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Everything posted by Grandulous

  1. Exactly . I all made everything smaller incase it was naughty & someone walked by at work.
  2. LMFAOOOOOO! The f*ck, no really THE f*ck?! How can she try say she fell asleep while a needle was going at it on her face for hrs?!
  3. I only come on here while bored @ wk, never in the eve's.If Im 50 & still find it amusing on here I will stop by to passa de tyme. I just wont post as much. But Im finding it less & less amusing as I get on.
  4. Hostels dont just give out names like that. I reckon he has gone bk hm & living ruff or in a hostel there. Wld make more sense if he's f*cked, no $ & in a new area to go bk hm.Ur a good man trying so hard for someone who clearly doesnt want to be found, nor do they want to better themselves. Why did he stop going to work is what I wanna know. And yeah crackhse comes to mind also.If u did report him & he was upto no good & got caught coz u reported him, u still saved him.
  5. Bucket bath - the hell?! U mean hol a quick fresh, a really quick, dry & crouched over one? SOUnds painful.
  6. no darlingOh wow. She's the only female I hv seen receive such nice words.
  7. & I still shower off after the bath coz I dont like the used soapy water on me.
  8. Shower. Baths are loooonnnnnggg. I only take a bath if Im sore from a workout or whateva.
  9. They look so pathetic. All 4 of them trying to get the 1 person & he wasnt really putting up much of a fight. But then I dont hv sound atm.
  10. Dont hv ur work email sent to ur phone then. Unless u hv to, which u shldnt if they're ot paying ur bill.
  11. Its big.Where the Wild Things Are is coming out too.
  12. How is it a silly question. U asked if we had any pets then said how much urs costs? Who cares what it cost.
  13. I will if it means I get some of her $.
  14. Used to? I think u will find many still do.
  15. I prefer getting paid monthly, it makes it well easy to save. Get paid on the 26th and then on the 27th a direct debit comes out and puts it into my savings. The fact I never see the money every month makes it so I don't miss having it.On topic, it's usually Friday.Not for me as I wld spend most of it in the 1st 2 wks & be broke for the 2nd 2.
  16. U ask on here instead of @ ur job? I wld die if I went back 2 being paid monthly - its just wrong.
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