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Falling Out With Best Friends

Avon Barksdale

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I wouldnt class it as smallNo way im seeking forgivenessIm not the one in the wrongHes gone past the time period of possible reconciliationJust dunno whether i should just forget about it and move on or do something about itBecause im not having other people think im moist over itYeah it may sound immature but unless you have been a situation like this its easy to judge

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I stopped talking to one of my best friends about a year ago, she done the one thing a best friend shouldnt do. Sometimes theres no forgiving. I havent spoke to her sinse the day i found out.It is sad how certain things end but thats just life.

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i fell out with a best friend before and i can honestly say things havent been the same. Dude thought i stole his £20 in mess cafe, we resolved it but people could sense the distance. We aint spoke for 6months but my guy try friend request my Mrs on FB. And this a man i knew 8years.

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Fell out with my closest bredrins.One thought I was trying to get on his chick, cause she was chatting to me on MSN... ( swear down, I knew this guy since childhood days) smhThe other turned out to be a wasteman in general.It happens, you'll know who your real friends are when the situation arrives, trust.

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Have any of you that have known friends since youth and had them distrust you now, ever considered the fact that you have shown yourself to be untrustworthy in the past?I have a "cousin" that I've known since birth. He has been an unreliable liar as long as I have known him. For the last couple of years he has tried to go on like he's all grown up. Whenever I don't trust him he says "Come on, we're not kids anymore." I would like to trust him but 17 years of f*ck ups make it hard. Maybe you lot have been untrustworthy for 17 years and now he sees that you might be doing something f*cked up now and it's easy to believe.Just because you've known someone for years doesn't mean you trust them. Just saying.

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one of my main peoples and i dont talk no more and to be fair it was over a chick but its not like we dont talk we just aint as close.it sounds moist cos of what its about but i broke down the details of this in a story on here time ago. (my ex girl when we was together and HIM jamming at certain hours which was not acceptable)come home from the beanie man concert at like 5 in the morning i phone my chick and she tells me she is with him going to billingsgate market.man called her next day when i woke up and dumped her and i QUESTIONED him and he WENT WILD flippin saying im takin the piss etcwe made up after that cos he called me and we was cool and i was still with the girl (but wasnt happy and should of done it form then tbh) but again we just went our seperate ways and needless to say i dont chat to the girl no more for other reasons not long after that.was nutsso its not like i aint tried to call him but like i said we distant but in my mind MANDEM should KNOW how to operate if we been friends for 10 years plus you should KNOW what is feasable and how I would see it if you do that.

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Sometimes the friendship can be and should be saved sometimes you have both changed/drifted apart and might make up from the arguement but agree that actually this person isnt who you want/need to be around anymore. I think we all have friends we dont really talk to any more but might still speak but recently i have cutt off quite a few people, finally dawned on me that actually these people are just dumb and why am i even bothering trying to help them. Spread your wings and fly. World is your oyster and some memories are not renewable you always remember the oldies - but sometimes with that said person you will never have memories like that again and all you have in common is the past and if you live your life in the past how can you progress forward?

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tbh i fell out with my best friend from school days 4 years ago and we havent spoken since....and if im honest it cut me deeper then any bitch cud ever do it because that my was brother from when we were pre pubescent looking back it should have been reconciled but i was far 2 hot headed and immmature. i advise sorting it before it becomes unsalvagable and beyond repair.
Something like this.I still half consider him my boy an would help him out of he was in troubleI'm a loyal guy.
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i fell out with a best friend before and i can honestly say things havent been the same. Dude thought i stole his £20 in mess cafe, we resolved it but people could sense the distance. We aint spoke for 6months but my guy try friend request my Mrs on FB. And this a man i knew 8years.
You know how pathetic that sounds to fall out for right..
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I stopped talking to one of my best friends about a year ago, she done the one thing a best friend shouldnt do. Sometimes theres no forgiving. I havent spoke to her sinse the day i found out.It is sad how certain things end but thats just life.
Deep. I had this with 2 of my tight brejrins, they're best friends and they always used to stop talking but this time it seemed major, one of them told me some time after that it was cos of that but they actually made up and talk again now.I really admire their friendship tbh.My bestest friend, more like my sister, i've known since birth and I have noticeably drifted far apart over the last year, mainly down to the crowd / scene she moves etc. The whole models, movida and them clubs there sh*t. And just how she is in general, the way she talks. Very shallow and self-centred, the model sh*t went to her head. It hurts me that we're no way near as tight as we have been since we were born but I don't think she could do anything to make me stop talking to her forever.
*Tries to imagine life without her*Naaaaaah. Never. That girl is one of my earliest memories.
Basically, make up.It seems nowadays it's so difficult to find real friends who are down for you.
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