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Yuppies out


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thts basically wot is was




hes upset theres no posh barbers




Had my locale degentrified (was never a place of genteel tbh)

Used to be a decent working class area, strong Italian community, not many chavs, just working class white and European people, Asians couple Caribs and obviously the odd Africans

Now 3/5 pubs have closed, chicken shops galore, and doosty negroes and asians from further in London have relocated here, the ottoman empire has invaded selling their dead replica Kervans and overpriced furniture shops nobody goes into.

Immigration is only good in moderationI have come to learn, that is real talk.

Couple respactable Asian family to run the corner shop and work in the GP, Turk for the Kebabish, Greek owned mechanics, Jamal the friendly street sweeper, Ghanaian uncle who ships goods abroad, Jewish drycleaners, Italian resteraunt. Good times, worked hard lived decent all said hello on a normal when you saw them, including the majority whites.

Gone :(

Now the local Gregg is closed and bought by Asians, they tried a ting and try make their own sweet shop, it flopped.

Next week I see a table in the shop like its now also a social centre.

Month later I see a counter and kebabs in the windows.

Just want a f*cking gingerbread man.

An the marlis are coming now.

Gotta go man.


dont get your point ?


just sounds like an uncle toms incoherent rant 


dunno who ur callin uncle tom, but im sure it aint CP

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