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Mr. Gayle

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Photo folder = Best 69p I ever spent.

Ghost password in case the wife ever finds the folder, so it only shows the PG folders. Then MY password, which shows folders hidden. And then a password for that folder too. :Y:

Getting lol


An alarming fact though is that you have a wife, you out the game now

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Photo folder = Best 69p I ever spent.

Ghost password in case the wife ever finds the folder, so it only shows the PG folders. Then MY password, which shows folders hidden. And then a password for that folder too. :Y:

Getting lol


An alarming fact though is that you have a wife, you out the game now

Since the start of the year darg. B)

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CNET is reporting that Apple has lost another iPhone in another bar. This time, it appears to be an iPhone 5 that's gone missing. (We say appears because CNET neither confirms this, nor provides any photos of the phone.)

Of course, Apple lost an iPhone 4 in a bar last year, too. Am I the only one reminded of a line from The Hunt for Red October?

This time the phone was lost at a bar called Cava 22 in San Francisco's Mission District. Apple apparently contacted police about the "priceless" phone that had gone missing, and even gave them a location for it, where a resident admitted being at Cava 22 the night it went missing. Nonetheless, the police (and Apple investigators) failed to turn it up. Apple employees even apparently offered the man money for the phone, no questions asked, without success. Apple did not file a police report.

CNET postulates that the phone may have been sold on Craigslist for $200. But it doesn't provide any evidence of that, nor does it name any sources, which is kind of odd. But based on what it does reveal, my guess is that it has a source within the San Francisco Police Department. There's a lot of inside information that only a cop or prosecutor would know. Unless one of the Apple investigators is talking.

But the takeaway is that the phone is still out there, and has been since late July. Do you have photos or evidence of the phone, or know more about what happened at Cava 22? We'd love to hear from you.

And seriously. Apple. Real talk: Tell your people to keep those priceless prototype phones the hell away from tequila joints.

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THAT game dev thing is mad addictive moved office but just need to raise funds

had a robot shooter game made me nuff p

What I done was stay in the 1st office for time, kept saying no to move, kept making sick games for the "playstation 1" then moved when I had nuff, cos you need to spend nuff to get licenses

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