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BNP party election broadcast


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i swear its the same eastern european breh delivers pizza for about three diffrent companies in my area,whoever i order from hes there 'thanks mite,hev a lovely time'see him working in greggs as welljust a work ethic many are afraid of,it is the way the world is going bdo you know who gets treated like a king in ther own country and can just sit back and relax?a kingdunno why evry chav thinks he is one cos hes got a sovereign ringtrusay trusay though

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Arabs and Jews, may have been the biggest contributers, but everyone had there place including the English, very briefly the selling of our own people, right or wrong was about selling or be sold... survival of the fitest. read up on wilkes diaries... the only reason we have a better way of life is because the people before me spoke up ANYWAY - lets not make this into a topic about slavery- you say that they country belongs to the indegenious country men, you seem to forget that a high quantity of people that now call ENGLISH were themselves imigrants or conquerers
Oh, before people like you spoke up? do you not mean people like William Wilberforce spoke up?The ownership is determined by those that have obtained the possesion the longest.Do you really feel that you can waltz into China and demand their land just because you feel that you are owed something?Black people were not the first slaves and they are not the last.. I think you have milked it for a long time and got whatever you could get now don't you?
william wilberforce is a joke, to be quite frank..... WE do not owe sh*t to william wilberforce... was he the first person to highllight it was an issue..... no. Did he rally/protest actively no... he is a the mystical figure conjured up as some kind of wild card in tight situations at the end of the day wilberforce was just Sir Charles Middleton' bitch... he may have a place but we emancipated ourselves.... anyway i wont comment to much on slavery cause like a said before. The topic aint about thatwhat this i hear about you and your partner not working NONE of you...... you say you study i work full time and go uni. That is no excuse
Oh right..No credability to the white man..Lucky Arabs and Jews got away with it then eh?Shame for us really after all we have fought for you.Besides.. you are not a slave and I am not a slavemasterwe come from different generations so stop acting like you are a victim.Oh right we going personal now about working? Listen, I worked when you was probably starting secondary school and I sustained an inhury through working HARD... not an office job where people now say they 'work' and then find time to post on forums like these all day, no. Real hard graft.I am a Student with disability and my wife is close to giving birth.Don't tell me about working.
It isn't about like of credibility. I am just saying william wilberforce is a frace because he acted on instructions given to him by Sir Charles Middleton ( as mentioned above, if you so bothered to read it throughly) and dont give me the whole "Shame for us really after all we have fought for you." because we didnt ship ourselves over to the UK. BUT I WILL BUT THIS IN CAPS AGAIN AS YOU KEEP MISING THIS IS NOT A TOPIC AIMED TO DISCUSS THE RESULT OF SLAVERY THIS IS ABOUT THE BNP PROPOSALS. I probably was in an secondary school but I worked on a paper round, was a , sales assistant, dance teacher, nursery nurse, customer service, admin and am now a office manager at the aged of 21 studying law so please dont make out like i dont graft..... cause i graft.... i am sorry you have a disabilty but clearly there is nothing wrong with your typing skills or your brain, you are able to sustain a conversation as that is key to any relationship (the one you have with your wife). why dont you apply for one of those 'office jobs that u claim to be so easy'? if it is too taxing you could perhaps take up part time work. Congratulations on the baby by the way
Ignores first part of response Trust me their is no hating, I love my life. But in all honesty you do not need extensive qualifications to get certain office job trust me. I am aware that the benefits are there as a mean to and end. I have nothing to say about you productively being on it, it is there as an aid and you need the help... but you have IT skills you can quite easily say you train yourself. Now if i had to interview a candidate like yourself I would consider yourself because you are able to think on your toes and you are computer literate. it is the other personal skills that may lose you a job..trust me the longer you are out of the employment loop the harder it will be to gain employment
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LOL great britain needed west indians to come over to this country. Though my family a few generations back are english too.
