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Black prime minister in the uk?


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I doubt there will be a prime minister that wasn't white for a long time to come. I also doubt a man who didn't study at certain institutions will ever have a chance of leading this country for a long time, up until a few years ago you had to be BORN into the House of Lords, which shows how un-democratic our democracy can be.
r u serious? if so f*ck right offi swear dem motherf*ckers in da house of lords have power to bring in/take out laws/legislation which govern hw we live and we didn't get to elect them?f*ck off
The House of Lords is the second house of the Parliament of the United Kingdom and is also commonly referred to as "the Lords". The Parliament comprises the Sovereign, the House of Commons (which is the lower house of Parliament and referred to as "the Commons"), and the Lords. Membership of the House of Lords was once a right of birth to hereditary peers, but following a series of reforms the House now consists almost entirely of appointed members. As of July 2008 the House of Lords has 746 members, 100 more than the 646 seat House of Commons
From Wikipedia.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/House_of_lords
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For people who want to know about REAL Black power watch this please
infact we dont even need to watch more than 5 seconds to know that black british power is sh*t when u have to post up a video about american policitics.they have obama, condoleeza rice, collin powell, and even man like 50 and jay z are mainstream pple today who can chat to anyone in power. they have done much more then here so llow showing us FBI files. its the fact that you will NEVER see the MI5 files thats the scary part
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I will be completely honest with you now.Britain>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>America - in terms of politics, in terms of law and in terms of multiculturalism. I have a big problem, and that problem is RACIAL BIGOTS that seem to want everything ONE colour. In particular those that keep hinting and calling for black Prime Ministers etc.I think that if there is to be a black Prime Minister one day, it should not be like this Obama race where people have voted a certain way because of skin colour. It should be because someone has applied for the post and won. That person's skin colour should not have any part in the position of a job.It's quite contradicting really because there is all this talk of people being employed based on their skills and not because of skin colour and now, where there is a high position, it is important for people to want that person to be a particular skin colour.Why is it that a lot black people cry out about these things? What's wrong with a Asian Prime Minister?Why does everything have to be black to make things equal?TRUE equality is when people say "I don't give a sh*t what colour the Prime Minister is as long as he/she is good in his/her role".I actually backed McCain because of all the hype of electing someone due to skin colour. That is not equal.As for this country being more broken and more racist than America? LMFAO that is just jokes. We are far more integrated and accepting on all people of all nationalities and cultures.If there are not many black people in parliament, who's fault is that? You as a person have the right just as any one else to join a party, run for MP and earn your place in the cabinet.Who's fault is it?I come from nothing and I am heading for Parliament. It's not because I am white that I will hopefully get this role. It's because I don't smoke drugs, I don't hang in gangs, I get on with my education and I work tirelessly and give up my time to help people in my borough.Anyone can do it.It was the same with Obama. He didn't TALK THE TALK, he WALKED THE WALK. All this TALK will lead to no WALKING tbh.

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I doubt there will be a prime minister that wasn't white for a long time to come. I also doubt a man who didn't study at certain institutions will ever have a chance of leading this country for a long time, up until a few years ago you had to be BORN into the House of Lords, which shows how un-democratic our democracy can be.
r u serious? if so f*ck right offi swear dem motherf*ckers in da house of lords have power to bring in/take out laws/legislation which govern hw we live and we didn't get to elect them?f*ck off
The House of Lords is the second house of the Parliament of the United Kingdom and is also commonly referred to as "the Lords". The Parliament comprises the Sovereign, the House of Commons (which is the lower house of Parliament and referred to as "the Commons"), and the Lords. Membership of the House of Lords was once a right of birth to hereditary peers, but following a series of reforms the House now consists almost entirely of appointed members. As of July 2008 the House of Lords has 746 members, 100 more than the 646 seat House of Commons
From Wikipedia.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/House_of_lords
Yeah, they were hereditary peers. House of Lords Act 1999 i think? or a year close to it but late 90s nevertheless.
