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Decided to do it

Mr. Gayle

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Been training for a good few years now, and the goals I want would take far too long. I have researched for about 3 months now and I have decided to go to the "darkside" as some people may say. Im running a cycle of Test E and Clen, its a common cutting cycle. The Test will help maintain the mass strength I have already, the Clen is a fat burning product but will also maintain what I have gainned in terms of strength and mass. It is also good for making me catabolic (using fat for energy, not muscle gained)I'm already quite big, so im only running a 250ml a week of test, very low. But I will still see gains. My diet is down to the T now, cutting out a lot of carbs. I only eat carbs before workouts and even that is halved to what I normally used to have. Drinking at least 2 litres of water a day, as with Test E it stores water and makes you looking all bloated. Similar to how 50 cent looks like in the Candy Shop Video. However the more water you drink the less you will hold as your body realises it has enough, strange I know.I took my 1st shot yesterday after the gym last night, feeling a bit sore but that is common for the 1st shot. If it does keep sore for a while and tender, then I will need to get it checked out as it maybe an abscess.The clen is tablet form and I have taken my 1st tablet this morning.So im doing a 10 week course of Test E 250ML and 6 weeks of Clen.Ill let you know updates and that, will post pix as well.

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bare man in your gym are on itcome like wcw locker room in 98

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aint been there for timecant go there until i get a whipso prob in summer

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Guest M12 Part 2
^^oh i see. Are these things actually steroids then?Excuse my ignorance, but i thought steroids were purely for building muscle
go read man.basically this cycle will help him hold onto the strength and mass he already has, but will strip the fat off him. he might even gain a piece more muscle but the main point of this cycle is not to lose muscle but at the same time lose a lot of fat
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^^oh i see. Are these things actually steroids then?Excuse my ignorance, but i thought steroids were purely for building muscle
go read man.basically this cycle will help him hold onto the strength and mass he already has, but will strip the fat off him. he might even gain a piece more muscle but the main point of this cycle is not to lose muscle but at the same time lose a lot of fat
Yep, thanks
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each to their own but i think starting it to cut is silly.no reference to you but i seen lots of men say 'their diet is down to a T and i have mass' so i wanna start cuttingwhen they are just bulky guys who lift weights. if you were on the stuff to bulk even it would make more sense but if you say ur diet is oin pointdunno why a good cardio/fat burner cant get you the same results and they can (and u have to include this anyway).it seems to me you're trying to put on good muscle mass and look cut at the same time which is a common mistake if you already have considerable size/weight and bodyfattest E is a short term dose, lasts about 48hrs, and even for a novice good recommendations are every 2 days, or 3 times a weekanother mistake is trying to 'go easy' or cheap on the darkside as you put it, and expecting the results of someone who did it fully.but hey its just my opinion, hope it works out and if it doesnt as you expected share as to why.

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each to their own but i think starting it to cut is silly.no reference to you but i seen lots of men say 'their diet is down to a T and i have mass' so i wanna start cuttingwhen they are just bulky guys who lift weights. if you were on the stuff to bulk even it would make more sense but if you say ur diet is oin pointdunno why a good cardio/fat burner cant get you the same results and they can (and u have to include this anyway).it seems to me you're trying to put on good muscle mass and look cut at the same time which is a common mistake if you already have considerable size/weight and bodyfattest E is a short term dose, lasts about 48hrs, and even for a novice good recommendations are every 2 days, or 3 times a weekanother mistake is trying to 'go easy' or cheap on the darkside as you put it, and expecting the results of someone who did it fully.but hey its just my opinion, hope it works out and if it doesnt as you expected share as to why.
Yeah I know, nah you cant cut and bulk at the same time lol, hence the low dosage. I just dont want to burn away way to much muscle mass and lose a lot of strength. I know I will lose some regardless.My diet is cool, im not a novice remember I know what to eat and what not to.Nah going easy is long, if anything I have 10 window where I have to train as a dog and sleep like a log. The brands I have are the top ones.Reason I went for Test E as opossed to Sust is the side affects and also sust is used more for bukling. Which I am not doing.Im taking a 250ml shot a week for 10 weeks and remember the clen im taking aswell, i would be wasting my time and money if i thought i could get muscle with a 250ml shot of test on its one. This one is ideal for me, but bf% is 18, im wanna get it down.But safe anyway, check your pms
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Been training for a good few years now, and the goals I want would take far too long. I have researched for about 3 months now and I have decided to go to the "darkside" as some people may say. Im running a cycle of Test E and Clen, its a common cutting cycle. The Test will help maintain the mass strength I have already, the Clen is a fat burning product but will also maintain what I have gainned in terms of strength and mass. It is also good for making me catabolic (using fat for energy, not muscle gained)I'm already quite big, so im only running a 250ml a week of test, very low. But I will still see gains. My diet is down to the T now, cutting out a lot of carbs. I only eat carbs before workouts and even that is halved to what I normally used to have. Drinking at least 2 litres of water a day, as with Test E it stores water and makes you looking all bloated. Similar to how 50 cent looks like in the Candy Shop Video. However the more water you drink the less you will hold as your body realises it has enough, strange I know.I took my 1st shot yesterday after the gym last night, feeling a bit sore but that is common for the 1st shot. If it does keep sore for a while and tender, then I will need to get it checked out as it maybe an abscess.The clen is tablet form and I have taken my 1st tablet this morning.So im doing a 10 week course of Test E 250ML and 6 weeks of Clen.Ill let you know updates and that, will post pix as well.
really disapointed in u fam.u was the one that told me not to take them coz asoon as u get off them u lose it. and its better to do it naturally coz the gains wil stay there.biggrin.gif
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