Listen..After fighting two world wars and losing many of the men we had in combat... also considering those that were blitz, we did not have alot of men to do the jobs..I am grateful for those men who come here in the 50s and helped rebuild this nation, they are forever welcome on these lands as well as their children..BUT WHEN YOU ARE NOT A PART OF THE COMMONWEALTH AND YOU ARE JUST STEPPING INSIDE THE SCENE, NOW, TRYING TO PROSPER OFF THE BACK OFF THIS COUNTRY AND THE MANY CARRABIENS THAT COME HERE AND HELP US ..YET AFTER THE WAR YOU WERE NO WHERE TO BE SEEN?AND YOU WANT A 9 BEDROOM COUNCIL HOUSE TO HOUSE UR FAM YOU TAKE WORK OPPORTUNITY AWAY FROM THE BRITISH .. WHOMAY I ADD... NEED TO GET BACK ON THEIR FEET BUT ARE STRUGGLING DUE TO BEING VICTIMS OF SOCIAL INJUSTICE?CHA KMT SMH AND ROLL MY EYESYOU TELLING ME IT IS NOT WRONG?
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Arabs and Jews, may have been the biggest contributers, but everyone had there place including the English, very briefly the selling of our own people, right or wrong was about selling or be sold... survival of the fitest. read up on wilkes diaries... the only reason we have a better way of life is because the people before me spoke up ANYWAY - lets not make this into a topic about slavery- you say that they country belongs to the indegenious country men, you seem to forget that a high quantity of people that now call ENGLISH were themselves imigrants or conquerers
Oh, before people like you spoke up? do you not mean people like William Wilberforce spoke up?The ownership is determined by those that have obtained the possesion the longest.Do you really feel that you can waltz into China and demand their land just because you feel that you are owed something?Black people were not the first slaves and they are not the last.. I think you have milked it for a long time and got whatever you could get now don't you?
william wilberforce is a joke, to be quite frank..... WE do not owe sh*t to william wilberforce... was he the first person to highllight it was an issue..... no. Did he rally/protest actively no... he is a the mystical figure conjured up as some kind of wild card in tight situations at the end of the day wilberforce was just Sir Charles Middleton' bitch... he may have a place but we emancipated ourselves.... anyway i wont comment to much on slavery cause like a said before. The topic aint about thatwhat this i hear about you and your partner not working NONE of you...... you say you study i work full time and go uni. That is no excuse
Oh right..No credability to the white man..Lucky Arabs and Jews got away with it then eh?Shame for us really after all we have fought for you.Besides.. you are not a slave and I am not a slavemasterwe come from different generations so stop acting like you are a victim.Oh right we going personal now about working? Listen, I worked when you was probably starting secondary school and I sustained an inhury through working HARD... not an office job where people now say they 'work' and then find time to post on forums like these all day, no. Real hard graft.I am a Student with disability and my wife is close to giving birth.Don't tell me about working.
It isn't about like of credibility. I am just saying william wilberforce is a frace because he acted on instructions given to him by Sir Charles Middleton ( as mentioned above, if you so bothered to read it throughly) and dont give me the whole "Shame for us really after all we have fought for you." because we didnt ship ourselves over to the UK. BUT I WILL BUT THIS IN CAPS AGAIN AS YOU KEEP MISING THIS IS NOT A TOPIC AIMED TO DISCUSS THE RESULT OF SLAVERY THIS IS ABOUT THE BNP PROPOSALS. I probably was in an secondary school but I worked on a paper round, was a , sales assistant, dance teacher, nursery nurse, customer service, admin and am now a office manager at the aged of 21 studying law so please dont make out like i dont graft..... cause i graft.... i am sorry you have a disabilty but clearly there is nothing wrong with your typing skills or your brain, you are able to sustain a conversation as that is key to any relationship (the one you have with your wife). why dont you apply for one of those 'office jobs that u claim to be so easy'? if it is too taxing you could perhaps take up part time work. Congratulations on the baby by the way
Ignores first part of response Trust me their is no hating, I love my life. But in all honesty you do not need extensive qualifications to get certain office job trust me. I am aware that the benefits are there as a mean to and end. I have nothing to say about you productively being on it, it is there as an aid and you need the help... but you have IT skills you can quite easily say you train yourself. Now if i had to interview a candidate like yourself I would consider yourself because you are able to think on your toes and you are computer literate. it is the other personal skills that may lose you a job..trust me the longer you are out of the employment loop the harder it will be to gain employment
Well, it is a damn shame that you are not an employer that I have come across.
