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School pranks

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We use to loosen the lid on the salt shaker in the cafeteria just enuff so it didnt look bait,then jus wait for a Victim to comealong and ruin their ENTIRE meal with a heap of salt all over it .We used to do it particularly to the kids on dinner tickets cos they not only got their meal for free but also got to pushin FRONT of the f*ckin line!!!!!!It was more funny for the fact that they cudnt go and buy a next meal and the cafeteria wudnt give them a next meal ... I still laugh about that even now 5 years on lolwat kinda of playground f*ckry did ne1 else do?????

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One time in English class, our supply teacher left the class for about 10 minutes, but he left the keys to the door on his desk (school boy error No.1).There's two doors in the class; one in front, that we usually use to go in, and another that leads to the gym.So we locked the front door, hid all the tables and chirs in the ball shed and ran out to the gym and played foot ball for the rest of the afternoonAll we could hear was some banging on the door and some Austrailian accent shoutin 'LEMME INNN!!!!!! YOU BASTIDS R GUNNA GET ME DA BOOT!!!"We was bennin biggrin.gif Our head tried to get us suspended but because the supply teacher never made us sign the register, there was no proof we were there (School boy error No.2) :D f*ckin up supply teachers>>>>>>>>_____________

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We used to put out empty packets of crisps, sandwich crusts, chicken burger wrapper and such in eachothers hoods when im the cafe lolSome mans were walking around with a half full bag of chips in theor hoody. Sauce leaking from them and sh*t.
LMAOThe Year 11s raiding out the kitchen on the last day>>>>>>>__________
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Guest Removal Man

we once put tip ex in condom to make it look used, den dropped it in a teachers tea mug wen she was out the room, she came back an started gagginon a side not, one of my teachers had her period in class once, she was wearin white jeans as well

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i remember wen i clocked that all the pics on the school website hadnt bee protected so....quickly got pics of the teachers photo shoped that sh*t up wiv sum dirt porn an posted them evrywhere in school wiv 'WAL Y2K' written in the corner...teachers tried to say they had 14 students all sayin it was me an if i didnt tell them wat WAL stood for then i was gonna be expelled....outcome? they never did find out it ment watch and learn lol i did get expelled but that was another story...id like to fank my mum 4 that 1 buyin me photoshop an then removin it a week later wen the school phoned an she found all the pics...lol big up mumsie each an every!!

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we once put tip ex in condom to make it look used, den dropped it in a teachers tea mug wen she was out the room, she came back an started gagginon a side not, one of my teachers had her period in class once, she was wearin white jeans as well
happend to 1 chick in my german class...wearin them official sket tite white market trousers big no no wen ur on ur reds...she got it 4 the rest of her school life...no1 wud wear them adidas track bottoms wiv the buttons all down the side cos espesh if u wer a chick they wer comin off in a second!! bare bumpers galore!!!
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Guest Doughboi

At the canteen, we get our food before we pay for it.Basically i'd ask for chips, pizzaa and chicken drummers, when I line up to pay i'd swiftly munch some of the drummers an put the pizza in my blazer pocket. So basically had to pay for only chips biggrin.gif

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Guest Removal Man

oh sh*t, another thingwe used to light bangers and chuck em in peoples pockets, one boys pocket got blown clean offden the headmistress made some speach in assembly bout how one kid got his nuts blown off at her last school wen a similar prank was played on him, we all shuddered an curbed our banger fetishes

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LOL them oneswe done this in our final GCSE exam..about 2/3rd's of the hall actually dun it..was bare jokes, nobody got there papers teminaterd or nethin..the teachers didnt know what to do about it
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The Sands of TimeTwo years ago the end of school prank taht the upper 6th formers did was to sneak into every room and steal the clock.when they had collected BARE clocks, lieterally every single one in the school, they dashed them al in the sandpit that wasnt being used any more, u know the one where u buss triple jump etc.was pretty jokes stil

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pins on teachers chairs was amusing.. also getting the careakers keys once and locking two wasteguys in da cleaning cupboard dey was in dere 4 5 hours cos where is was no1 could hear dem knock or call for help .. oh yeah and seting fire 2 the toilets.

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Our library had them alarm sensing things for if someone is tryna steal a book. Sometimes we would sneak books into peoples blazer pockets and then when they walked out the library the alarm would go off..and sh*t the alarm was loud!
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we used to have maths sheds because the school was too trampy for classrooms and it had a stock cupboard in the corner of the room so we pushed this kid in my year in and pushed a huge book shelf in front and it weighed a ton so the kid couldnt get out. he was banging for an hour no lie but when the teachers clocked on they hated him that much because he was an annoying little sh*t they left him in for an extra hour or 2.

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