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the creatine holland n barret sell is a bit crap. there have been good advancements in creatine and they still sell monohydrate. if ur on a budget then skip the creatin all together and use protein. i use noXplode too and the first day i thought i was gonna die. justcos my veins popped out everywhere like i had never seen b4..even legs. its supposed to be that way, and thats wht i use now.
i tried some sh*t similar last year called nitro? or sutten.. and i cudnt even swig it i would just heave or be sicki had fruit blast flavourwhat is noxplode like? what flavour do u have?
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How far did you get with that? Did you get much cardio out of it or was it more on the technical side?
been doing it since i was a kid i used to teach it a bit when i was at uni. it doesnt involve that much cardio..just that you obviously need to be in flexible shape. its more ground grapples and locks..no flying sh*t like some other MA's, so its more on the technical side. blade. for noXplode i use the berry or orange blast. im on my month off, cos it says should be used for 3 months or when the bottle finishes then take a month off. with the nitro, was it flushing you experienced? cos i read that you can get it from that and even noxplode, but should stop after a week's use, if your's continued after that then good that you stopped it.
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Guest M12 Part 2

im allowing the creatine and noxplode conconctions until i hit a serious plateau. if you're already on them and your diet is criss the only place left to go is steroids.

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