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(360) Super Street Fighter IV AE Thread

Roy Batty

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I do concur with Tony and Xander : time is of the essence, here, and you have to make sure people that were fair are not impacted by people would are not.Pools in team battle are very very time consuming. If you have enough time and strong organisation, you can manage it, but you have to remember that most people show up in tourney to have fun, so they are not ready to have military discipline.You'll have to regroup people, follow scores, maintain information flowing, etc...I by no mean say you shouldn't accept more thant 16 teams, but you really really need to take into considerations what options this opens AND close to you to accept more then 16 teams.(and Vega new Psycho Power Burning Ultra rulez XD)
it looks like a one handed kamehameha i think it wont be a charge move
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GGs Grim. I realised my problem with your Bison. I'm too predictable. I also missed a good amount of Ultras but that's whatever.GGS Gattsu. You maining Viper now. And the st.hk from Akuma you shouldn't try spam it unless you are right next to Abel. St.mp will beat it or trade with it if I predict it. Will definitely play you again soon though. Want some more match up experience against Chun if you still use her.

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GGs Grim. I realised my problem with your Bison. I'm too predictable. I also missed a good amount of Ultras but that's whatever.GGS Gattsu. You maining Viper now. And the st.hk from Akuma you shouldn't try spam it unless you are right next to Abel. St.mp will beat it or trade with it if I predict it. Will definitely play you again soon though. Want some more match up experience against Chun if you still use her.
im not just i was praticing with her all day today just wanted a few games
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metal gief is a gbut im actually not that excited bout abels new ultra im 95% sure that it won't ever get used in most of the match ups we have unless its an anti air and can combo into ultra.....kens ultra looks like he still can't fadc into it from srkpmslrufus's new costume >>>>dudley, makato and ibuki have to be announced like next month or the one after that....

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The new ultra's are pants IMO. Feilong's looked the best, Dhalsim and Kens are big wtfsRyu's Shin Shoryuken from Third Strike >>> Gouken's Current one >> That metsu messCostumes are swag too but I'm still optimistic bout the game. I wanna hear what they done with the soundtrack too

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The new ultra's are pants IMO. Feilong's looked the best, Dhalsim and Kens are big wtfsRyu's Shin Shoryuken from Third Strike >>> Gouken's Current one >> That metsu messCostumes are swag too but I'm still optimistic bout the game. I wanna hear what they done with the soundtrack too
you mad brah this ryu one is tooooo sickdoubt it will get used though since you probably can't srk fadc metsu srk
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