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Evian Water


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there's actually more microbes in bottled water than there is in tap - therefore tap water is actually purer, i saw sum bar once on the TV that sold water from different parts of the world, like japanese rain water. u gotta be a top d*ckhead to buy them things.

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i heared on the radio a guy say the water tasted so clean that it was creamy...sure it wasn't from a test tube...
and thats evidence that corporations get the water from mountains rather than filter tap water in there own ways?Come off it.Im telling you things like macdonalds n microwaves are part of the reason for high rise in cancer statistics in the past 10 years.
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Fluoride decreases IQ and also lowers sperm count.
it actually stops your mind from functionining properly in terms of you wont be able to link your mind together well like use logic n common sense as a combination.I.Q is just some government word for "take a test of sh*t we test u on in life to see if your clever"..ultimately it is bollocks.
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yeah that and the fact they put chemicals in it which are extremely mind effecting like they trigger emotions n limit imagination n sh*t like that. All these water companies are f*cked n work with pharmaceutracals n other people.
the Chinese created artificial clouds thousands of years ago, our clouds must me f*cked
Yeah all the information has been put into action nowadays and a corporation called HAARP is responsible for controlling our weather n manipulating it they do it for soldiers during war, make it rain so it gives them cover by putting crystals in the air.
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funny how fluoridation of water only takes place in the poorest areas... also funny how there is no sustainable proof that fluoride improves the condition of your teeth... funniest of all is the fact that fluoride is listed on the Poison Act of 1972 as a toxic substance which can actually be the cause of damage to teeth and bones...

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funny how fluoridation of water only takes place in the poorest areas... also funny how there is no sustainable proof that fluoride improves the condition of your teeth... funniest of all is the fact that fluoride is listed on the Poison Act of 1972 as a toxic substance which can actually be the cause of damage to teeth and bones...
yeah i wasnt aware of it being in the poison act of 1972 doesnt surprise me in the slightest, it was also recorded being used in Nazi Germany on The jews.
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