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So, you're going to uni?

John Galt

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what courses does one take to become a stock broker??
you dn't need a degree to become a stock broker, however it is becoming increasingly common for a stockbroker to have one, these degrees are most often either economics or law, sumtimes both.
Law is not "favoured" upon. Any numerate degree will suffice.
and i really dn't recall typing that law was "favoured upon", but rather that it was becoming increasingly more common as a choice of degree among stock brokers.
Nope. If your trying to talk about people who work in the M&A Compliance department of Investment Banks then you may be on to something. You hardly get Lawyer brokers or traders.
lol yur funny. so your trying to say that my statment, "that law is becoming increasingly more common as a choice of degree among stock brokers" is wrong. Do you have a list containing the degree and location of every stock broker in the uk?If you dn't then i fail to understand how you would be able to say my comment is incorrect.
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the govt didnt devalue skills trades imo, people did. people still do. the govt maybe hasnt encouraged skills but cant see how its devalued it.
To not promote onething but to encourage something else is to be neglectful, to continue this is to devalue it.In anycase the majority of people (especially poorly educated) form their opinion based on what they are told.If they are told that their children will need qualifications thats what they will inturn tell their kids.This is how you get so many people doing Media studies in the 1st place, because their parents urge the importance of a higher education and children end up going to Uni not knowing what they really want to do but going anyway to please parents.
so its something that shouldve occured B4 going to uni then.. career counsellors and all that. in todays global economy higher education IS important, england being where it is, and the fact that british born and resident graduates also have about 1billion other graduates across the world also able to compete in your own country for a job, only england and the US are in this situation so its quite needed. vocational skills are needed but are not the backbone of the british economy, the financial sector and subsectors that come along with it like telecomms and IT are.
Was gona mention that actually, the majority of careers officers are useless.The rest your point is true but isnt there surplus of I.T students aswell?
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another thing about the whole snobbishness of these new courses is that the people who snub them lack foresight. these are the same people who wouldve been snubbing people taking computer science 15 yrs ago instead of a 'real course' like engineering, the same ones who then snubbed those doing information systems instead of computer science, the ones who snubbed people doing multimedia instead of information systems.they lack foresight in a dynamic world. the journalists hankering on about these mickey mouse degrees probably studied classics, latin or history of art themselves, but bcos it was at a redbrick uni..now they look down on others. sometimes you get professors making these claims as well..so they get a bly. but.. there is a need for these courses, or to go to uni in a general sense. bcos you can draw on a number of skills (hopefully) that will be needed in future.p.s. there may be a surplus of IT students, but not a surplus of really skilled ones, for that there is a shortage. but an IT graduate from britain is also competing with any other IT graduate from the EU 1st of all, and those from developing countries..theres so many different IT areas so there isnt a surplus

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seems like alot of people are catching feelins about media getting gunned.At the end of the day it depends on how you view university. Is it just a life experiance? Is it an investment??i saw it as both, remember that you are PAYING for this degree, the money aint free just cos you got a loan, it will be getting paid back at a later date, and there is interst on it after a certain amount of years.I saw it as costing me 18k to get a degree so for that money i need to maximise the earnings that i get as a direct result of having that degree as opposed to not having it. But to be honest even with a degree in economics from a good uni, id stil choose entreprenurship over employment. Life isnt all about monetary gain and social status from worknig in a certain fieldWhy not go and open a business, be creative actually test urself in the world rather than rely on a monthly handout thats gets so many deductions before you even get ur hands on it. In a wway i feel like uni was a bit pointless cos im not looking to go and work as an employee for someone else but at the same time had i not gone to uni then i wouldnt have been exposed to the experiances that shaped my way of thinknig that i have now. So i guess everything happens for a reason.My advice is to just go out and enjoy yourself find a field ur interested in and explore it, there is no substitute for life experiance.

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I'm 18, just finished college with a BND. I'm taking a year out to go to college again to redo my Maths or English.My main goals are to have an education (degree) as a back up plan incase my other goal (dream if you want to call it) flops.So ...I'm thinking of doing a PR degree for next year at Uni, still not sure.But what you know/think about a degree like this (just be plain honest like you all were)?

