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FAO: Religious Heads...

Stamina Man

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God is above the working of the human mind and thus words such as omnipotent mean nothing as we cannot truly comprehend God's true power
LMAOThis very explanation always makes me laugh.So how the f*ck can you even try and explain God to someone if you can't comprehend his power? That's like trying to explain long division to someone when you only know short division.People always try and drop this yet still try and educate others about God.
You can understand God to an extent, but if someone had the power to create you, what makes you think you have the ability to think on their levels if they are superior to you in every way, it doesn't make sense. Your analogy is incorrect because people are not educating others on what they don't know (long division) they teaching them the short division. :rolleyes:
Did you read it properly?I said it's like someone trying to teach someone long division when they only know short division.Man is saying god is almighty and so powerful, but we do not actually know how. Your religious teaching tell you he is, but you actually have no idea how after what you have read from those texts.
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god is a metaphorwe are all godmost religious texts are great peices of poetry and prose, adopted by the powers at be to support a system of oppresionread morePercy shelly - a philosophical view of reformwrittin pre 1900100% appliable todayand the world gets dumber
*spuds*How can you let someone else decide what it right and wrong? There's nothing wrong with taking advice from others but u should always question sh*t and it seems to me questioning wot ur taught in church is frowned upon.... Althought i dunno if god exists or not and i would never criticise those who believe in God but can question the man made institutions that worship Him.
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Guest Radio
God is above the working of the human mind and thus words such as omnipotent mean nothing as we cannot truly comprehend God's true power
LMAOThis very explanation always makes me laugh.So how the f*ck can you even try and explain God to someone if you can't comprehend his power? That's like trying to explain long division to someone when you only know short division.People always try and drop this yet still try and educate others about God.
You can understand God to an extent, but if someone had the power to create you, what makes you think you have the ability to think on their levels if they are superior to you in every way, it doesn't make sense. Your analogy is incorrect because people are not educating others on what they don't know (long division) they teaching them the short division. :rolleyes:
Did you read it properly?I said it's like someone trying to teach someone long division when they only know short division.Man is saying god is almighty and so powerful, but we do not actually know how. Your religious teaching tell you he is, but you actually have no idea how after what you have read from those texts.
It doesn't matter how, if he created us he doesn't have to answer to us, if he created us. I did read what you wrote, who is trying to teach the long division? Because people only preach what they know. Your analogy is failed.
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People aren't claiming they can prove God exists.You on the other are claiming for definite that he doesn't.Also the way you are responding to people's posts suggests that contrary to your opening statements, you actually have very little interest in other people's views and are simply trying to get a point across while slyly mocking people and implying they are stupid having religious faith.
I wasn't looking for that picture by the way, I just come across it accidentally, I should have typed out the quote instead...And I am pointing out the obvious, there's religious people suffering all over the world, yet where is their god?People will pray to god before they sleep at night, hoping things may improve, they wake up the next day to the same sh*t.Someone said because it's not Gods fault that the third worlds are like they are today, but that's not the point. If something could be done, ii'm are "that guy" would do it.
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Prove God does not existLock this
Prove God does exist.
I asked you firstDo your best to prove he does not exist
Again, the burden of proof is one someone who claims something exists. You asking me is stupid considering I'm not even trying to disprove the idea of God, I'm merely telling you that there is no proof for the existence. You asking to prove something doesn't exist is so dumb I wonder why you even let your fingers type it.
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People aren't claiming they can prove God exists.You on the other are claiming for definite that he doesn't.Also the way you are responding to people's posts suggests that contrary to your opening statements, you actually have very little interest in other people's views and are simply trying to get a point across while slyly mocking people and implying they are stupid having religious faith.
I wasn't looking for that picture by the way, I just come across it accidentally, I should have typed out the quote instead...And I am pointing out the obvious, there's religious people suffering all over the world, yet where is their god?People will pray to god before they sleep at night, hoping things may improve, they wake up the next day to the same sh*t.Someone said because it's not Gods fault that the third worlds are like they are today, but that's not the point. If something could be done, ii'm are "that guy" would do it.
I provided a possible explanation for this on page 2.and this needs to be lockedstamina man isnt really responding to anybody who posts a serious answer, just attempting to discredit people who offer dubious explanationsthis is just gonna turn into 10 pages of fraff about "God cant exist cos ive never seen him" vs "Not seeing him doesn't mean he doesn't exist"
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Guest Radio
god is a metaphorwe are all godmost religious texts are great peices of poetry and prose, adopted by the powers at be to support a system of oppresionread morePercy shelly - a philosophical view of reformwrittin pre 1900100% appliable todayand the world gets dumber
*spuds*How can you let someone else decide what it right and wrong? There's nothing wrong with taking advice from others but u should always question sh*t and it seems to me questioning wot ur taught in church is frowned upon.... Althought i dunno if god exists or not and i would never criticise those who believe in God but can question the man made institutions that worship Him.
