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Chelsea complain about anti-semitic chants


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Chelsea are complaining about their fans making anti -semetic chants aimed at new "boss" Grant during their dull 0-0 draw with Fulham on Saturday. What is ironic is that they failed to do anything for years when Chelsea would often make gas chamber noises and so on whenever they would play Spurs.Notice the wall of silence from Chelsea then and now hear them complain. Disgraceful and just compounds my and most other fans view of them.Self proclaimed biggest team in the world with 24,000 turning up for a Champions League match. Pathetic.

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Ok.Do a lot of Jeweish fans go Spurs games?I've always thought the Yid thing was strange, cos its as controversial as nigger.
Yep, as far as im concerned it's a racist term and i wont use it, not even again Tottscum. Never even herd of the word until you lot (no1 in particular) spoke about it and joked about it in RWD days.Where does the word come from, why is it offensive?
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There are more Jews that i know of, that are arsenal fans.BUT, i still see a couple orthodox Jews kicking around WHL from time to time.Basically the reason we use, or call ourselfs Yids, goes back to the 60's and 70's. The Tottenham borough has a lot of synagogues in it, so naturally back then alot of Jews went to watch their local club. This then prompted, in particular, Chelsea and West Ham fans to call our fanbase, Yid cunts, Yiddish mugs etc. So basically we countered this and began calling ourselfs Yiddos, Yids etc. hence now Yid Army.Turned what was used against us, to our advantage by using it ourselfs. And now the term and the club go hand in hand, i know the board and a couple Jewish bases in London arnt happy, but you cant stop 36,000 fans singing it. The mob rule at the end of the day.

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