people Like Carpe would be here? or be sending money or donaiting tins of food?NO CHANCE.
same way britain was in the empire for the money. ur point is stupid, bcos the money u claim i or my family is here for is worked for, more time its helping ur shitty steel industry. you lied about ur story..end of. whatever that man printed is WHAT YOU TOLD HIM. its good tat NOTW made u to look like fools.
But what do you know? nothing.He didn't make me look like a fool mate, you don't know what support I have been getting..Just because a few forum d*ckheads wanna go on NOTW website posting fraff that don't mean sh*t.The main public tend to agree with the point I have raised and it will benefit this country even more in the long run.It's mad how a fool has made a national story in order to benefit this country.The money you get in your hand mate is money printed in this country, remember that.Cuss our Steel industry, you can make alot more things out of steel then you can a weed plant and dust.
blah f*cking blah... how many names have u come with, how many times have u said you will leave? how many websites have you been banned from and how many times:? i guess thats the life of a national hero. big up urself.... and im not an immigrant as i havent settled, i like how westerners call themselves expatriates in other countries, while in their own..everyone non white is an immigrant. my parents fit the ex pat bill so f*ck u.
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Guest Billy Bonds
I herd that too.
Yeh Aborigines are sometimes classed as Black.But as usual the eediat Brits came in and f*cked em all up and they still oppressed by them today.
Sometimes classed as? I thought they were blacK?
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