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(360) Super Street Fighter IV AE Thread

Roy Batty

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I like to do this. My videos were from yesterday.Oi Fitz, safe for not puttin up a single video where I actually land any combos on you, ya f*cker!For the Akuma Hard Trial you need to do the Jumping HK from far away so it hits the dummy in the chest so you land far enough from them so you do the far version of the HK, not the up close one.

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For the Akuma Hard Trial you need to do the Jumping HK from far away so it hits the dummy in the chest so you land far enough from them so you do the far version of the HK, not the up close one.
Yeah looks like this is the one. Just checked on youtube and thats how they doin it. i've been JHK in dans face.
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I like to do this. My videos were from yesterday.Oi Fitz, safe for not puttin up a single video where I actually land any combos on you, ya f*cker!
LOL... which combo? I will happily up them. I think I have ones of you landing the combos with the cancel into red fireball but I don't recall you doin em last night. They're at home though./TRIP TO SHITTY TROCADERO ONCE AGAIN.Right cab is fixed.Went there and saw a Balrog playing Seth on CPU. Assuming everyones shook of this guy. I didn't jump on yet.. I have problems tryna play really good Balrogs. I thought I'd let him beat Seth and lose his £1...So he comes off and another guy hovering jumps on after... I proceeded to the right cab. Then we get E. Honda v Sagat. Battered him twice.Once again I end up playing CPU. The guy playing as Balrog before jumped on Third Strike and I told him to come play... during then some complete noob came on and played single player WTF.I played a couple matches vs CPU deliberately winning 1 round, then losing the other and winning the next to try save as much time for a challenger. I was practicing FADC Ultra on these shitty sticks.I did something cuntish after a few games. I pushed the start button and started acting like I didn't know what was going on... I did it so I could batter this noob next to me in order for the Balrog to jump back on... In the fight, I would walk up him and he would go nuts with the jabs and jump away. :lol:Anyway I lost to the Balrog and left for Subway as I only had one £1 coin. For me, Balrog is the new c*nt on road. Not Blanka anymore... Not enough matchup experience with that guy.
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lol trocadero sounds funny tbh, sounds like some randoms are proper standing around biding their time to go over and play so they dont get shown up. was on youtube looking at random sf videos and came across these, dont know if they have been posted before but hadnt seen them. vids from a gamestop tournament people like justin wong, daigo, iyo and poongko played in. 7 round matches which is good so they are quite long videos. there looks like there are quite a few on there and i've only watched 2 of them so far i'll post a few but will try and post all of them eventually. some of the sh*t in these is f*cked. IntroMatches

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FitzNext time i hit TrocI will let you know and play you. Might hit there friday if im freebut TTKK you have to wait a while to see who's playing 'cause its not about jumping on without knowing who you are playing. Always best to start off with an easy person so you can get used to the stick.

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FitzNext time i hit TrocI will let you know and play you. Might hit there friday if im freebut TTKK you have to wait a while to see who's playing 'cause its not about jumping on without knowing who you are playing. Always best to start off with an easy person so you can get used to the stick.
Fear of losing is weakness. Doesn't matter who else is jumping on!
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I played sh*t against Fitz :(There was this one part of the fight where i tried to slide under his tigers but my timing was off. This being when i first woke up, i did not learn my lesson and attempted to do the same sh*t 4 times in a row resulting in 1/3 of my life gone

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lol@the difference between Blanka sliding under Sagat Fireballs and when you slide under even my Jab ones. Par./Just went Trocadero. Was one guy slim black guy in a red top badding up all the randoms with Balrog, then he got brushed differently by some stocky short asian guy in a white top.It's a complete waste of my time even going there tbh, I can't even get out fireballs on those joysticks. They feel f*ck*ng mad. Did you have much problems with them Fitz? I know you have the anwa stick in your SE now while I'm used to the stock Hori stick.

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