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Guest PennyTraitor
Arabs and Jews, may have been the biggest contributers, but everyone had there place including the English, very briefly the selling of our own people, right or wrong was about selling or be sold... survival of the fitest. read up on wilkes diaries... the only reason we have a better way of life is because the people before me spoke up ANYWAY - lets not make this into a topic about slavery- you say that they country belongs to the indegenious country men, you seem to forget that a high quantity of people that now call ENGLISH were themselves imigrants or conquerers
Oh, before people like you spoke up? do you not mean people like William Wilberforce spoke up?The ownership is determined by those that have obtained the possesion the longest.Do you really feel that you can waltz into China and demand their land just because you feel that you are owed something?Black people were not the first slaves and they are not the last.. I think you have milked it for a long time and got whatever you could get now don't you?
william wilberforce is a joke, to be quite frank..... WE do not owe sh*t to william wilberforce... was he the first person to highllight it was an issue..... no. Did he rally/protest actively no... he is a the mystical figure conjured up as some kind of wild card in tight situations at the end of the day wilberforce was just Sir Charles Middleton' bitch... he may have a place but we emancipated ourselves.... anyway i wont comment to much on slavery cause like a said before. The topic aint about thatwhat this i hear about you and your partner not working NONE of you...... you say you study i work full time and go uni. That is no excuse
Oh right..No credability to the white man..Lucky Arabs and Jews got away with it then eh?Shame for us really after all we have fought for you.Besides.. you are not a slave and I am not a slavemasterwe come from different generations so stop acting like you are a victim.Oh right we going personal now about working? Listen, I worked when you was probably starting secondary school and I sustained an inhury through working HARD... not an office job where people now say they 'work' and then find time to post on forums like these all day, no. Real hard graft.I am a Student with disability and my wife is close to giving birth.Don't tell me about working.
cnt deny the bars.
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i swear its the same eastern european breh delivers pizza for about three diffrent companies in my area,whoever i order from hes there 'thanks mite,hev a lovely time'see him working in greggs as welljust a work ethic many are afraid of,it is the way the world is going bdo you know who gets treated like a king in ther own country and can just sit back and relax?a kingdunno why evry chav thinks he is one cos hes got a sovereign ringtrusay trusay though
trusay trusay
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i swear its the same eastern european breh delivers pizza for about three diffrent companies in my area,whoever i order from hes there 'thanks mite,hev a lovely time'see him working in greggs as welljust a work ethic many are afraid of,it is the way the world is going bdo you know who gets treated like a king in ther own country and can just sit back and relax?a kingdunno why evry chav thinks he is one cos hes got a sovereign ringtrusay trusay though
trusay trusay
Oh righthere we goEvery 'chav'by this you mean 'white person' yes?oh yeah, that eastern european has jobs in gregs and for pizza firms? what happened to employing British people?I don't wanna hear that crap about 'they didn't apply'
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i swear its the same eastern european breh delivers pizza for about three diffrent companies in my area,whoever i order from hes there 'thanks mite,hev a lovely time'see him working in greggs as welljust a work ethic many are afraid of,it is the way the world is going bdo you know who gets treated like a king in ther own country and can just sit back and relax?a kingdunno why evry chav thinks he is one cos hes got a sovereign ringtrusay trusay though
trusay trusay
Dont listen to himHes content with working like a bitch for the rest of his life with little to no gain.