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I will be completely honest with you now.Britain>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>America - in terms of politics, in terms of law and in terms of multiculturalism. I have a big problem, and that problem is RACIAL BIGOTS that seem to want everything ONE colour. In particular those that keep hinting and calling for black Prime Ministers etc.I think that if there is to be a black Prime Minister one day, it should not be like this Obama race where people have voted a certain way because of skin colour. It should be because someone has applied for the post and won. That person's skin colour should not have any part in the position of a job.It's quite contradicting really because there is all this talk of people being employed based on their skills and not because of skin colour and now, where there is a high position, it is important for people to want that person to be a particular skin colour.Why is it that a lot black people cry out about these things? What's wrong with a Asian Prime Minister?Why does everything have to be black to make things equal?TRUE equality is when people say "I don't give a sh*t what colour the Prime Minister is as long as he/she is good in his/her role".I actually backed McCain because of all the hype of electing someone due to skin colour. That is not equal.As for this country being more broken and more racist than America? LMFAO that is just jokes. We are far more integrated and accepting on all people of all nationalities and cultures.If there are not many black people in parliament, who's fault is that? You as a person have the right just as any one else to join a party, run for MP and earn your place in the cabinet.Who's fault is it?I come from nothing and I am heading for Parliament. It's not because I am white that I will hopefully get this role. It's because I don't smoke drugs, I don't hang in gangs, I get on with my education and I work tirelessly and give up my time to help people in my borough.Anyone can do it.It was the same with Obama. He didn't TALK THE TALK, he WALKED THE WALK. All this TALK will lead to no WALKING tbh.
dude get real...if u ddnt go to eton/oxford/cambridge or were a member of the bullingdon etc ...ure not goin nowhere near higher level politics...refer back to my first post...this is a class issue...i reckon the fact that u as a white male(im assuming) hasnt got half a chance of becoming PM if u dnt come from a certain class and havnt been to certain schools is more of a problem than the whole black PM thing.first things first people..address the bigger picture not the little side issues..Peace
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I have a big problem, and that problem is RACIAL BIGOTS that seem to want everything ONE colour. In particular those that keep hinting and calling for black Prime Ministers etc.I think that if there is to be a black Prime Minister one day, it should not be like this Obama race where people have voted a certain way because of skin colour. It should be because someone has applied for the post and won. That person's skin colour should not have any part in the position of a job.
It would be a beautiful thing to see a man get voted into power with zero regard for the colour of his skin. But we're a far way away from that day.
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I will be completely honest with you now.Britain>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>America - in terms of politics, in terms of law and in terms of multiculturalism. I have a big problem, and that problem is RACIAL BIGOTS that seem to want everything ONE colour. In particular those that keep hinting and calling for black Prime Ministers etc.I think that if there is to be a black Prime Minister one day, it should not be like this Obama race where people have voted a certain way because of skin colour. It should be because someone has applied for the post and won. That person's skin colour should not have any part in the position of a job.It's quite contradicting really because there is all this talk of people being employed based on their skills and not because of skin colour and now, where there is a high position, it is important for people to want that person to be a particular skin colour.Why is it that a lot black people cry out about these things? What's wrong with a Asian Prime Minister?Why does everything have to be black to make things equal?TRUE equality is when people say "I don't give a sh*t what colour the Prime Minister is as long as he/she is good in his/her role".I actually backed McCain because of all the hype of electing someone due to skin colour. That is not equal.As for this country being more broken and more racist than America? LMFAO that is just jokes. We are far more integrated and accepting on all people of all nationalities and cultures.If there are not many black people in parliament, who's fault is that? You as a person have the right just as any one else to join a party, run for MP and earn your place in the cabinet.Who's fault is it?I come from nothing and I am heading for Parliament. It's not because I am white that I will hopefully get this role. It's because I don't smoke drugs, I don't hang in gangs, I get on with my education and I work tirelessly and give up my time to help people in my borough.Anyone can do it.It was the same with Obama. He didn't TALK THE TALK, he WALKED THE WALK. All this TALK will lead to no WALKING tbh.
dude get real...if u ddnt go to eton/oxford/cambridge or were a member of the bullingdon etc ...ure not goin nowhere near higher level politics...refer back to my first post...this is a class issue...i reckon the fact that u as a white male(im assuming) hasnt got half a chance of becoming PM if u dnt come from a certain class and havnt been to certain schools is more of a problem than the whole black PM thing.first things first people..address the bigger picture not the little side issues..Peace
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For people who want to know about REAL Black power watch this please
infact we dont even need to watch more than 5 seconds to know that black british power is sh*t when u have to post up a video about american policitics.they have obama, condoleeza rice, collin powell, and even man like 50 and jay z are mainstream pple today who can chat to anyone in power. they have done much more then here so llow showing us FBI files. its the fact that you will NEVER see the MI5 files thats the scary part
The UK have much in common with the US as similar tactics are adopted here through out close relationship with certain agencies.You should watch it and learn how the movements back in the day were targeted because real people started to get recognised and respected which meant killing or setting people up.
