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Everything posted by Chaser1325356891

  1. I want Ari to stay with Dana, never liked his wife
  2. My views on planking....
  3. Yeah, I'm on there. Loads of recruitment agents and companies constantly looking for people. I actually got my latest job via Linkedin.
  4. I'm down if you lot like my sh*t. What type of genre is this mixtape? What say you of this type of sound? /ezio'> /ezio
  5. Couldn't live without it, I actually pay for more space now.
  6. This man is full of quotables. I expect a youtube video of all of them sometime soon, lol.
  7. As everyone else said, I like it, the synths just need turning down a bit. Apart from that, nice!
  8. I don't understand how Vinny can try talk wicked after that chick overly boyed him off last season.
  9. Sammi held some licks boy. The look on her face as she was holding them, lol.
  10. I thought the video was deliberately meant to look bad. The laying down poses while spitting, the dirty handprinted mirrors etc
  11. Got one friend from school who does it. From what I can see, he is doing very well for himself.
  12. ...and Jeezy's live skills are? fair enough but at least u know wut ur getting with Jeezy This Drake concerts gonna be the biggest anti-climax ever If I had gone, at least half of the money I was paying would've been for J Cole anyway. I'm a Drake fan, I just hope he doesn't spend half the show singing to girls and lipsing female fans on stage.
  13. ...and Jeezy's live skills are?
  14. Ahhhh pissed. I passed back when it was 35 questions. 20 of them I had seen before with the DVD, lol. That was a good test, lol.
  15. Doing a placement year at university is the biggest factor in how I am doing now. I would say everyone should do one.
  16. Wagner Mash up of: Spice Up Your Life - Spice Girls Ricky Martin - Livin' La Vida Loca I already know how that's going to be, lol.
  17. LOL @ me never knowing this. Ok so how do I get customised icons and docks etc for windows. http://rocketdock.com
  18. Naaaaaaaaaaa, they are actually laughing from the window. They are laughing. At Him. From inside his house. Naaaaaaaa, lol.
  19. Man said "please please please"......LOL. Moist. It was so funny seeing Pauly use the phone after him, you just saw the difference in levels.
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