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(360) Super Street Fighter IV AE Thread

Roy Batty

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if u have a turbo button on ur arcade stick, assign it to a hard kick. Fake kicks all day. or assign hard kick to easiest button to press on ur control pad.
Yeah.. I don't really wanna rely on the turbo or anything dodgy like that.If Mago can pull it off vs Daigo then so can I............ :lol:I need a lot more practice./Jeffers he does it in the Daigo vs Mago vid you posted. He goes for the standing HK but notices Daigo is too far and fakes it within milli seconds. =/
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if u have a turbo button on ur arcade stick, assign it to a hard kick. Fake kicks all day. or assign hard kick to easiest button to press on ur control pad.
Yeah.. I don't really wanna rely on the turbo or anything dodgy like that.If Mago can pull it off vs Daigo then so can I............ :lol:I need a lot more practice./Jeffers he does it in the Daigo vs Mago vid you posted. He goes for the standing HK but notices Daigo is too far and fakes it within milli seconds. =/
sick guys man.
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I showed him what time it was tbhhe doesn't like playing with Sagat but tried other characters and my blanka destroyed them.He had the cheek to say Blanka is a cheap character when he was using Sagat!!!Think it finished like 8-7 to him but there was quite a few games where we were just picking random. I was Rose for one game SMHHe is good though

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