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Get what your friends have, it will make your online experience much more eventful.I have a PS3, i'd say overall as a media and gaming machine it's the better choice, you can stream videos and music from your PC or Mac and watch blu-ray. It's true it doesn't have as many games as the 360, but that's not to say there isn't a sh*t load of games available, there's just less shitty ones. Xbox is cheaper but you pay for what you get.

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I don't understand when people say Xbox is cheaper. The core console is cheaper, of course. However, if you want wireless you'll have to pay more and to play online you'll have to pay which makes it the same price as the PS3. Its not a simple case of "you pay for what you get"If you want a better media center, get a PS3. If you want to play games, get a 360. If your friends are not into gaming and are relying on playing with other guys from this forum then i recommend you get a 360. Most of us 360 users have got both but i know for a fact most of us don't even use it. Although, this works the other way as well but there's more 360 users with PS3 than PS3 users with 360 :lol:

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Ask the PS3 users on this website what to buy.They will all say Xbox. I'll SNM.
I cannot c/s/Lol @ asking such a question on a forum with the majority user base is either still living with mummy and still gets pocket money every month or are in uni where they eat pasta with tuna sweetcorn for dinner daily. course the XBOX is for themill SNM
lol at this point of arguement. THen same so called "ballin" ps3 guys will compplain about having to pay for LIVE which works out at less than one pound a day.
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If u wanna know which one's got more in store watch this year's e3 from the summer, microsoft's presentation blew everyone away and left everyone feeling hype for the coming year. sony's opened with them talkin about the ps2, yes that's not a typo, the ps2. snm.

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PS3 is so sh*t man even the messaging system and the invite system is sh*tI was at my cousins yesterday and it's almost impossible to find a game of sf4 f*ck ps3 man i was actually switching I spent more time looking for a game than playing/rant
real talk how can something so minor piss me off.
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Accepting invites on streetfighter for ps3 is the dumbest sh*t ever too. I have to confirm invites? f*ck off you mug why can't i just join using the home button sh*t is so unessecarily long xbl > psnI can't lie actually typing messages is better though cuz they have the word association thing so it make sh*t quicker we need that

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