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For people who want to know about REAL Black power watch this please
infact we dont even need to watch more than 5 seconds to know that black british power is sh*t when u have to post up a video about american policitics.they have obama, condoleeza rice, collin powell, and even man like 50 and jay z are mainstream pple today who can chat to anyone in power. they have done much more then here so llow showing us FBI files. its the fact that you will NEVER see the MI5 files thats the scary part
The UK have much in common with the US as similar tactics are adopted here through out close relationship with certain agencies.You should watch it and learn how the movements back in the day were targeted because real people started to get recognised and respected which meant killing or setting people up.
Marr correctly points out that Jimmy Carter was the first President to be catapulted from obscurity by the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderbergs by Zbigniew Brzezinski and David Rockefeller. He also is correct in that the Reagan Presidency was managed to an extreme by these organizations, as were the first Bush administration (Bush himself was a member of all three), Clinton's (Bill is also a member of all three), George W. Bush (essentially everyone below Bush are members, and most disconcerting, Obama has been stage-managed from 1983 by Brzezinski and others, and is little more than a front man for the Bilderbergs. That's why Bill Clinton became so enraged when he saw the Bilderberg and TC support go to Obama instead of his wife -- she was considered to be less manageable than Obama. Kerry was also a Bilderberg, and indeed, so is Chris Dodd, one of the architects of the mortgage mess and Henry Paulson, the man who will be transferring 700 billion dollars from American taxpayers to his Bilderberg buddies. For those who still have doubts concerning this manipulation, consider the Bilderberg action when the gasoline prices reached $4.00 at the pump and McCain began surging in the polls due to his energy policies. The Bilderbergs took swift action in the oil futures market as only they could do, and three months later, high gasoline prices have been forgotten as an economic issue. Hey, folks, that's control that would be far beyond Hitler's comprehension. does this hold weight ?
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heads saying all this wen we have a working class scot as prime minister
Brown was and is more brilliant than blair ever was tbh...got a scholarship at 16 to go uni (youngest since ww2 times) was prominent in politics etc at his uni went on to lecture then work for tv in scotland etc etc...but wen it came down to it he had to step aside for Blair back in 94..to me that just proves my point even further but yea i get ure point...Brown is one of the very few to fall thru the cracks but if u look at his positioning u might find that it did alot more for england than it did or scotland...in short i think lettin him get to chancellor and him staying there so long was strategic on labours part...just a thought
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ill tell u one thing u aint never gonna see a Asian prime minister
I was just about to say how wierd would it be to have an Asian PM.
theyre ahead of us TBHi swear 7/10 lawyers out here are asian (the ohter 3 being jewish)n thats the ladder u climb to get to politicsunless i gt it totally wrong
Hell no will there ever be an Asian PM.Just won't happen.To be honest, couldn't give a f*ck. White dude will get my vote if he can convince me he is the best man for the job.
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Black people over here are in a comfort zone to go as far as runniing for prime minister.I personally think its the setbacks and the struggles in america that gives the black folk over there the drive to acheive certain goals.. circumstances are diffrerent.I aint sayin sh*t wasn't f*cked over here for black folk. But less hunger due to comfort zone. +I aint seen no black political with that swag to win MY vote anyway.OH yeah! as much as england and the rest of the western world admire the whole obama buisness. Its beautiful to watch but deep down it aint sh*t they will allow to happen over here.......for now

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the UK is roughly 90% white and 10% ethnic so as a GENERAL rule of thumb, 90% of industries should be white with 10% being from ethnic backgrounds. Now what makes me laugh is the only areas where ethnics are OVER-represented are those that don't rely on class such as- football- prison- victims of gun crimeWhereas if you look at class-based industries, ethnics are always under represented-:- horse riding- stock broking- politicsNow I understand the "class doesnt = racism" argument but in my eyes the UK class structure and race goes hand in hand. In the U.S there is a clearly defined "black middle class" which is powerful and is canvassed by goverments. In the UK there is no "back middle class" just the odd black wealthy family. When it comes to how far "our race" has come you just can't compare the two nations.The chief of Kent Police is a good example of how the UK can get it right, but even 3 months ago he was talking about how the UK force is still racist

Racism in police is widespread says Kent’s black chief constableThe UK's most senior black policeman has told the BBC's Panorama programme that racism is widespread across the police force.Kent chief constable Mike Fuller told the prime time documentary, in a programme to be broadcast tonight, that black and ethnic minority officers (BME) "have to work twice as hard to compete". http://www.personneltoday.com/articles/200...lack-chief.html
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but at the same time things like Lewis Hamilton not being made a "sir" while Chris Hoy was shows that the real power movers in the UK aint ready for blacks yet
Lewis Hamilton was never going to be knighted on account of one world championship, especially given his age. If you look at both Nigel Mansell and Damon Hill, both have 1 world championship, both are white but neither are a 'sir'. I believe if Lewis Hamilton goes on to win a host of championships over the next 10 years or so he will be knighted. And Kelly Holmes was made a Dame which is the female equivalent of being made a Sir, so that argumented is void.The rest of what you said was on point tho.
fair point.
