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Everything posted by tino

  1. what to know how many he bedded or he just enjoys the chase but never taps it
  2. tino

    warez bb down?

    working fine for me , on virgin
  3. http://sony.game.co.uk/?cm_mmc=game-_-brand-_-SonyAnnounceLive-_-mainbanner better than ign broadcast
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W37QoSb6Oms
  5. http://www.returnofkings.com/4898/best-of-the-manosphere-a-note-to-my-son do u agree with the man
  6. i was happy with the illusion, u should have put a spoil alert
  7. why dont u two kiss up amd make up, show the pics of it,
  8. AFGHAN comments are offensive, but sometimes he talks the truth,
  9. Were you born in the 1800s? my mum was visiting her aunt in south africa with me, she was helping my aunt clean the house, how u clean the house that time was different. still is different, u should travel a bit,
  10. on my knees shining the floor with my mum, laughing think i was 3
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