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any recommendations on what books to get you started off?
514DEqp-faL._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA240_SH20_OU01_.jpg'Market Wizards - Interview with top traders' By Jack D. Schwager51T1mODeqSL.jpgDefo get the two above. The one below I suppose you can wait until you know what type of trader your going to be but I still strongly recommend it because alot of things in it still applies even if your a fundamental trader, it breaks things down nicely & gives clear examples to aid your understanding.51pz6dWda8L.jpgYou can get all of them from Amazon & they are some full e-books lurking if you want to download them.
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any recommendations on what books to get you started off?
514DEqp-faL._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA240_SH20_OU01_.jpg'Market Wizards - Interview with top traders' By Jack D. Schwager51T1mODeqSL.jpgDefo get the two above. The one below I suppose you can wait until you know what type of trader your going to be but I still strongly recommend it because alot of things in it still applies even if your a fundamental trader, it breaks things down nicely & gives clear examples to aid your understanding.51pz6dWda8L.jpgYou can get all of them from Amazon & they are some full e-books lurking if you want to download them.
:lol: & ZAFE
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:lol: & ZAFE
What's funny?
Jack D. Schwager
just sayin i dont wanna spend money on a book and struggle with jargonwill cop Reminiscences of a Stock Operator tho, who has read these ones51B2PVUQKuL._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA240_SH20_OU02_.jpg51m1G5IVJ-L._SL500_AA240_.jpg
I don't think you will tbh because everything is explained within the books but Cool. Nah, I haven't read those ones.
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any recommendations on what books to get you started off?
514DEqp-faL._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA240_SH20_OU01_.jpg'Market Wizards - Interview with top traders' By Jack D. Schwager51T1mODeqSL.jpgDefo get the two above. The one below I suppose you can wait until you know what type of trader your going to be but I still strongly recommend it because alot of things in it still applies even if your a fundamental trader, it breaks things down nicely & gives clear examples to aid your understanding.51pz6dWda8L.jpgYou can get all of them from Amazon & they are some full e-books lurking if you want to download them.
Safe.Not that I have the money now, but I wouldn't mind doing this in my spare time when I am a little more comfortable.
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Quick hypothetical question.If I buy 10000 shares at 5p and the stock reaches £2.50 per share. How much profit would I have made?
:lol: 1. I think you know how to work that out yourself.2. What are you trying to say/prove?
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Quick hypothetical question.If I buy 10000 shares at 5p and the stock reaches £2.50 per share. How much profit would I have made?
:lol: 1. I think you know how to work that out yourself.2. What are you trying to say/prove?
I was having a discussion with someone who was trying to tell me the profit wouldn't be 25 quid. Just looking a second a opinion at the time, but it doesn't matter now.I have nothing to prove. :ghost:
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Quick hypothetical question.If I buy 10000 shares at 5p and the stock reaches £2.50 per share. How much profit would I have made?
:lol: 1. I think you know how to work that out yourself.2. What are you trying to say/prove?
I was having a discussion with someone who was trying to tell me the profit wouldn't be 25 quid. Just looking a second a opinion at the time, but it doesn't matter now.I have nothing to prove. :ghost:
Erm, the profit wouldn't be 25 quid.It'd be £24,500
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Them Mancunian dodgy slangs there.
Innit.Dunno how you can even call that slang, you might as well say 4 is slang for 5, or 20 is slang for 79.[trim]If it don't make sense, then it don't make paper[/trim]
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