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Lost Season Finale

Guest Silver Surfer

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Just finished watching this(yeh I'm late, coz of exams).f*cked.How can the ting run until 2010 and they be showing clips of them being off the island the end of this season.Knowing lost we wont even find out whats happening until like halfway through or the end of series 4.If they come off the Island and go back I'm not even watching it no more unless they got some next twists to get me hooked again.With all the different things going on, when it finally does end how can they bring it to a sick ending and explain all the sh*t that has happened at the same time?

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i dont think the ended will explain EVERYTHING in detailalot of it will be left up to us i recontheres so many questions that it wouldnt really be possible to anser them all.i hope they tell us about....the black smoke monster in its various forms

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Airs in Febuary, the finale was alrite..but JAck is pissed, tryin to get off the island and his life is sh*t.I dont tink they got of when he made that phonecall, cause he rang Kate and he was like "dont hang up" why would he need to say such a ting, if he free'd their arses loloh and f*ckin, whos funeral was it that no1 turned up to? bare questions...

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I reeeeeeeally wanna read this thread to ask if there's 23 or 24 episodes in this season as I only have number 23. But as I haven't watched 22 or 23 yet I won't. Gonna watch them now. Could somebody trustworthy please PM me and let me know wah gwarn.By trustworthy I'm talking the David or Daniel types.

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Read through the thread now... I heard they only made the decision to do Season 4 last week! Imagine if they just ended it here!People would die I swear.I think it's a flash forward but Heroes style, as in they can change it. I think it could be Michael in the coffin. He got off the island but it's clear he's made no attempt to get the other's rescued as the world thinks they are dead.I doubt Kate married Sawyer. This ain't Love Actually.

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There isn't though. There's one. Dharma got deaded.I didn't go in the threads about eps 20 and 21... Did nobody care about the fact that that Chris guy (I think that's his name) doesn't age?
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Actually, why the f*ck would they ask Jack if he's Michael or Walt's family!?Hmmm but sameway the coffin does look quite small. But no, I don't believe it is Walt. Why would the newspaper say "Man found..." if they're gonna take us to Walt's funeral? Why wouldn't Walt have anybody at the funeral? Who organised it!? Surely the people that were looking after him would have gone (assuming Michael is dead or away).

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