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i swear its the same eastern european breh delivers pizza for about three diffrent companies in my area,whoever i order from hes there 'thanks mite,hev a lovely time'see him working in greggs as welljust a work ethic many are afraid of,it is the way the world is going bdo you know who gets treated like a king in ther own country and can just sit back and relax?a kingdunno why evry chav thinks he is one cos hes got a sovereign ringtrusay trusay though
trusay trusay
Oh righthere we goEvery 'chav'by this you mean 'white person' yes?oh yeah, that eastern european has jobs in gregs and for pizza firms? what happened to employing British people?I don't wanna hear that crap about 'they didn't apply'
maybe they didntnot like he stormed in and held a gun to ther headsif ppl want work they can find it trust meppl just have to much pride
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i swear its the same eastern european breh delivers pizza for about three diffrent companies in my area,whoever i order from hes there 'thanks mite,hev a lovely time'see him working in greggs as welljust a work ethic many are afraid of,it is the way the world is going bdo you know who gets treated like a king in ther own country and can just sit back and relax?a kingdunno why evry chav thinks he is one cos hes got a sovereign ringtrusay trusay though
trusay trusay
Dont listen to himHes content with working like a bitch for the rest of his life with little to no gain.
It's not even that,He can afford to take them jobs because he is probably paying cheap rent... 10 man up in a 1 bedroom flat and then after a few months he goes home and lives like a king for the rest of the year.Could someone living in this country, paying these taxes and these bills thatare required do that on their own?answer isno, they could not.So why do people blame British and say we are lazy? we are not lazy.. we are just under cut and discriminated against.
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i swear its the same eastern european breh delivers pizza for about three diffrent companies in my area,whoever i order from hes there 'thanks mite,hev a lovely time'see him working in greggs as welljust a work ethic many are afraid of,it is the way the world is going bdo you know who gets treated like a king in ther own country and can just sit back and relax?a kingdunno why evry chav thinks he is one cos hes got a sovereign ringtrusay trusay though
trusay trusay
Oh righthere we goEvery 'chav'by this you mean 'white person' yes?oh yeah, that eastern european has jobs in gregs and for pizza firms? what happened to employing British people?I don't wanna hear that crap about 'they didn't apply'
maybe they didntnot like he stormed in and held a gun to ther headsif ppl want work they can find it trust meppl just have to much pride
How about this scenarioThe Pizza firms he works for are being run by eastern europeans which probably increased his chances in getting the job (f*ck it, might even be his family) and as for gregs? well, that shows he is working 1 job and paying taxes..bet the pizza is cash in hand.
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i swear its the same eastern european breh delivers pizza for about three diffrent companies in my area,whoever i order from hes there 'thanks mite,hev a lovely time'see him working in greggs as welljust a work ethic many are afraid of,it is the way the world is going bdo you know who gets treated like a king in ther own country and can just sit back and relax?a kingdunno why evry chav thinks he is one cos hes got a sovereign ringtrusay trusay though
trusay trusay
Dont listen to himHes content with working like a bitch for the rest of his life with little to no gain.
atm u have idealslook forward to seeing u pay rent with idealsand who said im content,just doing this atmmixtape soon come 09edit oh yr talking about the other kidwell i guess the pound feeds his family i guess he swallows his pride for that
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LOL great britain needed west indians to come over to this country. Though my family a few generations back are english too.
Listen..After fighting two world wars and losing many of the men we had in combat... also considering those that were blitz, we did not have alot of men to do the jobs..I am grateful for those men who come here in the 50s and helped rebuild this nation, they are forever welcome on these lands as well as their children..BUT WHEN YOU ARE NOT A PART OF THE COMMONWEALTH AND YOU ARE JUST STEPPING INSIDE THE SCENE, NOW, TRYING TO PROSPER OFF THE BACK OFF THIS COUNTRY AND THE MANY CARRABIENS THAT COME HERE AND HELP US ..YET AFTER THE WAR YOU WERE NO WHERE TO BE SEEN?AND YOU WANT A 9 BEDROOM COUNCIL HOUSE TO HOUSE UR FAM YOU TAKE WORK OPPORTUNITY AWAY FROM THE BRITISH .. WHOMAY I ADD... NEED TO GET BACK ON THEIR FEET BUT ARE STRUGGLING DUE TO BEING VICTIMS OF SOCIAL INJUSTICE?CHA KMT SMH AND ROLL MY EYESYOU TELLING ME IT IS NOT WRONG?
