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(360) Super Street Fighter IV AE Thread

Roy Batty

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Can't afford to go SBO and ain't got a good enough team to win so i'll passSVB my minimum goal is to get out of groups
Thats the whole point..the winners get flown over. Accomadation, food, travel etc is on you, which is a minor since you can just put aside the prize money you would win which is 66% of all proceedings of the event. A once in a lifetime oppurtunity like this Im sure you can hussle the pees to enjoy your stay there.Oh, but you have to be 18 or over to enter anyways, I think.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Whats this talk about making out of groups as a minimum? You paying £10 to enter the ting, well £25 altogether actually since you have to cover entry and SSF4 Im guessing is the only game you'll be playing? You best be looking to win that sh*t.Have you heard the way the Europeans talk about UK players? lool some of them think SVB is free money and they are kinda right tbh- but thats why I hope everyone is entering whatver goes HARD. Personally, I think this game can go f*ck itself, but even I know that it is important that it is represented properly.
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Can't afford to go SBO and ain't got a good enough team to win so i'll passSVB my minimum goal is to get out of groups
Thats the whole point..the winners get flown over. Accomadation, food, travel etc is on you, which is a minor since you can just put aside the prize money you would win which is 66% of all proceedings of the event. A once in a lifetime oppurtunity like this Im sure you can hussle the pees to enjoy your stay there.Oh, but you have to be 18 or over to enter anyways, I think.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Whats this talk about making out of groups as a minimum? You paying £10 to enter the ting, well £25 altogether actually since you have to cover entry and SSF4 Im guessing is the only game you'll be playing? You best be looking to win that sh*t.Have you heard the way the Europeans talk about UK players? lool some of them think SVB is free money and they are kinda right tbh- but thats why I hope everyone is entering whatver goes HARD. Personally, I think this game can go f*ck itself, but even I know that it is important that it is represented properly.
I'll be 18 by them times but yeah no team = its long/I hear that I was just saying that if I don't get out of groups at least I'll be PISSED I'm not scared of any players real talk I don't see anyone as a instant loss for me I'm not fazed by names and sh*t but realisticly getting top 16 will be harrrrdd then again Yota got it last year and I'm free from exams so I should level up during this time but yh I hear what you're saying but don't think I'm one of them guys scared to play this top european players f*ck them all. I think I can do well. My record shows consistent improvement every tournament I enter so hopefully it continues which means top 8 at SVB :D
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Natty+£6+United Kingdom = N6UK!Thats my new nick name for you natty, represents your tourny improvements,pot money, name and location in a nut shell :Y:im sure you can find members for your team though? but TBH it will most probably end up being a signature NE style event. Runs bare late, sweatbox, some random 3 man scrub team and then you would expect one of the "Casino elite" plus Zak + Ryan to take the final 3 spots anyways. Ive already been mugged for my money by a NE event and not really on falling for the same trap twice, besides, no one outside of japan wins sbo and the UK are FRRRRAAYYYYY! would be a good experience to go japan though./anyone on GB 2morro? ill be in the area around 12-4pm so might aswell touch a few games since i cant play this at yard anymore. how much is it to rent a station at GB anyways?

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LMAOLOL @ thinking Capo gets a hair cut. Man doesn't even have a head top. Remove the new era and you see his brain.
LOOOOOOOOL! OH SHEEEEEIT!Thats so true as well, ive never seen Capo's head, i think it is just his brain under the era, no hair. :lol:but real talk, I saw capo in his barber sitting in the chair while still wearing his cap.
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Natty+£6+United Kingdom = N6UK!Thats my new nick name for you natty, represents your tourny improvements,pot money, name and location in a nut shell :Y:im sure you can find members for your team though? but TBH it will most probably end up being a signature NE style event. Runs bare late, sweatbox, some random 3 man scrub team and then you would expect one of the "Casino elite" plus Zak + Ryan to take the final 3 spots anyways. Ive already been mugged for my money by a NE event and not really on falling for the same trap twice, besides, no one outside of japan wins sbo and the UK are FRRRRAAYYYYY! would be a good experience to go japan though./anyone on GB 2morro? ill be in the area around 12-4pm so might aswell touch a few games since i cant play this at yard anymore. how much is it to rent a station at GB anyways?
i'm on it, and it's a convenient way to show you i'm not a vega scrub aswell.8 pound for 2 hours 10 for 3.If you cop a new game from HMV though you get an hour free, although last friday me and my boi did this and got like 2 and a half hours.
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LMAOLOL @ thinking Capo gets a hair cut. Man doesn't even have a head top. Remove the new era and you see his brain.
:D :rofl:POS:rofl: :D/dunno if former is sending so :D I'd be up for a session today or tomorrow
lol No send no send. just that we have "ELEMENT5UKKKKKKKKK" (Titan) so thought would be cool to have "NATTY6UKKKKKKKKKK". E5UK & N6UK, the two Abels brudda's.aite, so for chuck and N6 regarding 2morro, ill be around GB at 12pm and will be leaving at 2pm ON THE DOT! SO PLEASE DO NOT RUN ON BMT AND BE LATE! you know what i look like Natty. And for chuck, fairly tall black brudda with a fro and beard, shouldnt be hard to miss.
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ELEMENT5UK has a top class Viper still and has guys seething with envy at his ability to play c Viper that well. He has fans still. Heard Capo cleared his friendslist so that the only person he can send invites to is ELEMENT5UK. Can you confirm Capo?

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