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Everything posted by underwriter

  1. fuck morning gym people who do that are just weird in the head
  2. im feeling cami li now my gawd she is bloody sexy
  3. theres more laboour than conservatives in UK so based on that labour should always win
  4. super trol lmfaoooo / but what did he say was wrong tho? nothing ffs... he said whats wrong with looking at girls asses all this feminism gone wild ffs ffs ffs
  5. perez gets 10 points from me for saying what he said well done geeza 10/10
  6. there are different aspects of people who like to get into this people who do it for fun people who do it because in their eyes theres always a negative (in relation to a positive) people who
  7. that chinatown area/strip never really thought or felt to actually go there and get chinese food lol... amount of times i pass it when up shaftesbury avenue but now i will make a mission to buy x4 bbq pork bun rolls r u mad
  8. BILLIONAIRES PARADISE: INSIDE NECKER ISLAND http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b04xngtp/billionaires-paradise-inside-necker-island RICH, RUSSIAN & LIVING IN LONDON http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b04xndwl/rich-russian-and-living-in-london
  9. do you think voting makes a difference? do you think they actually care for 'our votes'? do you think there is a back office who will rig the votings and make it someone other than another?
  10. its funny because when i heard that littleman all those moons ago i thought it was a lighty... built this image in my head of her of what she looked like and everything
  11. lkjhghjjhygtfghjbjiuoigygjhjhiju8y7tft6yg6f8y
  12. i will go there i will i swear
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