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Everything posted by morninghasbroken

  1. Oh hang on - maybe I would like to be able to teleport myself to anywhere and also teleport anything I was holding?But I'd also like a trained monkey. And a bath full of hot olive oil to bathe in. Ah f*ck it, I have to have the 1,000,000 wishes there are too many things I want. I want hair that grows when I press a little button on the back of my head so I can change it all the time. And a magic pen that can suck out your fat bits and put them back in other places so you could have massive boobs one day and a big bum the next. And the power to rewind time - I would do stuff like rape and pillage and then rewind so they don't actually die or get raped. And I'd like to be able to fly. And also jump really far in one step.
  2. Damn it, I thought I was special because I'd seen her
  3. Ooh or a unicorn. I wish that.Flying unicorn please.
  4. I'd wish for another million wishes please :DIf not - probably loads of money.
  5. "that guy" is the main one, has anyone ever seen him?
  6. Hart Beat was the original - with Tony Hart. Youtube it.Brilliant.
  7. LMFAO @ that Donald guy from Britians Got Talent. Classic. I want to put a baby pic up.... tonight!!
  8. LMFAO @ I thought you were Scottish!!!!LLLLMMMFFFAAAAOOOO(Was that supposed to be a joke?)
  9. i dont like this it isnt as moisturising for some reason It is less moisturising, the cocoa butter was too greasy for my poor white skin.
  10. SmArt was wicked. Not as good as Art Attack though or Hart Beat with Morph. But RIP though.
  11. Jodie looks sweet, its just a bit bent because she took a picture of a picture!
  12. I noticed more the change in consistancy than smell. But yes, it has changed. I like Palmers Shea Butter, green bottle.
  13. I'm always moving/doing something.Nervous energy.Hummm.... maybe my love for you would overcome how much that stuff annoys me.
  14. Those overly hyper people who have to tap their foot constantly. CHILL THE f*ck OUT.
  15. Ahhh condoms, I see. *Cancels sign up to rape forum*
  16. Thats what I thought.So do they hurt themselves? Or carry lube?I wonder if I could ask on a rape forum without getting sacked?
  17. Yes thats exactly what they do, stag beetles get stuck in peoples hair, they are notorious for it, they do it all the time.I love this humour. Great.
  18. Don't you reckon raping someone would hurt your willy?Or do you reckon they carry lube?
  19. Sweetboy thought definately. I bet you get away with murder with those eyes!!
  20. LOL BANG HER!I think its the sideburns and the pout. Maybe its just that pic.
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