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serious relationship? marriage? kids?


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hw can mans be on dem tings? i've been single 4 about a 1 year & a half & will stay single till deathi really believe its only a matter of time b4 ur wifey gets f*cked if she hasn't already but true say u don't know yet, lol at certain guys thinking not their wifey or i'm just linking waste chicks, u'll seetoo many waste chicks, from big grown married with kids chicks to posh/jewish white chicks to council estate chicks to smart got their sh*t together chicks who you'd never think would f*ck out are doing itseriously, i've lost count of hw many mans wifey's i've f*cked in '08, moretime i didn't know till after or they were on a raggo tingspeak on it ppl, i'm i alone?
wot a prick.
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Guest Big Daddy Dave
i dnt see the whole wait till *insert age here*ill do it when i feel ready, i aint forcing shitif i get in a wonderful relation that looks promising and sh*t id stay with her n have kids with thercould be today, could be when im 30 or even 50just never knowbt i aint forcing ithw will u even tho in ur 20's ull b at a place where u can have kids
so you would get married and have kids today no job no security no nothinits easy to pick a rough age, over 30 is too old, and i want to get my career going which it should be by late 20speople rushing to have kids with no financial security nd its the kids that end up suffering growing up in substandard conditions, if you want your kids to have the best its best to plan, its not about forcing it its about having some structure to your life so you dont in turn f*ck up your kids lifesif you're in a good relationship you dont need to get married n have kids straight away just for the sake of it, thats more stupid imo, i aint planning to be all stressed out n sh*t my life will be personified as a never ending spliff, f*ck hot rocks, sideburn and hard ash ya dig
i have more money and better prospects than my parents had when they had meas long as u have enough money to get by its all goodi was born poor n i faired well
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DB's been chatting sense in this topic still.That Veni Vedi Vici guy feels that way because he's seen how certain women (ie those with a man at home) let up quick...that's his experiences and you can't knock him for that or wanting to be single forever...
thats all i was saying blade, all da cynical, i'm a prick, my sh*t outlook talk is airthe chances of ur partners cheating are alot higher than those that won't. i admitt good girls are about but very rare. amongst ur circles from family members to friends i bet almost all of u know more unfaithful relationships than good, married, been together for years with no infidelity. i beg u lot jus understand that its jus not a trust ting, i'm jus protecting myself from heart ache/baby mama drama/f*ck*ng with my kids up bringing same way u all want marriage/kids etci jus want da opposite & i know u all know what i'm saying makes sense tho u jus disagree. a snap shot of ur circles will tell u want time it is. good for u if u still want relationships,kids,marriage etcface off ur funny coz ur in a relationship yet ur forever bangin chicks, many others r doin da same, many females are doing da same yet ur calling man cynical when u'd happily bang a mans wife no qualms?
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DB's been chatting sense in this topic still.That Veni Vedi Vici guy feels that way because he's seen how certain women (ie those with a man at home) let up quick...that's his experiences and you can't knock him for that or wanting to be single forever...
thats all i was saying blade, all da cynical, i'm a prick, my sh*t outlook talk is airthe chances of ur partners cheating are alot higher than those that won't. i admitt good girls are about but very rare. amongst ur circles from family members to friends i bet almost all of u know more unfaithful relationships than good, married, been together for years with no infidelity. i beg u lot jus understand that its jus not a trust ting, i'm jus protecting myself from heart ache/baby mama drama/f*ck*ng with my kids up bringing same way u all want marriage/kids etci jus want da opposite & i know u all know what i'm saying makes sense tho u jus disagree. a snap shot of ur circles will tell u want time it is. good for u if u still want relationships,kids,marriage etcface off ur funny coz ur in a relationship yet ur forever bangin chicks, many others r doin da same, many females are doing da same yet ur calling man cynical when u'd happily bang a mans wife no qualms?
Tbh what you said there makes you weak as a person and i actually pity you... I mean honestly you don't want to put yourself out there because you scared of the otherside of the coin. With everything in life theres a possible downside, nothing in life is without risk, and the greatet things and experiences in life come with the most risk... f*ck lets say.. when your in love its great and nothing will ever top that feeling and when it ends for whatever reason the pain is f*ckin awful and unbearable. But thats living right there, the highest high and the lowest low....if you carry on the path your thinkin about you'll merely have exsisted... having never lived, which is a sad way to go through time on this earth mate
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wtf? how da f*ck i'm i weak or scared? i jus don't want to experience certain things, you may want to go thru dat love/pain sh*t & call it 'living' but i don't. thats it. to me its like knowing ur going to suffer in some way & still choosing it. i'm jus saying i don't want it, good for u if thats what u want fam.about pity me, no need tbh, about existed, everyday ur alive ur living so dead dat talk. u live hw u want but don't try tell a next guy that chooses a different way of living to you as sad

