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Everything posted by jordon

  1. Did you call them yardies too? How does that work? "Sup yardie"? "That one needs a hoover yardie" Needless to say, I didn't.
  2. Ghetto car wash! Worked alongside yardies for £70 a week.
  3. VLC is prob one of the best out there.
  4. I subscribed ages ago and just thought it was a good team. Then I think I saw the link to the forum in the channel.
  5. fuuuuuuuuu-king xbox servers aint working on any game I put in now. Got in one game on CoD 4 and that's about it.
  6. Yeah, mine is freezing too. I think it's a locaiton thing. Some are working, some are not. Give it time everyone is saying.
  7. The patch is out but it wont update cos of some network error. Can't access the game at all atm.
  8. .If you man are having a FFA lobby or whatever can I get an invite?Ninjaa Pro
  9. Yeah the playlists are there, you can go in them but it wont put you in a game, just matches you with players then closes the lobby.
  10. Timezones I think. Looks they're going for the full GMT -12.
  11. 12? I was counting down to midnight like a d*ckhead and nothing dropped lolz.How'd you know they're dropping at midday?
  12. sh*t is that a virus? i keep gettin this message, then when i go to update my avast it dont update, That message itself is not a virus. The actual virus poses as Windows Security Alerts as well as spamming fake scans (finding like 84 trojans - yeah right), sometimes blocking internet access and trying to get you to purchase the fake anti virus software. Spybot S&D has it in its database. This a common virus so everyone should have Spybot saved to their hard disc imo.
  13. Clearly it's psychological defense mechanisms.
  14. Get spybot s&d then, not AVG. Spybot has this virus in its database and I use it on this one a lot. Don't have a RS link for it though mate.
  15. There's one here http://www.megaupload.com/?d=17WGG0D6 What type of virus is it though? If it's that Windows security alert one then you could use that to get rid of it quick time. If it is I'll link that.
  16. Good job guys. Your Fifa vids are the reason I registered to this forum
  17. Black Panthers didn't give a political sh*t about homosexuality, most blacks in California then hadn't as they were sincere about their own situation. One thing I've noticd in this thread is that people seem to think that there is a fine line between homosexual and non-homosexual. Some research suggests sexuality occurs on a contiuum http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heterosexual-homosexual_continuum As for preventing procreation; well, it obviously hasn't done that and doesn't stand a chance versus other human traits such as greed and violence which lead to starvation. Regardless, perfection in survival is not needed in evolution.
  18. Is that your GT? That's a bloody good GT if it is.
  19. Bring your voice out more. Needs to be louder than the game.
  20. Got a text today, some guy offering to swap a Nokia N900 brand new etc. so I copy pasted his number and saw all this sh*t he has for sale on different sites. Probably does credit cards. I got no problem buying cheap laptops coz they don't get cut off or barred, but top end phones can so I'm wondering whether the phone will be cool being aquired this way. Can the phone company still bar it?
  21. lrn2recognizetrollz.
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