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The Most Disturbing Thing You Have Ever Seen/Witnessed

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Some dude went into the back of a 427 at 80mph in a 350Z... The car wedged under the bus so far the bus was up on two wheels. His arm was hanging out the window still. Blood pooring from the cracks of the door like juice. It stank.

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Guest StabiloBossman

Comin back from Thorpe Park Standing at Staines trainstation sum pisshead was on the otherside stumbling on the platform,could see it comin, he slipped and knocked him self out on one of the rails. Hearing on the P.A "the Next Train On Platform 2 is Not Scheduled To Stop" I was standing there wid my little cousin she was about 9 at the time bare people screaming for help but the train was doing about 80 or 90mph no way it was stoppin the fella started to wake up got up to a crouch position not fully standin and the train basically blew the blood out of him his leg went under the front wheel and got ripped clean from his body and the rest of him ended up across the track killed him stone dead. I fort it was jokes but my little cousin still probly has nitemares...

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So people what are the most disturbing and sickest thing you have ever seen/witnessed on the street or on the television
A man and his son curled up against a wall where solider shot at them, the dad died before the child but you could still see him flinch as the bullets hit his skin while the child held on to his father for his life as the soliders pured bullets into him, both sad, sick and disturbing, i think the screams from the child were the worst thing be for his then died.
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Comin back from Thorpe Park Standing at Staines trainstation sum pisshead was on the otherside stumbling on the platform,could see it comin, he slipped and knocked him self out on one of the rails. Hearing on the P.A "the Next Train On Platform 2 is Not Scheduled To Stop" I was standing there wid my little cousin she was about 9 at the time bare people screaming for help but the train was doing about 80 or 90mph no way it was stoppin the fella started to wake up got up to a crouch position not fully standin and the train basically blew the blood out of him his leg went under the front wheel and got ripped clean from his body and the rest of him ended up across the track killed him stone dead. I fort it was jokes but my little cousin still probly has nitemares...
lolol i would have covered her eyes or suttin seein dat at 9 years old would be bare traumatic
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one night on hols went to sleep had a dream that we was on moterway, me my nan and grandad and mum n dad in the car and the car flipped on a moterway, but we made it out alive though in the dreamthe next day was in the car on the moterway with my mum dad nan and grandad, i had told my dad about the dream n he laughed, so i fell asleep in the car than all of a sudden BAAAM! i wake up and my mums side who is in front passenger seat is lower then the rest and theres sparks n sh*t, my dad pulled the car to the sideturns out a car had crashed into the concrete wall seperating the two moterways (guy crashed from the otherside) and he had thrown concrete slabs onto our side of the road, which we hit and front left tyre went straight away. that was f*cked still, weren't disturbed though, disturbed is a strong word

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Guest StabiloBossman
Comin back from Thorpe Park Standing at Staines trainstation sum pisshead was on the otherside stumbling on the platform,could see it comin, he slipped and knocked him self out on one of the rails. Hearing on the P.A "the Next Train On Platform 2 is Not Scheduled To Stop" I was standing there wid my little cousin she was about 9 at the time bare people screaming for help but the train was doing about 80 or 90mph no way it was stoppin the fella started to wake up got up to a crouch position not fully standin and the train basically blew the blood out of him his leg went under the front wheel and got ripped clean from his body and the rest of him ended up across the track killed him stone dead. I fort it was jokes but my little cousin still probly has nitemares...
lolol i would have covered her eyes or suttin seein dat at 9 years old would be bare traumatic
I was tryin to turn my fone on takin battery out and sh*t
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Imagine if you will:A civil war, ppl running, screaming, soldiers firing, bombs going off, grenades going off, helicoptors etc. As was a lekkle yout I was in there & saw ALOT OF sh*t like ppl getting killed, cut up, dropping dead, blood shed etc.I THANK GOD I'M HERE.

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Guest Durrty Boi

my dad holding a knife to my mums throati was about 3/4, i jus stood there lookinhated him ever since n promised to never raise my hand to a female as long as i liveone of the reasons i dont get angry or argue with people, especially females, coz im afraid its genetic

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my dad holding a knife to my mums throati was about 3/4, i jus stood there lookinhated him ever since n promised to never raise my hand to a female as long as i liveone of the reasons i dont get angry or argue with people, especially females, coz im afraid its genetic
Thats the worst thing for a child...witnessing violence between their parents, i know how you feel its not nice at all!
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Guest Durrty Boi

they all came in by force init?even Kenya didnt have successful elections till like 94 then 2002 n they wer said to be riggedthe recent Ugandan ones are said to have been rigged aswellshits f*cked

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