Well speaking as a descendant of those people who came over in the 50's namely my grand parents on BOTH sides, who had to leave there children in the caribbean to help rebuild the UK and send for them at a later date... i am glad you are grateful but their are MANY member of the BNP that still view us as 'them' but lets not forget the countries that are worn torn, could have ... i was gonna say that we could have prevented some of that with the UK power... but that could possible back fire and but us as a 'nation' in dangerthe way I see it, if you are migrating to uk for advancement of the UK and urself door is open.. help create a stable economy if you are gonna f*ck about f*ck off..... but that should not be on the grounds of race, age,gender or class...
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i swear its the same eastern european breh delivers pizza for about three diffrent companies in my area,whoever i order from hes there 'thanks mite,hev a lovely time'see him working in greggs as welljust a work ethic many are afraid of,it is the way the world is going bdo you know who gets treated like a king in ther own country and can just sit back and relax?a kingdunno why evry chav thinks he is one cos hes got a sovereign ringtrusay trusay though
trusay trusay
Oh righthere we goEvery 'chav'by this you mean 'white person' yes?oh yeah, that eastern european has jobs in gregs and for pizza firms? what happened to employing British people?I don't wanna hear that crap about 'they didn't apply'
Dont misinterpret.. you got Chavvy ppl in every race, they are a disgusting disgrace
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I fail to believe that British people don't want to do the work and I do not think that they fail this country.. I think this country has failed them.It is impossible for British people to get by on a minimum wage because inflation and taxes in this country continue to surge.. that's why teachers are on strike now because they are not happy to live on 20-25k per annum, they just about get by.. Imagine for those on lower wages.How could they get by? surely if teachers are just about getting by.. someone with a pizza delivery job would be on no more than... OH WAIT!! I an answer that, I used to deliver Pizza! probably around £150 a 6 day week plus tips maybe £170 a week.Now imagine you are British and you earn £170 a week and you live in private property because there are no more council houses left.Net Total £170p.w1 bedroom privately rented studio flat £150 p.wnew net total£20Council tax £20p.wnew net total£0gas, electric, water?-£50p.wTravel expenses to work£25p.wnew net total-£75Food and shopping for one person£35p.wNew net total-£110see where I am going with this? these are London basic living costs.. even with the other job he would be struggling.. he is obviously benefiting somehow and in a way that a Brit could not.It is easier for a Pole to hitchhike a ride here, work a few months, stay in a house/flat full of 10 people, pay cheap rent..go back to Poland to live and eat for the rest of the year.

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2TASTY BNP are idiots. But freedom of speech and the right to not be discriminated against on the grounds of your political views exist in this country. In fact the BBC was set up with that in mind. They HAVE to broadcast the BNP's election adverts the same as they do others.BNP supporters are all racist. It just sucks that now the BNP are getting many more members who arent necessarily racist but are being indoctrinated by powerful BNP propaganda. If you watch 1 of their adverts you can see why it would appeal to a white working-class family living in poor housing conditions as they seem to be offering soloutions to their problems.BNP are growing in support because they are the only party who claim they can identify the problem and come up with a soloution. That problem is immigration. None of the other parties are able to explain in depth how this country in all aspects is declining. As BNP are the only party offering this soloution they are gonna be more attractive for potential voters.

