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The Flyest

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Everything posted by The Flyest

  1. this ep was very sexual
  2. I've seen how you look. f*cksake somebody hold me
  3. so if u shot an rpg at point blank rage into a wall it would still explode i would have thought it didnt have enough time to build that kinda velocity
  4. robb starks wife is dangerous
  5. what would happen if he shot that rpg it wouldnt explode would it? just konk the guy in the head with force
  6. think i should have read the thread before giving kane that c/s
  7. but then his ctu boys would prob come as back up
  8. how many times has jack been captured and tortured fam dex would have on the table ready to get chopped up
  9. if jack bauer and dexter had to kill one another who would survive? dexter is too smart
  10. 1:21 MAN DID NOT FLINCH FAK I should have become a pilot
  11. The Flyest

    Di hidden bangers

    eff it gonna do a radio show with all the 90's pop nostalgic bangers
  12. care not what you man say about him stalley makes excellent music
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