Not at all, I was taught, and do, question everything. Obviously some churches are corrupt, but it is about God, not where you worship, it's just you and your relationship with God.
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I would say im an athiest.But at the same time I dont think I know anything more regarding the issue that anybody else knows. I dont think religious people are stupid for believing in God, and I wouldnt persecute them for it. For me, its just plain and simple: I dont know, nor do I care if there is a God. Or what his/her/its name is. Until the day I hit some sort of enlightenment wall, which I may do at some point, ill continue to not believe, not care and not look down o people for whatever they believe. YA GETS ME?DO YA?

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I read the replies.You're saying people don't know what he is capable of yeah?If he is capable/willing to prevent evil, why doesn't he?I know the bible does talk about everything happens for a reason, and people having free will, which isn't true in the third worlds...But meh...Just wondering.
We learn from pain and mistakes.If you get burnt a little bit by fire then you know that fire is dangerous and not to set yourself on fire.Maybe God allows people to make mistakes and cause pain and damage, so that we have the chance to learn from our mistakes.
So we learn from pain and mistake.Surely, the people on the receiving end of the pain, should be helped?That's like teachers saying at school "Let them fight, they will learn from their own mistakes"The person giving the beatings will learn, but the person on the receiving end of the fist has nothing to learn, and has not done anything wrong.(Sorry if I misunderstood your reply)
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Prove God does not existLock this
Prove God does exist.
I asked you firstDo your best to prove he does not exist
Again, the burden of proof is one someone who claims something exists. You asking me is stupid considering I'm not even trying to disprove the idea of God, I'm merely telling you that there is no proof for the existence. You asking to prove something doesn't exist is so dumb I wonder why you even let your fingers type it.
In relation to this topic it was set out to try t prove God does nit exist which was not achieved.With so may interpretations of who or what God is it was a fail from the start.
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God is above the working of the human mind and thus words such as omnipotent mean nothing as we cannot truly comprehend God's true power
LMAOThis very explanation always makes me laugh.So how the f*ck can you even try and explain God to someone if you can't comprehend his power? That's like trying to explain long division to someone when you only know short division.People always try and drop this yet still try and educate others about God.
You can understand God to an extent, but if someone had the power to create you, what makes you think you have the ability to think on their levels if they are superior to you in every way, it doesn't make sense. Your analogy is incorrect because people are not educating others on what they don't know (long division) they teaching them the short division. :rolleyes:
Did you read it properly?I said it's like someone trying to teach someone long division when they only know short division.Man is saying god is almighty and so powerful, but we do not actually know how. Your religious teaching tell you he is, but you actually have no idea how after what you have read from those texts.
i think religion jus serves as a structure to peoples lives, and i think the majority of the people in this world need structurebut religion cannot explain gods existenceit can only guide us with our daily livity
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I read the replies.You're saying people don't know what he is capable of yeah?If he is capable/willing to prevent evil, why doesn't he?I know the bible does talk about everything happens for a reason, and people having free will, which isn't true in the third worlds...But meh...Just wondering.
We learn from pain and mistakes.If you get burnt a little bit by fire then you know that fire is dangerous and not to set yourself on fire.Maybe God allows people to make mistakes and cause pain and damage, so that we have the chance to learn from our mistakes.
So we learn from pain and mistake.Surely, the people on the receiving end of the pain, should be helped?That's like teachers saying at school "Let them fight, they will learn from their own mistakes"The person giving the beatings will learn, but the person on the receiving end of the fist has nothing to learn, and has not done anything wrong.(Sorry if I misunderstood your reply)
stamina man isnt really responding to anybody who posts a serious answer, just attempting to discredit people who offer dubious explanations
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I would say im an athiest.But at the same time I dont think I know anything more regarding the issue that anybody else knows. I dont think religious people are stupid for believing in God, and I wouldnt persecute them for it. For me, its just plain and simple: I dont know
Co-signed.Personally i am a logical thinking and tend to only beleive what i can see, i find it difficult to beleive things which cannot be proven (thats how my logic works). Kinda like innocent until proven guilty - i dont believe something until it can be proven.This is a pointless debate.