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Apparently BOSTON in Lincolnshire is one of the most immigrant towns in the UKthe majority of business's in Boston are run by immigrantsdidnt even know a place called Boston existed in the UK but hey you learn something new everydaydoubt this useless information is relevent to this thread but i just thought id share it with you all anyhow

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2TASTY BNP are idiots. But freedom of speech and the right to not be discriminated against on the grounds of your political views exist in this country. In fact the BBC was set up with that in mind. They HAVE to broadcast the BNP's election adverts the same as they do others.BNP supporters are all racist. It just sucks that now the BNP are getting many more members who arent necessarily racist but are being indoctrinated by powerful BNP propaganda. If you watch 1 of their adverts you can see why it would appeal to a white working-class family living in poor housing conditions as they seem to be offering soloutions to their problems.BNP are growing in support because they are the only party who claim they can identify the problem and come up with a soloution. That problem is immigration. None of the other parties are able to explain in depth how this country in all aspects is declining. As BNP are the only party offering this soloution they are gonna be more attractive for potential voters.
THANK YOU TYLER.... 100% the result I was looking for, someone who could see it in the same shade of light as myself and also verbalise (rather 'typerlise') what i was thinking but just could not but into words.I agree with you whole heartedly
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I fail to believe that British people don't want to do the work and I do not think that they fail this country.. I think this country has failed them.It is impossible for British people to get by on a minimum wage because inflation and taxes in this country continue to surge.. that's why teachers are on strike now because they are not happy to live on 20-25k per annum, they just about get by.. Imagine for those on lower wages.How could they get by? surely if teachers are just about getting by.. someone with a pizza delivery job would be on no more than... OH WAIT!! I an answer that, I used to deliver Pizza! probably around £150 a 6 day week plus tips maybe £170 a week.Now imagine you are British and you earn £170 a week and you live in private property because there are no more council houses left.Net Total £170p.w1 bedroom privately rented studio flat £150 p.wnew net total£20Council tax £20p.wnew net total£0gas, electric, water?-£50p.wTravel expenses to work£25p.wnew net total-£75Food and shopping for one person£35p.wNew net total-£110see where I am going with this? these are London basic living costs.. even with the other job he would be struggling.. he is obviously benefiting somehow and in a way that a Brit could not.It is easier for a Pole to hitchhike a ride here, work a few months, stay in a house/flat full of 10 people, pay cheap rent..go back to Poland to live and eat for the rest of the year.
but that wont be a problem for you will it, because you are going to get qualified... if their is competition u just raise the stakes....you think Jd Sports say to themselves oh sh*t footlocker have just offerered there customers and exclusive deal.... no you have to elevate yourself.... people are always looking to blame someone for there own short comings
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2TASTY BNP are idiots. But freedom of speech and the right to not be discriminated against on the grounds of your political views exist in this country. In fact the BBC was set up with that in mind. They HAVE to broadcast the BNP's election adverts the same as they do others.BNP supporters are all racist. It just sucks that now the BNP are getting many more members who arent necessarily racist but are being indoctrinated by powerful BNP propaganda. If you watch 1 of their adverts you can see why it would appeal to a white working-class family living in poor housing conditions as they seem to be offering soloutions to their problems.BNP are growing in support because they are the only party who claim they can identify the problem and come up with a soloution. That problem is immigration. None of the other parties are able to explain in depth how this country in all aspects is declining. As BNP are the only party offering this soloution they are gonna be more attractive for potential voters.
Very true..could not have put it better myself.I was living in poor conditions.. and then I see Asians, Turks, Greeks and Africans with 5 bedroom council houses, driving nice BMWs everyday whilst for me, I never got much opportunity..Although you may say 'yeah but you're white.. you got more opportunity than me' .. that's incorrect, I grew up in a what used to be a black/Asian majority neighbourhood.Although I am white skinned, sometimes I feel I am black or Asian because of how I seem to be getting f*cked over time and time again. And it's mad because I feel like what Asian people are now and what they have in this country, and as well as what black people have .. it seems like they are white and I am black.That's how it felt for me growing up.I felt like the immigrant.That's why Enoch Powell was right because he said it would hapen.and it did.I got nothing wrong with those that helped rebuild this country.. but even now those that helped to rebuild this country are being outcasted and put last at the hand of new comers.If you are realand you are road and you see with your own eyes time and time again how new people to your neighbourhood sudenly get houses jobs and cars whilst you do not, even though you try... you will know the truth of what I speak.DO YOU KNOWI could go and vote for the BNP.. People call me a racist anyway and they certainly would putme as a priority..Know why I wont vote for the BNP?Exactly what you said.. they see you as 'them' and I do not agree with that.I think I AM Missunderstood by many and I just wish more people could see where I am coming from at times and understand.