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wtf? how da f*ck i'm i weak or scared? i jus don't want to experience certain things, you may want to go thru dat love/pain sh*t & call it 'living' but i don't. thats it. to me its like knowing ur going to suffer in some way & still choosing it. i'm jus saying i don't want it, good for u if thats what u want fam.about pity me, no need tbh, about existed, everyday ur alive ur living so dead dat talk. u live hw u want but don't try tell a next guy that chooses a different way of living to you as sad
Im not even gonna lie the pity thing was abit far, my bad.BUTSeriously how can you miss out on the pinacle of experiences in life such as love, having children, marriage and then at the end of all that, call that a life?Like going to alton towers without going on a ride
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its a difference in opinions then, u think i'm missin out but i'm not. ur thinkin like that coz u want them things hence thats what u think living is, to me living is just that, living tho experiences may vary. u think dem experiences are pinacle to ones life, not mei'd probably get da same pinacle experiences from helping those in serious poverty by setting up foundations in africa, india etc that will be there beyond my death, adopting, being an uncle, being a god father, i don't need to pass on genes, my family is big enough tbhlets agree to disagree folks

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Don't agreeMaybe at this ageBut my mum has been faithful to my step dad
ok mate, u believe that
So your Mum is loose, right?
nah, ur dad jus isn't ur dad, dna test?i was a test tube baby still
Huh?Think you was talking to that guy before me. Anyway.When you come on here saying women aint sh*t, how do you think that reflects on the females in your family?There are a lot of decent women out there but you yourself dont sound like a decent guy. How can you be someone that's knowingly out f*ck*ng over blokes girlfriends and then expect Mrs.Perfect to come fall in your lap?I agree with what you said mostly. Hell of a lot of women will cheat on their long term partners just for the sake of it. Sometimes the guys aint doing nothing wrong, she will go out, get drunk with her friends and use it as an excuse to hook up with a random. Men and Women both have temptations, but it's about being able to realise and respect the relationship you are in and recognise that it's stronger than the desire to f*ck a random (no captain moist).We as men see this sh*t and experience it on a weekly basis. The way you can even talk to some guys girls, and although they aint gonna cheat on them, they will allow you to flirt and tease them and they won't tell you to back off or anything. Trusting girls is HARD in 09 and although must of us aint agreeing with you we still understand your point very well. You're never gonna meet a decent one though if you approach them all with a paranoid/negative view.
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Don't agreeMaybe at this ageBut my mum has been faithful to my step dad
ok mate, u believe that
So your Mum is loose, right?
nah, ur dad jus isn't ur dad, dna test?i was a test tube baby still
Huh?Think you was talking to that guy before me. Anyway.When you come on here saying women aint sh*t, how do you think that reflects on the females in your family?There are a lot of decent women out there but you yourself dont sound like a decent guy. How can you be someone that's knowingly out f*ck*ng over blokes girlfriends and then expect Mrs.Perfect to come fall in your lap?I agree with what you said mostly. Hell of a lot of women will cheat on their long term partners just for the sake of it. Sometimes the guys aint doing nothing wrong, she will go out, get drunk with her friends and use it as an excuse to hook up with a random. Men and Women both have temptations, but it's about being able to realise and respect the relationship you are in and recognise that it's stronger than the desire to f*ck a random (no captain moist).We as men see this sh*t and experience it on a weekly basis. The way you can even talk to some guys girls, and although they aint gonna cheat on them, they will allow you to flirt and tease them and they won't tell you to back off or anything. Trusting girls is HARD in 09 and although must of us aint agreeing with you we still understand your point very well. You're never gonna meet a decent one though if you approach them all with a paranoid/negative view.
Noooooooooo he was clearly talking to you
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DB's been chatting sense in this topic still.That Veni Vedi Vici guy feels that way because he's seen how certain women (ie those with a man at home) let up quick...that's his experiences and you can't knock him for that or wanting to be single forever...
thats all i was saying blade, all da cynical, i'm a prick, my sh*t outlook talk is airthe chances of ur partners cheating are alot higher than those that won't. i admitt good girls are about but very rare. amongst ur circles from family members to friends i bet almost all of u know more unfaithful relationships than good, married, been together for years with no infidelity. i beg u lot jus understand that its jus not a trust ting, i'm jus protecting myself from heart ache/baby mama drama/f*ck*ng with my kids up bringing same way u all want marriage/kids etci jus want da opposite & i know u all know what i'm saying makes sense tho u jus disagree. a snap shot of ur circles will tell u want time it is. good for u if u still want relationships,kids,marriage etcface off ur funny coz ur in a relationship yet ur forever bangin chicks, many others r doin da same, many females are doing da same yet ur calling man cynical when u'd happily bang a mans wife no qualms?
bruhya talkin about forgettin women altogether this has nothing do with being in a relationship ive been cynical but NEVER have i said no more woman cos im scared of being hurt and thats how ya comin across if you didnt come across this way i woulda said something elseso basically what you should say is ya takin a break before man assume ya homo.it would also help if you came with some STORIES to complement ya theory this would help you get some honest feedback cos it seems like ya only being cynical from a next mans story i admit using this message board could f*ck with a mans mind but only a fool would believe EVERYTHING said on here cos even though women gass like they innocent a lot of man on here do this too.point is im not defending women im lookin out for YOU stop going on like pro evo and drinking bear is gonna make you happy no one here wants to be alone for ever no matter how much you spit these kinda bars.ps dont even go there about me and a relationship and next chicks and whatever backdated simulated idea you have of me there is no way of knowing the FULL story of anyone on the internet my friend.
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