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Black prime minister in the uk?


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dreadlock rasta, beg u go cook up some jerk chicken for lunch instead of entertaining that ignorant c*nthow dumb must u be if u can't see a**hole is taking u for some mook and u keep goin at it with himfurthermore ur a mod, do ur f*ck*ng job and french montana beg u stop entertaining him toohaven't u heard of dat sayin don't argue with fools coz ppl from a distance can't tell who is who
A fool that would skool you fassyhole.
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its the same usual cunts that entertain this guy. i dunno if they are trying to show US they are intelligent when infact they are really stupid cos the rest of us knwo that arguing with ashman is waste.when u argue with a mad man you are just as mad, and its worse for you who claims to be sane cos at least we know the mad man's excuse. f*ck*ng cunts jus stfu and go to speakers corner

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Bill O'Reily speaks on Jay-Z and Jeezyhttp://www.worldstarhiphop.com/videos/vide...OotQ85CQT8W2k88Ashman, instead of chatting your ignorant bullshit to people who know better, get paid and speak to like-minded ignorant fools. Bill O'Reilly could be you.
You do not know better because if you walked in my shoes you would understand and see where I am coming from. But you are so pro-black and up your own race that you forget to see things as a human being does. Instead, you just see things as a black man.This makes YOU ignorant tbh.
Didnt read that. Why didnt you answer my previous post about IMF? Bottom of the last page.
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Bill O'Reily speaks on Jay-Z and Jeezyhttp://www.worldstarhiphop.com/videos/vide...OotQ85CQT8W2k88Ashman, instead of chatting your ignorant bullshit to people who know better, get paid and speak to like-minded ignorant fools. Bill O'Reilly could be you.
You do not know better because if you walked in my shoes you would understand and see where I am coming from. But you are so pro-black and up your own race that you forget to see things as a human being does. Instead, you just see things as a black man.This makes YOU ignorant tbh.
Didnt read that. Why didnt you answer my previous post about IMF? Bottom of the last page.
I didn't see it.
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dreadlock rasta, beg u go cook up some jerk chicken for lunch instead of entertaining that ignorant c*nthow dumb must u be if u can't see a**hole is taking u for some mook and u keep goin at it with himfurthermore ur a mod, do ur f*ck*ng job and french montana beg u stop entertaining him toohaven't u heard of dat sayin don't argue with fools coz ppl from a distance can't tell who is who
:lol: :lol: :lol: dreadlock rasta u kno
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its the same usual cunts that entertain this guy. i dunno if they are trying to show US they are intelligent when infact they are really stupid cos the rest of us knwo that arguing with ashman is waste.when u argue with a mad man you are just as mad, and its worse for you who claims to be sane cos at least we know the mad man's excuse. f*ck*ng cunts jus stfu and go to speakers corner
whats this suppose to mean don
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its the same usual cunts that entertain this guy. i dunno if they are trying to show US they are intelligent when infact they are really stupid cos the rest of us knwo that arguing with ashman is waste.when u argue with a mad man you are just as mad, and its worse for you who claims to be sane cos at least we know the mad man's excuse. f*ck*ng cunts jus stfu and go to speakers corner
whats this suppose to mean don
:confused: from when ur even askin, ur in a**hole's league
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White people talking about "struggle" in their own country can f*ck off tbh.
There's truth and untruth to this argument, would reach 25 pages if someone was to kick it off..CUE...
At the end of the day, the white man dominates ALL of the serious/major professions in this country...to the detriment of ALL other races and genders. The only people (that I've come across) that side with the view that whites are oppressed are the uneducated (or late educated) working class white types, that scrounge off benefits, have little to no prospects and who have CHOSEN to live the life they live because they think society owes them something.
But one minute..I just noticed something: "the white man dominates ALL of the serious/major professions in this country"Are you f*ck*ng dumb?Should it be black people that dominate all the major position in this country or something? EVEN THOUGH THEY ARE A CLEAR MINORITY OF PEOPLE LIVING HERE?What is it?You want to go to Iran and complain because you ain't got the top jobs and wealth there?Lets face it. You are power hungry and YOU THINK that every other country OWES YOU something!It's the only reason people are pleased about America. f*ck being President in Africa or Prime Minister of Jamaica.. that ain't good enough.You think that you should have the right to enter another country and dominate it and that's what all this is about. Not equality. It is dominance because you think you are owed. NOT THE WHITE PEOPLE HERE ON BENEFITS BUT YOU!
They may be the figure heads but they dont run their countries. Have you not heard of the IMF for example?And you never address the point. Bladerunners quote is elaborating on why white struggle is a myth
As far as I am concerned, you cannot blame the IMF for the dictatorship and greed of African politicians and all Africans that have sold other Aricans out along the line.I suppose that is "whitey's" fault as well eh?This country has put BILLIONS of pounds into Africa as well as offer our support in food aid and charity and yet you still have the cheek to sit back and slag us off.When did the Arabs ever help you to the level we have? or the Jews?Do you honestly think, white people profited the most out of slavery? remember who abolished slavery. Was it a Jew? Was it an Arab? Was it a rich African that profited through the selling out of his own people?Black people have such A HUGE issue with white people yet it is us that have integrated with you, had children with you, married you and supported your equality movements.Now that you have something, it is not good enough. You want more. Whilst you continue to oppress people like myself that have done f*ck ALL to you, how can you expect my support?Answer that.
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