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people will always catch feelings if their craft or course is gunned im included in thishowever i also feel that the people gunning have been catching feelings from day cos maybe they thought only THEY was capable of going uni and excelling in that bracket and MAYBE thought that they would be the king of the world by graduation. One thing i know is that back in the day not so many people were going uni now loads are while it devalues it somewhat thats not a bad thing cos you still learn certain skills from going uni that you never knew before no matter what course it may be.if everyone went uni it would mean less but peoples way of life and thinking and WORK would change as people would be more motivated (that cant be bad can it?) i mean how much of you would prefer for YOUR child to go to a good school or even a private one? what you gotta remember is as minial as some of this courses are on an individual basis if the right combination of graduates got together im sure they could be able to do something in terms of business (if they have that drive and dont wanna be people that wanna do sh*t all by themselves) but like most graduates once they pass they just think of themselves being better then the next person rather then thinking how much use they could be to someone else that is a graduate and vice versa, some big boy entrepreneurs could come out of good networking from these courses (dont ask me which ones) but most aint prepared to actually go through the struggle of low pay after graduating in STARTING a business as most wanna WALK in to a job that pays in excess of 38 grand just because they have a degree (this is why people end up in jobs like the council or bt etc cos its a good as they gonna get).end of the day its just a course and if ya on VIP FORUMS talking bout courses in such a corporate manner maybe its time you ask ya self what have you done with ya life cos i cant see why such qualified individuals have time to talk like THIS on here when they probably send more vip pms then emails to their own tutors.

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the thing is all this talk is gonna lead to is bare man that went to uni that are getting less then some asian down the road that your still trying to argue with about how much money he put on ya oyster card.internet uni snobbery is just silly.i mean how hard is it to actually make moves after ya graduating cos for some of you i think coming on vip trying to be little people on the internet about achievements is just more appealing and YOU are the people that only gain an ego and snobbish attitude.the only ONE person that I THINK out of all of vip is actually doing something rather then talkin is streets as we dont see him much.i aint graduated so i can talk like this but if you graduated and ya here giving it all the odds its time to start ya own business or apply to be a lecturer where you can get paid to BANTERif ya going uni = you are making moves as you obviously dont want to be a bum cos your paying for itITS THAT SIMPLE

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LOL @ Streets being the only person who is actually doing anything.
I think they meant who didn't go to uni and is still doing something.If they didn't then LOL, too.Thing is what does streets actually do? He works at 1xtra, but how prominent is his role? Nobody actually knows, aside from him.
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LOL @ Streets being the only person who is actually doing anything.
im most probably wrong but he is the only one i can REMEMBER im sure there are others but i forgot them as they aint here to show off.i mean we all know how established and accomplished mr ***** **** is dont we? seeing as he is killing this thread by talking to himself and repeating what bare man said already in this thread but with better use of englishn (just to seem that little bit more educated) and words no one on VIP gives a f*ck about.joke is aint said his name but you KNOW who it isTHAT SPEAKS VOLUMES....................................... biggrin.gif ill say this thoughtitan seems like he is doing well in terms of how he feels bout HIMSELF and to me thats the most important thing.disclaimer-when i went uni i was paying for that with my own CASH MONEYand im still doing that this time around
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The whole point of getting student loan is that the govt are saying you're gonna be useful to us in the future, so we are gonna help you now.
That was true of the Grant back in the day.Not the loan tho, they aint taking an L on the loan, you have to pay it back.
cuz your paying back like £10 a week for the rest of your life and interest is set at the rate of inflation so they're not even profitting. The govt/economy would be better off if they just had all this money stacked somewhere or put into something more useful.IMO if you aint doing a traditional/useful course you should have to pay more for it, or show some kinda evidence that you've actually got a plan for the future where the course is a stepping stone. Otherwise you should have to foot the majority of the bill yourself or pay some interest rates, so you're actually motivated to do well.
nonsensewhy should we all be TRADITIONAL and who says we shouldif its truly a ting of it being USEFUL to ECONOMY it should be free then ennit cos them skills would be helping the ones PAYING for it to be free for us to do in the first place and lets not forget ya STILL GONNA BE PAYING TAX
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cap cap please for once lets not argue as this topic is the one time you can actually say something of real substance for a lot of people and im confident you can do this today my statement prooves you are wasting ya time otherwise, okay fam? if the cap fits wear itbless
ahh shut up. you mentioned me baitly even though you tried to be sly why u mentioned me i wonder, nothing i posted in the thread relates to any of the bullshit you were trying to put by. secondly, there was nothing i mentioned that was against people studying these courses called 'mickey mouse' degrees as i infact defended them, but you are that stupid so you will tapdance to any tune just to make you look like you're putting a point across, the same streets you say is the only one doing stuff is the same person you constantly cussed on rwd ABOUT what he's doing or his degree, i also find it weird that it all of a sudden seems that you're attending uni when you have been peter thatchelling non uni goers rights all the time ive known you to post.hurry along 'fam' ur just an immature fool considering your age and responsibilities. not that anyone doesnt know this
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