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Time to Bail Out

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You know when you've been seeing a chick, or even if you've only just started seeing her. She's buff, a good link and plays by the rule sso the situation is right. Then she drops one bar that you know means you have to bail out and never return. As heartless and disappointing as it is you know that now she has said that and now you know that you can never go back to her again!I had one the other day. A link that I f*ck whenever I come back from uni. We met up for a drink since I was bored and figured I'd f*ck her after. She was telling me about why her and her ex split and I was pretending to be interested. Then she dropped that the reason they broke up was coz she went to a difficult place. Apparently she has always had depression and it gets worse at times and it got bad about 3 months ago and since then she's been on all kinds of drugs and her head's all f*cked up and blah blah blah.Feels ruthless but I've already deleted her number. Just incase one day I'm feelin blusky and I text her without thinking of the consequences.Share your stories. Not sure I explained the theme correctly but we'll see.

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From she understood it was a link ting, telling you her tales of woe are grounds for a quick sendage.When she gets over that depression you might could buck her up again, but avoidin her when she is this low and looking for the kind of company your not even remotely interested in giving her is the right call.5 e-points for deleting her number so quick

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daviciouswe both know feelings get caught once skin touches skin when it comes to any female and meand your no better.
True but certain times these chick turn up at your door just when your about ready to sling da ting.Thats my excuse and Im stickin too it.Anyway, past that airbrush now thank god.Joke is even tho he deleted her number we both know she will call him, and not just from her number either.Its about to hit the fan
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LMFAOdepressiontbh i would do the same if i was youonly example i can think of is when this guy came to my housesoon as he walks in starts shouting about how its a good area to rent out houses inlike proper shouting tho, i jus couldnt see the needfrom that point in my head i was sayin "get out, jus get out"didnt see him again after thatdont like bait people

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From she understood it was a link ting, telling you her tales of woe are grounds for a quick sendage.When she gets over that depression you might could buck her up again, but avoidin her when she is this low and looking for the kind of company your not even remotely interested in giving her is the right call.5 e-points for deleting her number so quick
Agreed. If anything I'm doing her a favour coz I haven't got the time or patience to give her what she needs. If I hang around she's just gonna get attached (which I don't think she is yet).Sometimes you just have to bail out... Like a bank robber that can leave everything behind in the blink of any eye lol. One of my bredrins is linking a 30 year old. She does coke sometimes and says that sometimes she gets out prostitutes, gets them to lick her out and pays them in coke. He doesn't care coz he's just f*ck*ng her. Now she's saying she has feelings for him. Time to bail out alie? I know he's weak... He'll wifey her if anything.
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i dont see what people waste feelings on links. no point telling a link about your depression, family or even likes and dislikes. if i actually tell a guy about myself or take time to ask him about himself it means i actually like him. if we are clear that we are just linking whats the point of talking? thats why i always like to set things straight from the beginning so you know if you are plannign to just 'link' or you both want something more. & if you are just linking you know that if you catch feelings things change. but because you know it makes it easier to deal with when it comes down to that.when i decide to just link a guy i prefer to know only his basic info for obvious reasons. anything more is rather irrelevant. that way i only like him for his looks and his shlong lol and not his personality. because it is easy to get over a guy's looks because i know there are pleanty good looking guys out there with nice shlongs BUT its hard to get over a person when you like them for their personality because you only like 'him'.cant really explain what i mean properly! but anyways thats just me...

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Soon as I hear she's REALLY 18 I'm Ghost. Soon as I hear her ask me how old I am so that she can in turn increase her age I'm ghost. I can not stand young girls anymore, at all. There is a few exceptions but the majority of these lamp posts are just a bowl of confusion, whorism and unnecessary misunderstanding

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from she says depression, that sh*t has more than veered your wayshe tryin to make it your problem too
I made the mistake of asking. She said they broke up coz something happened and all her friends and family were being nice trying to make her feel good but he stopped calling her as much and never asked how she was. So I thought she had an abortion so I wanted her to confirm it so I asked what happened. Kept bugging her then she dropped the depression thing.207, she did come to my yard. Don't think she'll try that though.Just remembered when one of my friends linked her friend. They went on one date and at the end the girl's dad was gonna pick her up. While they waited the girl kept asking him where he lived and he kept it vague. She kept trying to narrow it down and offered him a lift home with her dad, he refused. He asked what her dad's name was so he could know what to call him, she said "You can just call him dad if you like"... Deadly serious.He bailed.
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