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rugby vs american football


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Guest Cousin Of Sleep

Hits harder?American Football players are more athletic, tbh, they all just big niggas. Basically, all the dudes who were too fat to play basketball play NFL.Rugby is well...a MANS game.NFL they are all sheilded up n sh*t, Rugby its just skin on skin, rugy is strange thoguh, because, if you are fat & fast, then rugby is youBut nobody should be fat AND fast, thats just wrong.Anyway, I dislike both, NFL is a steriod-ridden, stop every 10 seconds rugby-rip off violent joke of a game.And Rugby is just boring.all IMo of course..

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Rugby - Sick guys, no padding means your feeling 100% force of a tackle and when your tackling you aint got sh*t to protect you either so your going in without fear due to your own mental strength aswell as physical. NFL - Not as sick imo, Padded up completely + the fact there taking mad steriods so they are bigger but the padding just changes it all, with the padding on you can go into a tackle with next to no fear of injuring youself so your gonna go into the tackle harder, and getting tackled your padded up, dont feel nearly as much force as you would without the padding. I think being padded up outweighs the fact that they are bigger in size, the main reason they get so big is linked to them being protected with the padding. I think rugby is raw compared to NFL, clear reasons why NFL players hit harder but rugby players are sicker. Im sure i would feel safer being hit by someone with a tackle if im covered in padding than i would without the padding on and same goes for if i was tackling someone aint gotta worry about injurin myself wearing that padding but without it on injurin yourself while tackling lingers in the back of your mind alot more.

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for all the guys sayin they are padded up think about it like thisthey are padded up and they still get broken ribs collar bones shoulder bladesand get their spinal cords torn to shredsthey hit harder the impact is far greater cos they are bigger and move quicker its more explosivelol at thinking a rugby man could deal with a 6 ft 4 22 stone man who can run 100m 11 secs and is 4 % body fat

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Guest haze-e

If mandem werent wearing all the padding in NFL there would be alot of deaths in the game.In Rugby your running at the defenders so you have alot of time to brace yourself for the collision. in NFL someone could dash you the ball... and you could get taken out, from behind, while in the air. Imagine yourself getting hit by a big ass nigga in the situation.You'd be f*cked alie. I say NFL.

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lol @ needing steriods in whatever sport your doing- taking steriods = fail
lol @ thinking explosive power + size + strength is steroids.You're getting mixed up with NFL and WWE bruv.And btw its not easy being padded up, attendted my first training session earlier this year and i had to get used to the weight of all that protective gear while running.
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You say all that, but as more money gets invested into Rugby, more of the players are also that size and that fast. Just look at some of the South Pacific islanders playing Rugby. Huge monsters who are lightning fast.
you know those pacific islanders are in the nfl too right?capt.jpg
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The top tiers of both sports will have comparable athletes in terms of speed, size, etcNFL is stop-start. When the action is paused, players have time to re-gather their energy, so the game occurs in short bursts with such explosive force. Hence they are colliding with unimaginable ferocity. The average hit in the NFL is equivalent to sprinting 10 yards, from a standing start, full-acceleration, into a tree (the average hit). Think about what the grislier hits would feel like.In rugby union, the game is more fluid, so players are running for a lot longer, and wrap tackles are the norm. Obviously there are brutal hits in rugby also, but generally, the tackle is not as vicious as the big impact plays in American football. It's the endurance demands in rugby that are killer - playing without pads, you sprint, tackle, get tackled, ruck and scrum all game long, get trampled on and clawed and battered from start to end. Different games with different skill sets. But the hits in American football are harder than at the equivalent level in rugby.

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lol @ needing steriods in whatever sport your doing- taking steriods = fail
lol @ thinking explosive power + size + strength is steroids.You're getting mixed up with NFL and WWE bruv.And btw its not easy being padded up, attendted my first training session earlier this year and i had to get used to the weight of all that protective gear while running.
lol @ me not saying they are all taking steroids and you going on like i did SMH. and i will say it again 'lol @ needing steriods in whatever sport your doing- taking steriods = fail' because its f*ck*ng true. i never said it was easy being padded up- easy and easier are two different things. f*ck sake going on like i said all NFL players take steroids, are waste because they use padding. not getting nothing mixed up ATALL.maybe i should work it differently lol @ (certain people) needing steriods in whatever sport your doing. BETTER?
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lol @ needing steriods in whatever sport your doing- taking steriods = fail
lol @ thinking explosive power + size + strength is steroids.You're getting mixed up with NFL and WWE bruv.And btw its not easy being padded up, attendted my first training session earlier this year and i had to get used to the weight of all that protective gear while running.
lol @ me not saying they are all taking steroids and you going on like i did SMH. and i will say it again 'lol @ needing steriods in whatever sport your doing- taking steriods = fail' because its f*ck*ng true. i never said it was easy being padded up- easy and easier are two different things. f*ck sake going on like i said all NFL players take steroids, are waste because they use padding. not getting nothing mixed up ATALL.maybe i should work it differently lol @ (certain people) needing steriods in whatever sport your doing. BETTER?
What does steroids have to do in this thread?lol @ you thinking im going mad because you said they're all juicin on roids.
the fact there taking mad steriods so they are bigger
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^LMFAO/SMH @ that
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well obviously i dont mean all of them f*ck*ng hell talk about taking it literally to the letter. Taking steroids makes u bigger if you working out which they are, some of them take them - my point and it is right. lol again @ you going on like i said they all take steroids. what does steroids have to do with this thread - some american footballers take them and it will affect size hence affecting gameplay for more people than just themselves. Asif this even f*ck*ng matters jeez.

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