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Graduates about to start work

A Bit Better

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A Bit Later did you do a placement year?Well done still, 21k is good start, especially as it will go up...Im starting second year at the end of this month and i really dont know if i should do a placement or not...
experience + a degree is always better than jus a degree on its own
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Gemma, if I was going to the London branch I would be on £27K but I made the mistake of saying I could go to the Essex branch as a second choice and since London is drastically over-applied to they'll always send you to your second choice. And no I'm not at a big 4 firm. The big 4 don't do CIPFA, it's a public finance qualification.King Poetic, everybody wants to do the ACA as it's the most respected but it's HARD. ACCA is good too, CIMA is more for consultancy. Travel costs would have killed me going to London. Hoping it's not gonna be too bad this way.Skola, tell me more!! Have you started? If you have, what was it like on your first day? Did they give you anything challenging to do straight away or was it just boring busy-work for the first week? Were there other starters with you or were you the only one?I didn't do a placement year. I couldn't have since I did sh*t in my first year but I wouldn't have wanted to as I did maths and it relies a lot on the knowledge from the previous year. If I took a year out I risked forgetting a lot. Wish I'd go an internships to be honest but I ended up alright. But an internship should be everyone's goal at the least. Like Smaddy said, experience is so important. So many people have degrees but have no idea how to work.

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A Bit Later did you do a placement year?Well done still, 21k is good start, especially as it will go up...Im starting second year at the end of this month and i really dont know if i should do a placement or not...
experience + a degree is always better than jus a degree on its own
Ya see im thinkin about becoming a teacher (Alie no joke) But after my degree ill have to go to school to get my teachers qualifications so i dont really know if me going to do a placement would be useful... Bare confused...
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A Bit Later did you do a placement year?Well done still, 21k is good start, especially as it will go up...Im starting second year at the end of this month and i really dont know if i should do a placement or not...
experience + a degree is always better than jus a degree on its own
Ya see im thinkin about becoming a teacher (Alie no joke) But after my degree ill have to go to school to get my teachers qualifications so i dont really know if me going to do a placement would be useful... Bare confused...
work experience is invaluable no matter what ur doinplus even though you might want to be a teacher now, is best to give yourself as many options as possible
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A Bit Later did you do a placement year?Well done still, 21k is good start, especially as it will go up...Im starting second year at the end of this month and i really dont know if i should do a placement or not...
experience + a degree is always better than jus a degree on its own
Ya see im thinkin about becoming a teacher (Alie no joke) But after my degree ill have to go to school to get my teachers qualifications so i dont really know if me going to do a placement would be useful... Bare confused...
You could always do a vol. teachin ass in a school or summin. My fren was a unqualified teacher at a sec school teachin history for about a yr or two even though he did Law in uni.He's gone bk 2 uni to do his PGCE now tho.
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Congrats Eks. Wish you the best of luck. 21K is not bad at all considering there are people who don't earn that when they leave uni.I'm going to be hollering at you soon about some advice as I'm pursuing this Accountancy career hard and may require some advice about graduate schemes and what not.And yeah, the transition from syudent life to working life can be very difficult. AT my internship it was jiggy at first, but then it became very tiring especially with it being non-paid and I felt like I couldn't have time to myself. Even when I went part time, I used to dred Sundays because I knew Monday and Tuesday I had to work from 10am to 6pm. Wouldn't take back the experience for anything though. Learnt a hell of a lot and 4 months (I'll put 6 on CVs) practical experience looks good.