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I will be completely honest with you now.Britain>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>America - in terms of politics, in terms of law and in terms of multiculturalism. I have a big problem, and that problem is RACIAL BIGOTS that seem to want everything ONE colour. In particular those that keep hinting and calling for black Prime Ministers etc.I think that if there is to be a black Prime Minister one day, it should not be like this Obama race where people have voted a certain way because of skin colour. It should be because someone has applied for the post and won. That person's skin colour should not have any part in the position of a job.It's quite contradicting really because there is all this talk of people being employed based on their skills and not because of skin colour and now, where there is a high position, it is important for people to want that person to be a particular skin colour.Why is it that a lot black people cry out about these things? What's wrong with a Asian Prime Minister?Why does everything have to be black to make things equal?TRUE equality is when people say "I don't give a sh*t what colour the Prime Minister is as long as he/she is good in his/her role".I actually backed McCain because of all the hype of electing someone due to skin colour. That is not equal.As for this country being more broken and more racist than America? LMFAO that is just jokes. We are far more integrated and accepting on all people of all nationalities and cultures.If there are not many black people in parliament, who's fault is that? You as a person have the right just as any one else to join a party, run for MP and earn your place in the cabinet.Who's fault is it?I come from nothing and I am heading for Parliament. It's not because I am white that I will hopefully get this role. It's because I don't smoke drugs, I don't hang in gangs, I get on with my education and I work tirelessly and give up my time to help people in my borough.Anyone can do it.It was the same with Obama. He didn't TALK THE TALK, he WALKED THE WALK. All this TALK will lead to no WALKING tbh.
dude get real...if u ddnt go to eton/oxford/cambridge or were a member of the bullingdon etc ...ure not goin nowhere near higher level politics...refer back to my first post...this is a class issue...i reckon the fact that u as a white male(im assuming) hasnt got half a chance of becoming PM if u dnt come from a certain class and havnt been to certain schools is more of a problem than the whole black PM thing.first things first people..address the bigger picture not the little side issues..Peace
Please. Do not brush off your negativity on to me. It has nothing to do with class, race and whatever else you want to use in order to spread your own insecurities with life.I can make it and I know I will. Yes, I come from working class background and no I didn't go Cambridge and was not a member of the Bullingdon.. BUT remember this... I do not have to impress rich people or higher tiered politicians. They are a minority. The larger electorate are people like you and me and I know that if I work hard enough in my borough and serve the people, I can get there and it is the same for anyone else.
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I have a big problem, and that problem is RACIAL BIGOTS that seem to want everything ONE colour. In particular those that keep hinting and calling for black Prime Ministers etc.I think that if there is to be a black Prime Minister one day, it should not be like this Obama race where people have voted a certain way because of skin colour. It should be because someone has applied for the post and won. That person's skin colour should not have any part in the position of a job.
It would be a beautiful thing to see a man get voted into power with zero regard for the colour of his skin. But we're a far way away from that day.
Yes, because people are still too proud and have to highlight race every time something good happens, and then when something bad happens, they try to drop it.
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I will be completely honest with you now.Britain>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>America - in terms of politics, in terms of law and in terms of multiculturalism. I have a big problem, and that problem is RACIAL BIGOTS that seem to want everything ONE colour. In particular those that keep hinting and calling for black Prime Ministers etc.I think that if there is to be a black Prime Minister one day, it should not be like this Obama race where people have voted a certain way because of skin colour. It should be because someone has applied for the post and won. That person's skin colour should not have any part in the position of a job.It's quite contradicting really because there is all this talk of people being employed based on their skills and not because of skin colour and now, where there is a high position, it is important for people to want that person to be a particular skin colour.Why is it that a lot black people cry out about these things? What's wrong with a Asian Prime Minister?Why does everything have to be black to make things equal?TRUE equality is when people say "I don't give a sh*t what colour the Prime Minister is as long as he/she is good in his/her role".I actually backed McCain because of all the hype of electing someone due to skin colour. That is not equal.As for this country being more broken and more racist than America? LMFAO that is just jokes. We are far more integrated and accepting on all people of all nationalities and cultures.If there are not many black people in parliament, who's fault is that? You as a person have the right just as any one else to join a party, run for MP and earn your place in the cabinet.Who's fault is it?I come from nothing and I am heading for Parliament. It's not because I am white that I will hopefully get this role. It's because I don't smoke drugs, I don't hang in gangs, I get on with my education and I work tirelessly and give up my time to help people in my borough.Anyone can do it.It was the same with Obama. He didn't TALK THE TALK, he WALKED THE WALK. All this TALK will lead to no WALKING tbh.
