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Getting stoped by police


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Guest Removal Man
Ok I ran out of weed yestaday so I called my dealer I had not picked up from him 4 couple of months coz i had a few ounces what my fam gave me ne how I told man to meet me in the park BTW this was 1:00 am at night (yes I am a cat if I dont smoke weed I can not sleep at night) ne how I was in the middle of the park and I see the fed car driving into the park and coming up to me I knew I was clean etc. When these guys started questioning me they come with some bullshit about have i come to shoot up heroin oir smoke crack in the park I was thinking to myself if this guy wernt an officer he would not be so brave to run that talk try and suggest I am addicted to crack bun that talk. Then they said what am I doing in the park late at night I told them I was feeling depressed and needed to have some time and make myself one with nature (yes I was talking like some charged on coke) f*ckers then told me some guy got mugged and that Im a suspect so they searcxhed me found nothing man went through my wallet checking bank cards asking my name. Battyman put his hand down my pant justifing it saying people hide weapon down there some gay shite man tried violate me. Ne how they done a check I came back fresh they went on their way after they told me the person wenrnt mugged he had an epiletiuc fit I lived with a guy for 2 months who was epiletic when they have a fit u can tell u dont think the person has been mugged pricks I started to get paranoid and started to think my dealer would think man tried set him up so I walked round the park heard a whistle went to it it was my man he said he saw what happened and we were blessed got my green end of.The f*ckry ting now is when I was going back home I pass 2 crack hot spots whichj are bait man shootin the sh*t on road one of them stinkin jamacians asked me if I wanted to buy some I told him I was blessed and he left me alone. Why dont the police stop these guys they are selling crack openly on the street. I was just coching in a park 1 in the morning minding my own buisness.I have never been caught with green what happens if they catch it on you?Note: I never clocked the dad in ugly betty (not bettys dad her bosses) is Jim robinson from neighbours (how ramdom
lol at the jim robinson point at the end of all that
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i been caught once wid jus a bit less than 1/8s, billin up in central on sum back roads on a saturday night. bad idea, but i jus sed i was 18 (i was 17) and showed em a fake ID n got away wiv a caution.never been caught in ends, im to good for dat. everyman will jus do sum olympic duss thru the backroads n alleys, its nuffin.had bare close calls, on trains wid big bits like Q or more, moretime its one hed gettin stopped for not havin a ticket.NEVER got any attention wile i was shottin, which is jokes since i got stopped bare times wen i was jus rollin wid a percy.

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on a real, they cant do sh*t IF ur over 18 and u have an 1/8s or less.if ur under 18 u could get taken to the station, or if u have more than a 1/8s u can get dun for intent to supply, depends how they feeling.TIPS: dont be shook, talk to dem like polite adults, speach it and u shud be fine/they wont be as hard on you. if u act shifty and rude u will get f*cked over.

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I was caught with weed 3 times back in the day.Once in a blockwe saw then come in as we were billin a zut and the person that had it chucked it on the floor.The feds obviously saw ittried give us the whole "if you don't tell us who it is we'll arrest all of you"everyone kept their mouth shutthey couldn't do anything
the amount of times i seen man dash their weed in the block/out the window/under the car/into a crak in the wall.....EVERYTIME its jus bait it gives me joke lol.and nobody says sh*t to the feds they jus get vex smellin the dank.i see youngers goin thru dat phaze now, brings back memories. but it pisses me off wen i see dem rollin around wid der forms they got from the police for watever reason and acting like they super pissed but they jus fussin to make a point of the form, and show it off to their bredins cos dey all new to dat ting.
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Yeh they wont leave me alone. Last week I was stopped and searched for no apparent reason.But last summer I was stopped like 40 times lol. 20 times for terrorism biggrin.gif One of the times I got stopped, the flippin policeman walked up to me all explaining the procedure and he seemed cool so I thought okay, let him search my bag and my jacket and they searched all over and over for like 10 minutes.I grew inpatient and asked them angrily to give my stuff back. They all try start swet-talking and commenting on the jollof rice in the container in my bag lol

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i got caught with 2 8ths and 2 rolled zoots. the fed told me to give one bag to my bredrin so i only had an 8th and to give him a zoot and it was all live. gave him a zoot and he walked off happy cos he made a spliff and im happy cos i still got 2 8ths and a rolled zoot

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