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I read the replies.You're saying people don't know what he is capable of yeah?If he is capable/willing to prevent evil, why doesn't he?I know the bible does talk about everything happens for a reason, and people having free will, which isn't true in the third worlds...But meh...Just wondering.
We learn from pain and mistakes.If you get burnt a little bit by fire then you know that fire is dangerous and not to set yourself on fire.Maybe God allows people to make mistakes and cause pain and damage, so that we have the chance to learn from our mistakes.
So we learn from pain and mistake.Surely, the people on the receiving end of the pain, should be helped?That's like teachers saying at school "Let them fight, they will learn from their own mistakes"The person giving the beatings will learn, but the person on the receiving end of the fist has nothing to learn, and has not done anything wrong.(Sorry if I misunderstood your reply)
You've taken a very abstract interpretation of what I said.Say for example, you tell your mum or dad you're gonna go play football, and they tell you to wear shin pads, and you say "nah I don't need them", maybe they know you're gonna get hurt, but not seriously, so they let you play without them, and then when you come home crying cos your shins got mashed you know to wear shin pads from now on and no serious damage has been done.So maybe God allows us to make mistakes that mean some damage gets done, but in the bigger picture He knows that the world isn't gonna end because SOME people are suffering, and He is sacrificing some of his children for the greater good so people can learn from their errors.By the way this is not an actaul biblical explanation its my own interpretation and also I'm not speaking for other religious people so if parts of it dont make sense or you disagree then its my personal thing not everybody who is religious believes this.
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I read the replies.You're saying people don't know what he is capable of yeah?If he is capable/willing to prevent evil, why doesn't he?I know the bible does talk about everything happens for a reason, and people having free will, which isn't true in the third worlds...But meh...Just wondering.
We learn from pain and mistakes.If you get burnt a little bit by fire then you know that fire is dangerous and not to set yourself on fire.Maybe God allows people to make mistakes and cause pain and damage, so that we have the chance to learn from our mistakes.
So we learn from pain and mistake.Surely, the people on the receiving end of the pain, should be helped?That's like teachers saying at school "Let them fight, they will learn from their own mistakes"The person giving the beatings will learn, but the person on the receiving end of the fist has nothing to learn, and has not done anything wrong.(Sorry if I misunderstood your reply)
stamina man isnt really responding to anybody who posts a serious answer, just attempting to discredit people who offer dubious explanations
Why are you even posting in here?Like you have anything to offer/are contributing anything...Stay away.I already said I am answering one by one, long going through when there's new replies all the time.And you're reply was sh*t, he said I never replied to him, and when I do, you quote me and say I never reply.
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"Opium of the masses" - Karl MarxAs for God, everyone is entitled to their belief, but in my eyes, religion serves no purpose but social control.
Which is an extremely important purpose to serve lolWithout it, individuals would crumble, and so would society.
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I read the replies.You're saying people don't know what he is capable of yeah?If he is capable/willing to prevent evil, why doesn't he?I know the bible does talk about everything happens for a reason, and people having free will, which isn't true in the third worlds...But meh...Just wondering.
We learn from pain and mistakes.If you get burnt a little bit by fire then you know that fire is dangerous and not to set yourself on fire.Maybe God allows people to make mistakes and cause pain and damage, so that we have the chance to learn from our mistakes.
So we learn from pain and mistake.Surely, the people on the receiving end of the pain, should be helped?That's like teachers saying at school "Let them fight, they will learn from their own mistakes"The person giving the beatings will learn, but the person on the receiving end of the fist has nothing to learn, and has not done anything wrong.(Sorry if I misunderstood your reply)
You've taken a very abstract interpretation of what I said.Say for example, you tell your mum or dad you're gonna go play football, and they tell you to wear shin pads, and you say "nah I don't need them", maybe they know you're gonna get hurt, but not seriously, so they let you play without them, and then when you come home crying cos your shins got mashed you know to wear shin pads from now on and no serious damage has been done.So maybe God allows us to make mistakes that mean some damage gets done, but in the bigger picture He knows that the world isn't gonna end because SOME people are suffering, and He is sacrificing some of his children for the greater good so people can learn from their errors.
Oh yeah, I do see what you mean now."He knows that the world isn't gonna end because SOME people are suffering, and He is sacrificing some of his children for the greater good"Is that right though? There's bombings all over the world, innocent people are getting killed, innocent people are suffering.Swear a child dies every few seconds?What good is to come of this?The terrorist acts (which are down to religion anyway)Some people are suffering, because they have no choice, they were born in poverty, and shall suffer until they die at an early age.@ everyone else, seckle, i'll reply.
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