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RaRe UnO.

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Everything posted by RaRe UnO.

  1. RaRe UnO.

    disliking uni

    stop whinging.. thers alot worse things in life u could b hating.
  2. mad in love right now.. quite a scary feeling though.
  3. more power for fights if needed.. plus for the girls odviously.
  4. embarresin for himself fully there.... L mans a top prik.
  5. Shocking change... but i would still fuk it just to say that i've fuked britney spears.
  6. lol looks like he's stuck to the floor.
  7. lol na.. walcotts time to shine soon.
  8. saha and van persie would b sik.
  9. i recon him and downing must of had a little fling at middlesborough of summit. Dunno wat to think about alan smith, wat has he done to deserve a place.
  10. 31) People who don't drive slam car doors too hard. lol to true.
  11. i think if i had my dad in my life i wouldnt of made half the mistakes i have. Dads r needed in a young mans life.
  12. I don't know, I know thats where they come from before a certain member went to jamaica.Therefore, most people with my last name live around that area. sum cider making yolkels.
  13. thats just woman bruv... they moan alot.
  14. the new rennovation plans for the nou camp look too much.
  15. RaRe UnO.


    drum and bass raves aint the 1 on nye. like the guy above said gettin tickets to a bar/pub is the 1. followed by a afta party at sum1's house.
  16. initi'd hate it if my kid or neice/nephew turned out like thaton the bright side it would b a good little earner though from freek shows, films and wat not.
  17. see that yesterday.. sik. it should b put down.
  18. RaRe UnO.


    be the first one to fuk her wen she turns 16 and she will love u foreva. trust me.
  19. skepta - reggaewiley - avengerwonder - watrapid - xtra riddimscorcher - way down the road instroTerror danja - zumpi hunter just a few that spring to mind.
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