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Everything posted by underwriter

  1. Yep one of the first things he did. She got him good. i cried inside
  2. are guys seriously complaining when theres like 15 working links been posted
  3. underwriter


    he slipped that cruise control on
  4. underwriter


  5. http://mrworldpremieretv.blogspot.co.uk/2014/12/love-hip-hop-season-5-episode-1.html
  6. underwriter


    snakey fukin snake snake snake fuck
  7. http://extratorrent.sitescrack.com/
  8. pretty standard thing you get a tex when you get a voicemail (if thats activated) if not you will see the icon on the top of your phone bar... why is it so difficult to check....??
  9. it says the video is private......................................
  10. underwriter


    i see that on peoples who have like 5000 followers etc
  11. is that not the purpose of school? i dont think he knows what what education means
  12. people who went to grammer and private schools cant complain because they were spoon fed and they dont know the difference as they run the country
  13. i cannot wait to have kids and private tutor them i swear that to god inshallah and out shallah. I asked for tutoring from my mum when i was in secondary school and i remember them saying no (do you know how expensive that is)
  14. from what i can remember that was the same at my school... nothing about careers or uni talk (very very minimal)
  15. explain how you came to that conclusion (3 marks)
  16. 'we all know tinder is a FUCK site... yet girls on there act... a certain type of way
  17. doesnt seem like youve learnt that
  18. Deals of all natures will never make a company lose money? true or false?
  19. Exactly. Sort from that no-one else leaves voicemails. I have one idiot friend that always leaves voicemails. Why are you leaving me a vm in this day and age ffs who does that, some d*ckhead behaviour, cant he just tex you and expect a response?
  20. youve got that ocd as well!!! im like that with ALL apps... dont like seeing numbers on top of my apps or anything... has to be checked
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