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Congrats Eks. Wish you the best of luck. 21K is not bad at all considering there are people who don't earn that when they leave uni.I'm going to be hollering at you soon about some advice as I'm pursuing this Accountancy career hard and may require some advice about graduate schemes and what not.And yeah, the transition from syudent life to working life can be very difficult. AT my internship it was jiggy at first, but then it became very tiring especially with it being non-paid and I felt like I couldn't have time to myself. Even when I went part time, I used to dred Sundays because I knew Monday and Tuesday I had to work from 10am to 6pm. Wouldn't take back the experience for anything though. Learnt a hell of a lot and 4 months (I'll put 6 on CVs) practical experience looks good.
:blink: you worked for freeyour good still, i would be pissed every single day
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Congrats Eks. Wish you the best of luck. 21K is not bad at all considering there are people who don't earn that when they leave uni.I'm going to be hollering at you soon about some advice as I'm pursuing this Accountancy career hard and may require some advice about graduate schemes and what not.And yeah, the transition from syudent life to working life can be very difficult. AT my internship it was jiggy at first, but then it became very tiring especially with it being non-paid and I felt like I couldn't have time to myself. Even when I went part time, I used to dred Sundays because I knew Monday and Tuesday I had to work from 10am to 6pm. Wouldn't take back the experience for anything though. Learnt a hell of a lot and 4 months (I'll put 6 on CVs) practical experience looks good.
:blink: you worked for freeyour good still, i would be pissed every single day
It was my cousin's business. She had started up at the beginning of the year, and whilst they were doing very well, they still didn't have enough money to pay out and on top of that I didn't have a set role, nor did I have enough skill to handle a client of my own in which case I would have got paid. What amde it easier was I saved very well so money was far from a problem and I know sometimes you have to swallow your pride to make necessary steps to the top. When I finish uni I can go strictly for money.
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Skola, tell me more!! Have you started? If you have, what was it like on your first day? Did they give you anything challenging to do straight away or was it just boring busy-work for the first week? Were there other starters with you or were you the only one?
My job isnt actually a graduate job, but it is within an IT company.I work for Research Machines as a first-line technical support advisor. pay is 16.5kObviously thats not amazing but its experience which is related to my field of study (computer science) so im happy....its hard to get a decent job atm.First day was easy just a tour of the office and start of training...nothing challenging until you are trained and i think its like that everywhere.Theres other new starts most of which have degrees so the team are prepared for new people and helping them adjust.Dont worry - be enthusiastic. Work hard. Be punctual. Be friendly.
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Big... Safe for the advice...I duno why but i always thourght that because my placement job probally wouldnt have that much in common with what i wanted to do in later life that id allow it... Serious thinkin tho, When do you normally start applying?
I don't know if your addressing specific people, but it's good to try and sort out your placement as soon as possible. The later you leave it, the greater the possibility of someone taking your place and you losing that opportunity. I saw a number of poeple at my uni miss the opportunity and didn't really get much from it or were giving an assignment to do instead, which alot of people didn't do well in at all. If you don't want to commit all your summer or whenever just look for 6 weeks, and then if you like it ask if you can stay on.
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Congrats cuz.It's a good look, especially the way the economy is now, so holding on to your job is the one. I'm sure you'll move up the ladder pretty quick, first year will be difficult but grit your teeth and you'll get used to it.Soon we'll all be in the same boat going from lazy students to mature home building, providing for fam adults - seems long.

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Lol LOG, those were the days! If only I could go back, was a simpler time!Gonna be so early to work for the first few weeks. Tardiness is my biggest flaw and it needs to go NOW.Titan, you've scared me a little. I lie. A lot. I don't wanna be tired all the time and not have any time for myself. I told my mum I wanna still be going to the gym 3 times a week and she laughed!! The only part I'm looking forward to is the exams for the qualification. Feel like I need to do some more studying and build my confidence back up after my degree disappointment.

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Lol LOG, those were the days! If only I could go back, was a simpler time!Gonna be so early to work for the first few weeks. Tardiness is my biggest flaw and it needs to go NOW.Titan, you've scared me a little. I lie. A lot. I don't wanna be tired all the time and not have any time for myself. I told my mum I wanna still be going to the gym 3 times a week and she laughed!! The only part I'm looking forward to is the exams for the qualification. Feel like I need to do some more studying and build my confidence back up after my degree disappointment.
I think it became tiring for me because I began to realise that Public Relations wasn't really something I wanted to work in completely. My cousin and her business partner love it because they are so good so I learnt a lot and will apply what I can to my next job, but as long as you enjoy and have a desire to succeed in that field you will be fine. As for the gym ting, sorry bruh, it will be extremely difficult. Not even just finding time to go and have time to relax before sleeping, but maintaining the diet necessary to build body mass. I have even less time to myself/gym since I have a girl. Good luck with it though. YOu are only limited by your mind.
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Lol LOG, those were the days! If only I could go back, was a simpler time!Gonna be so early to work for the first few weeks. Tardiness is my biggest flaw and it needs to go NOW.Titan, you've scared me a little. I lie. A lot. I don't wanna be tired all the time and not have any time for myself. I told my mum I wanna still be going to the gym 3 times a week and she laughed!! The only part I'm looking forward to is the exams for the qualification. Feel like I need to do some more studying and build my confidence back up after my degree disappointment.
If you're anything like me, you'll carry on everything you're doing for a month or so, then stop because work gets too much for a couple months. Then you'll start learning to adjust your time and ration it and eventually get back into the swing of things.There's literally not enough hours in the day sometimes.If I can impart any advice though. Whatever you do, don't get complacent. On your first day you'll recognize who is your competition at work and who isn't. Youll see the plodders that have been there on near enough the same wage for years because they're comfortable. It's so easy to let yourself drift off.Fill up EVERY minute you have spare at work with something constructive.
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Skola, tell me more!! Have you started? If you have, what was it like on your first day? Did they give you anything challenging to do straight away or was it just boring busy-work for the first week? Were there other starters with you or were you the only one?
My job isnt actually a graduate job, but it is within an IT company.I work for Research Machines as a first-line technical support advisor. pay is 16.5kObviously thats not amazing but its experience which is related to my field of study (computer science) so im happy....its hard to get a decent job atm.First day was easy just a tour of the office and start of training...nothing challenging until you are trained and i think its like that everywhere.Theres other new starts most of which have degrees so the team are prepared for new people and helping them adjust.Dont worry - be enthusiastic. Work hard. Be punctual. Be friendly.
Exact steps my bro took still.. Same course u did as well. Started off on 15k after he got his experience after a year. He moved to some next IT manager job. they paying him 40k now.
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