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I fail to believe that British people don't want to do the work and I do not think that they fail this country.. I think this country has failed them.It is impossible for British people to get by on a minimum wage because inflation and taxes in this country continue to surge.. that's why teachers are on strike now because they are not happy to live on 20-25k per annum, they just about get by.. Imagine for those on lower wages.How could they get by? surely if teachers are just about getting by.. someone with a pizza delivery job would be on no more than... OH WAIT!! I an answer that, I used to deliver Pizza! probably around £150 a 6 day week plus tips maybe £170 a week.Now imagine you are British and you earn £170 a week and you live in private property because there are no more council houses left.Net Total £170p.w1 bedroom privately rented studio flat £150 p.wnew net total£20Council tax £20p.wnew net total£0gas, electric, water?-£50p.wTravel expenses to work£25p.wnew net total-£75Food and shopping for one person£35p.wNew net total-£110see where I am going with this? these are London basic living costs.. even with the other job he would be struggling.. he is obviously benefiting somehow and in a way that a Brit could not.It is easier for a Pole to hitchhike a ride here, work a few months, stay in a house/flat full of 10 people, pay cheap rent..go back to Poland to live and eat for the rest of the year.
but that wont be a problem for you will it, because you are going to get qualified... if their is competition u just raise the stakes....you think Jd Sports say to themselves oh sh*t footlocker have just offerered there customers and exclusive deal.... no you have to elevate yourself.... people are always looking to blame someone for there own short comings
Oh really?my dad is qualified..wanna explain tome how his work was once booming and now he is being undercut by unskilled Polish central heating engineers?If anything.. it is people like yourself who are always looking for an excuse to blame British people!
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I fail to believe that British people don't want to do the work and I do not think that they fail this country.. I think this country has failed them.It is impossible for British people to get by on a minimum wage because inflation and taxes in this country continue to surge.. that's why teachers are on strike now because they are not happy to live on 20-25k per annum, they just about get by.. Imagine for those on lower wages.How could they get by? surely if teachers are just about getting by.. someone with a pizza delivery job would be on no more than... OH WAIT!! I an answer that, I used to deliver Pizza! probably around £150 a 6 day week plus tips maybe £170 a week.Now imagine you are British and you earn £170 a week and you live in private property because there are no more council houses left.............see where I am going with this? these are London basic living costs.. even with the other job he would be struggling.. he is obviously benefiting somehow and in a way that a Brit could not.It is easier for a Pole to hitchhike a ride here, work a few months, stay in a house/flat full of 10 people, pay cheap rent..go back to Poland to live and eat for the rest of the year.
i agree that it is hard for britons,after all i live and work here myself,AND KNOW OF MANY workers in INDUSTRIES THAT HAVE BEEN DECIMATED AND UNDERCUT BY THE INFLUX OF FOREIGN WORKERS (apologies for caps lol) but its never been that easybut i do think there is a lot of ppl that see this and think f*ck it they aint gunna bother and just sit on benefitswhich is a drain on those that do work,amongst other things such as wari completely agree that the govt are a bunch of pricks who dnt care about there ppl but make short sighted decisions based on sh*t only a d*ckhead will care aboutthey are about protecting the super rich,and offer the foreigner as a scapegoat to bring in more hardline legislation at some point i will look into this ukip and see wat its all about,but at the sametime that it is good to be politically aware and idealistic about making changes,you have to accept this is the world we are living in and focus on getting paid at the end of the day,try flipping bricks or something cos change wont come that quickly
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Has anyone actually ever had a conversation with a racist person before about the topic race.i had one rather disturbing conversation the other day,i was disgusted by the persons views.

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