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Everything posted by morninghasbroken

  1. I like the idea of saying I found it on the internet. I resent an email saying \'Wrong attachment, please see below\"I just hope people haven\'t looked at the first one.
  2. morninghasbroken


    I\'m probably going to get sacked. I\'ve been working on a new advert today for a disabled access door and as a joke made a fake one on paint. Unfortunately, I just sent out that one for approval to about 15 people. No reply as yet. Should I quickly send another one saying sorry or just resend and ignore the mistake?I tried to recall it but that doesnt work does it?
  3. I'm going to Nottingham - where are the best places to go?Thanks muchly.
  4. LMAO thats jokes. Who said all exposures were bad?Although I don't think it did anything other than make my web stats look better. I doubt any of the people from here enquired about an automatic door!
  5. When I have posted where I work. And also the Miss Jay topic where someone posted a link with my work email. lol
  6. I had to do a presentation the other day about our company website and click through stats. More people had clicked through from vip2 than from some of our paid advertising. Power of VIP!My managing director asked what VIP2 was, lol. I said "I think its a search engine"
  7. Yeah, go through. Fatties, gingers, people who wear glasses, speech impediments. I don't discriminate with my abuse.
  8. lolactuallyi kno exactly wot u meanvip2 n 4chan hav warped my sense of humour stupidlyIts true. Luckily i've always had a sick sense of humor and my mates are used to it. RAPE AIDSCANCERINCESTKIDDY FIDDLINGHigh on my acceptable list of topics to joke about.
  9. Yes I do Eric. And I still love you xx
  10. Very nice Jodie. Do you fancy doing me a nice photograph to be blown up big in my flat?
  11. LOLIf I had LINKED Jamal I'd tell you all - no secrets from my VIP2 fam now.Me, him and his weird mate Ash drove around Tottenham shooting people with water pistols. Jamal smoked so much weed he was sick and lay on the floor next to the car for ages then ate £46 worth of KFC. Good times.
  12. I don't know who you are but thanks - I think. It was my own stupid fault really.
  13. Why is that so funny?Daniel won't talk to me, I doubt he'd want me to attend his funeral!
  14. Nah, I don't know anyone well enough.
  15. *Claps Messy*And I love the 'eat my placenta' comment!!!!
  16. LOL JamalIs that picture Fyes??She is HOT.
  17. I'm not getting net at home, spending my spare time on VIP2 @ 26 is not the one. However, while I'm at work I like passing some time on here.
  18. LMFAO - some fake low batty jeans.
  19. That's one of the reasons horses are not cool in the workplace.I'd put a nappy on it. Or just put a cork in its bumbum.
  20. I want a house horse now. Just casually ride it about the office and sh*t, use it to get to the kitchin or turn the tv over.
  21. She deserves a rusty coathanger retaliation.
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