dude get real...if u ddnt go to eton/oxford/cambridge or were a member of the bullingdon etc ...ure not goin nowhere near higher level politics...refer back to my first post...this is a class issue...i reckon the fact that u as a white male(im assuming) hasnt got half a chance of becoming PM if u dnt come from a certain class and havnt been to certain schools is more of a problem than the whole black PM thing.first things first people..address the bigger picture not the little side issues..Peace
Please. Do not brush off your negativity on to me. It has nothing to do with class, race and whatever else you want to use in order to spread your own insecurities with life.I can make it and I know I will. Yes, I come from working class background and no I didn't go Cambridge and was not a member of the Bullingdon.. BUT remember this... I do not have to impress rich people or higher tiered politicians. They are a minority. The larger electorate are people like you and me and I know that if I work hard enough in my borough and serve the people, I can get there and it is the same for anyone else.
AND LET ME ALSO ADD...Sure, it may be slightly easier for someone that did go Cambridge because they are surrounded by positive people and are encouraged to learn.They got no one holding them back.People like you and me, we come from boroughs where the next man sitting next to you wants to hold you back and stop you from succeeding.This makes things harder for us, but certainly not impossible.If you ignore the negativity and persevere in your chosen field, YOU CAN MAKE IT!
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I will be completely honest with you now.Britain>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>America - in terms of politics, in terms of law and in terms of multiculturalism. I have a big problem, and that problem is RACIAL BIGOTS that seem to want everything ONE colour. In particular those that keep hinting and calling for black Prime Ministers etc.I think that if there is to be a black Prime Minister one day, it should not be like this Obama race where people have voted a certain way because of skin colour. It should be because someone has applied for the post and won. That person's skin colour should not have any part in the position of a job.It's quite contradicting really because there is all this talk of people being employed based on their skills and not because of skin colour and now, where there is a high position, it is important for people to want that person to be a particular skin colour.Why is it that a lot black people cry out about these things? What's wrong with a Asian Prime Minister?Why does everything have to be black to make things equal?TRUE equality is when people say "I don't give a sh*t what colour the Prime Minister is as long as he/she is good in his/her role".I actually backed McCain because of all the hype of electing someone due to skin colour. That is not equal.As for this country being more broken and more racist than America? LMFAO that is just jokes. We are far more integrated and accepting on all people of all nationalities and cultures.If there are not many black people in parliament, who's fault is that? You as a person have the right just as any one else to join a party, run for MP and earn your place in the cabinet.Who's fault is it?I come from nothing and I am heading for Parliament. It's not because I am white that I will hopefully get this role. It's because I don't smoke drugs, I don't hang in gangs, I get on with my education and I work tirelessly and give up my time to help people in my borough.Anyone can do it.It was the same with Obama. He didn't TALK THE TALK, he WALKED THE WALK. All this TALK will lead to no WALKING tbh.
dude get real...if u ddnt go to eton/oxford/cambridge or were a member of the bullingdon etc ...ure not goin nowhere near higher level politics...refer back to my first post...this is a class issue...i reckon the fact that u as a white male(im assuming) hasnt got half a chance of becoming PM if u dnt come from a certain class and havnt been to certain schools is more of a problem than the whole black PM thing.first things first people..address the bigger picture not the little side issues..Peace
Please. Do not brush off your negativity on to me. It has nothing to do with class, race and whatever else you want to use in order to spread your own insecurities with life.I can make it and I know I will. Yes, I come from working class background and no I didn't go Cambridge and was not a member of the Bullingdon.. BUT remember this... I do not have to impress rich people or higher tiered politicians. They are a minority. The larger electorate are people like you and me and I know that if I work hard enough in my borough and serve the people, I can get there and it is the same for anyone else.
AND LET ME ALSO ADD...Sure, it may be slightly easier for someone that did go Cambridge because they are surrounded by positive people and are encouraged to learn.They got no one holding them back.People like you and me, we come from boroughs where the next man sitting next to you wants to hold you back and stop you from succeeding.This makes things harder for us, but certainly not impossible.If you ignore the negativity and persevere in your chosen field, YOU CAN MAKE IT!
John Major didnt even go to university, became leader of the conservatives and then prime minister around 1990he applied to be a bus driver and floppedit can be done, tony blair succeeded him
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