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Everything posted by CurryMan

  1. Tbf . Frank Bruno is obviously a sufferer of CTE
  2. I agree. This time..man are talking about actual murders on track and retaliations. Police have every right to get involved and stop people carrying out these crimes promote and monetise off their crimes.
  3. speaking of which whatever happened to VIP2 match?
  4. Walthamstow/Chingford was a bit mad yesterday one guy got slashed in the throat in stow two man got stabbed in the chest in chingford
  5. Catch him at the back of the church....sinnnnnnnnnnns...........psalmsssssssssss etc
  6. whoever made this beat must of been on the juice that day boy
  7. dons really pulled off the training ground free kick loool shit looked like a NFL play
  8. Ona real though. I think this was good for Liverpool as a learning curve. I didn't even think they played bad at all. The found some real good players in taa and Robertson...guys was playing with no fear. Formation is fucked without Salah. Mane or firmino. Can't play 4-3-3 at all. That keeper needs to be on suicide watch coz them two mistakes were howlers. They need to chuck big change for Allison. Mignolet was probably on bench like this Bayu has proved himself though. Real big game player.
  9. CurryMan


    It's a trap. Pusha gonna come with something
  10. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRJn9HyRPRmB292Qy2MuHxw Came across this randomly Production better than certain league football teams youtube stuff
  11. The indies are putting on pressure on WWE majorly. The quality of matches have been better, no restrictions. Bare things I've noticed. Example. WWE come with another UK tournament in the same month REVPRO announced the NJPW event and started booking up UK dons. (Dave MAstiff, Travis Banks, El Ligero etc) obviously the WOS thing....theyre also gonna put Progess & ICW on the network now supposedly.
  12. They need to do the Mal Swimming Lessons Story for this cartoon
  13. weighing in bantamweight....came to the fight welterweight. man are doing dangerous tings for the p
  14. CurryMan


    If not, can you show us the repertoire
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