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Break ups


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When you've been with someone 4/5 years, put your all into it, and it f*cks up, that's what I'm talking about.When you live on your own, and HAVE to do a shitty job you hate just to keep that home.When you don't have the backup of family who are paying for that roof over your head, and cooking your meals, and keeping you fit.These are all the things which you have to consider getting f*ckED UP.That's why people are guarded. Not because they're "not in it".It gets a lot more complicated than a teenage romance which lasts a year or two then fizzles.
Lol you say that like im 15, Im 24 and been in my current relationship for four and a half years. I pay my own bills and cook my own food, and if my relationship did break down, yes i'd be upset but you know what i have responsabilities to myself and to the animals i own to continue living. This is why its not the relationship its the person in the relationship, its also why people who do have hobbies or any type of activity that helps keep there life motivated tend to be more realistic about things, apposed to someone who works eats sleeps for there partner and does not have anything of there own, and there only motivation is there partner. You can't be in a real relationship, unless you know your self worth.
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Guest Esquilax
When you've been with someone 4/5 years, put your all into it, and it f*cks up, that's what I'm talking about.When you live on your own, and HAVE to do a shitty job you hate just to keep that home.When you don't have the backup of family who are paying for that roof over your head, and cooking your meals, and keeping you fit.These are all the things which you have to consider getting f*ckED UP.That's why people are guarded. Not because they're "not in it".It gets a lot more complicated than a teenage romance which lasts a year or two then fizzles.
Can't argue with that reallyI can only speak from experienceWeren't trying to cause any fracasDon't taze me etc
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When you've been with someone 4/5 years, put your all into it, and it f*cks up, that's what I'm talking about.When you live on your own, and HAVE to do a shitty job you hate just to keep that home.When you don't have the backup of family who are paying for that roof over your head, and cooking your meals, and keeping you fit.These are all the things which you have to consider getting f*ckED UP.That's why people are guarded. Not because they're "not in it".It gets a lot more complicated than a teenage romance which lasts a year or two then fizzles.
Lol you say that like im 15, Im 24 and been in my current relationship for four and a half years. I pay my own bills and cook my own food, and if my relationship did break down, yes i'd be upset but you know what i have responsabilities to myself and to the animals i own to continue living. This is why its not the relationship its the person in the relationship, its also why people who do have hobbies or any type of activity that helps keep there life motivated tend to be more realistic about things, apposed to someone who works eats sleeps for there partner and does not have anything of there own, and there only motivation is there partner. You can't be in a real relationship, unless you know your self worth.
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Guest Lisa Turtle
Why oh why do I receive drunk phone calls at 3 in the morn when its been nearly 3 months since we broke up!I just wanna be like...
Shed a tear or two but dont get too crazy Why are you behaving like there aint other fish in the fish bowl
the insanity that occurs after a break up aye...shes still super cut up thats all. It will end eventually.
Do you know how draining it is, and just how much it affects you when something you put your all into goes tits up?How you lost the motivation to do EVERYTHING. Letalone hold your job down?Why do you think people are so guarded after being "hurt"It's coz they know the world doesn't work like that.You can still have an enjoyable and rewarding relationship. But if you let your guard down 100% do the same thing expecting a different response you're an idiot.Also people are too quick now. When you've been together for a good few years, or married, years down the line then yeah, you can kick back abit. People are too quick to get too comfortable then wonder why they're bored/break up.
c/s every single word
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After 4months I'm still affected...sad to say! Doesn't help we are still in contact and I know I should just cut all contact but I dnt wanna :(Like mummy says those who can't hear muss feel!
Why are you still in contact?Surely this is just self-inflicted punishment. /LOGS, she might still be cut up but why does she have to drunkenly phone me?!If I was texting her she would be claiming that I'm messing with her mind, (so I don't text her). When I don't text her its "Oh you never gave a sh*t"/"Facebook statuses- "Did he ever care"/Notes about dumb sh*t. Is there not a age where you emotionally grow up? I sound cold I know,and I probably am, but I was straight up with her and I never lied, she should of appreciated. /Vent
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After 4months I'm still affected...sad to say! Doesn't help we are still in contact and I know I should just cut all contact but I dnt wanna :(Like mummy says those who can't hear muss feel!
aw, takes a while to move on!And ah the contact thing is something i need to cut off man. But same time i hate ending things on bad terms to the point u cnt even say hello etc
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