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what makes you proud to be british


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this raises the questionwhy is london so differnt from britain?
Its the quintessential cosmopolitan city alongside NYC...It absorbs the influence of a range of cultures plus because its the capital city, whenever immigrants from around the world come over, they always come here...*holds up Oyster Card with pride*
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why is london so differnt from britain?
Is it though?If you compare it with say Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool, Newcastle and Glasgow. Of course the first thing is the accents and many of the people that stay in that given cities character differences with Londoners, but afetr that there are huge similarities, hubs of fashion, crime rates, financial districts and back to the main question, minus Glasgow, everyone in those cities is proud (as proud as any Londonder) to be British/English.
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Who has turned up thier accent when you're abroad?I took the piss in Atlanta. *In KFC* "Arrrwite mate, can I 'ave some chips please" *Flashes teeth*
Savant knows the levels..I do mine a bit too strong sometimes..I got taken for a Black Australian one time still...Imma stick with the gutter LDN accent me thinks...
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That Britain is a place which does not discriminate, treats everyone fairly and it's the type of place that's so safe i could sleep with my doors wide open...
id say that about my areacame home today with the doors wide open and no one had been in for at least the previous 4 hoursdefo not the whole country, u get idiots across the globebut yea, its a nice place etc etc. im not one to live in the past with the whole im proud coz of war blah blah, im a current guy, so id say, living quality is nice, people are nice, u can get almost anything u want thats legal quite easily, alot of oportunities if u know what u want to do etc etc
Here here!
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That Britain is a place which does not discriminate, treats everyone fairly and it's the type of place that's so safe i could sleep with my doors wide open...
looool..... i could never do that...thats london for ya!
this raises the questionwhy is london so differnt from britain?
*holds up Oyster Card with pride*
lol..... im not really proud to be British... but i Love being from LONDON!!!! biggrin.gif
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Exactly most yanks wont even understand what the f*ck your saying cos most people in Britain cant understand what the f*ck your saying.
Yep.Some stupid way of speaking.Sound like retards.And before anyone tries it, I don't speak like Frank Butcher ffs, I just speak normal English with a cockney twang, not apples and pears and all that jargon, 'ya get me'.
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Who has turned up thier accent when you're abroad?I took the piss in Atlanta. *In KFC* "Arrrwite mate, can I 'ave some chips please" *Flashes teeth*
Savant knows the levels..I do mine a bit too strong sometimes..I got taken for a Black Australian one time still...Imma stick with the gutter LDN accent me thinks...
Yeh I use the gutter London accent over there, f*ck it, use the slang and eveyrthing.
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