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Starting life in another country


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just thought i'd replyi'll be living in the US for 4 monthsthen after that im travelling the west coastpeople ask, "how could you just get on a plane/go to another country by yourselfi say you only live once, there's alot i need to see/do in my lifetime.if everything goes to plan with Southwest Airlines ( where i'll be training ) i'll probably be moved out there VERY soon.so i get to live in the US and fly to numerous corners of the planet!I WIN! :DI can't live here man. yuck.yes we all know the US is going to the dogs... i better be quick then!yeehawwww

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The languages thing I'm pissed on.Wish I could speak Spanish, French, Gha, Twi, and German. I would have been more or less sorted then. But I swear as soon as I got to school I became sh*t at learning languages. I fint it too difficult. The English language is vast enough as it is, and then to learn a whole new language with their own rules of grammar is madness. And I don't get how people go live somewhere for a year and are able to speak and understand the language. You have no idea what they are saying in the first place, so how do you learn?

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Guest Smell Of Death

i used to learn languages so easymovin around when i lil i learn swahili in a few months when i was like 6 n knew the whole slang n everythingmoved again n lost it then learnt lugandamoved again then lost itbasically like thatshud b f*ckin hard now though

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i used to learn languages so easymovin around when i lil i learn swahili in a few months when i was like 6 n knew the whole slang n everythingmoved again n lost it then learnt lugandamoved again then lost itbasically like thatshud b f*ckin hard now though
You can get it back, just have to stay using it. Speak with relatives who speak it on a regs.My acholi is sick, I can understand luganda but can't talk it, my swahili is not as good but i can get by, German is okish.Starting spanish & chinse in June.
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Titan I didn't take you as the wishing type, just get on the language ting & learn it if you WANT it bad enough.Anything worth having isn't always easy to get.
Easier said than done.Don't have anyone round me that cna talk it to me regularly. And even if they did, I have no idea what they are saying, and they don't have the time to be translating everything.Those courses and that I don't have time for and I don't want to pay to just learn a language.
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The more and more i think about it probably not im too english in the fact i've got used to certain things free health, premiership football, certain comforts etc. and don't even know it! Used to want to live in america but thats a hype wouldn't even cosider it now unless i got a sick job in football. Jamaica i'm gonna have a place but 'the pownd is strang' so i'll earn my english p's then set up base out there. if i could speak french i'd consider belgium but theres no black culture out there.If your going to do it you need to think logically about how much of a benefit it would actually be and what opportunities are out there. going on holiday and living somewhere are two different things.
That's my thoughts
see the thing is I always wonder why my grandparents (1 did but he died - too much woman, rum and jamaica hospital killed him!), although they could go back and live in jamaica don't and said they wouldn't. Maybe jamiaca isn't all that. Still tink I could bring my family up better in jamaica than in england though.
Everyone I know on my Dad's side want to move back, Mum's sides not that fussed. My Dad's side are Middle-class and own sucessful businesses out there, Mum's side quite humble. I also know many returnees that go to places like Barbados and Trini yet come back here and spend 3 months at a time, dont know any that return from Jamaica. But that's just personal experience.At the end of the day, what I get to find out is nuff people of that age group dont want to go back for the same reason many of us born here want to go live there. They grew up in time hearing about England and what not, we hear the opposite side. Also, many old people dont want to go back because of health issues. Too many factors to decide and its personal preference. I would go live there for like 3 months, then 5/6 and see wah gwarn. If I feel that then year is me, after a year then I'll make my decision, but I want the pounds
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In Singapore now...almost everyone speaks english...The poorer people dont speak great english, but you can conversate no problem..Tried to learn a bit of mandarin and cantonse, but its looooooong... same word, different pronunciation = different meaning..would be a good look to learn the most spoken language in the world though..

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In Singapore now...almost everyone speaks english...The poorer people dont speak great english, but you can conversate no problem..Tried to learn a bit of mandarin and cantonse, but its looooooong... same word, different pronunciation = different meaning..would be a good look to learn the most spoken language in the world though..
why did u move and do u know many people/ have many friends out there if u dont mind my asking . . .
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