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The Population Reduction Agenda For Dummies


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read the piece on fluoride

basis of the evidence came from a study with only 60 people (claiming fluoride is linked to cardiovascular disease)

which was then linked (by the author) to another 10 studies on the relationship between cognitive development and fluoride consumption

out of 10 only one study was discussed

basically took kids from areas with high and low levels of fluoridated water and compared their IQ's checking for any correlation

from this study (didn't mention how many children from where and where or how old they were) it concluded that higher fluoride in water lowers IQ

correlation don't show sh*t, just shows there MAY be a relationship (but why? what causes this relationship? too many confounding variables)

also, 60 people is too small a sample (unless it's in a controlled environment and even then they should do a follow up with way more)

don't even know what controls they had in this study and where they were published or if they were even subjected to peer review

goin sleep soon so if I misread/misunderstood anythin go ahead and correct me, but that article was fullashit

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that list looks about right,

the food industry is as powerful as the defence industry if not more.

lol@ one of my m8es who's proper into gym and healthy eating going on about this stuff 24/7

until i checked the ingredients on his protein shake he's been taking for yrs.

ingredients: right at the bottom...."acesulfame K"

we're being given unhealthy options that could harm people long term

but dont listen to thun and his mentor jones...who always misses the real issue and just jumps on the back of a developing story after its happened.

when "they" really wanna de populate the earth, it wont be flouride or potassium K, it will be an unleashing of Ebola type sh*t.

about dumbing down,,,,, as if youtube, wiki and ps3 havent done that already. kmt

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Ghetto black guy probably not watching his child. She runs into the street like most kids I see whom aren't being properly supervised and nearly gets struck by the bike. Ghetto black man probably gets outraged because his daughter got hurt and tried to handle the LEO and was warned but the Ghetto black man most likely didn't care and got shot. Don't blame bad parenting on the police and don't run up on people because your likely to get shot which is the outcome of this situation.

HardCharger18 1 hour ago

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Ghetto black guy probably not watching his child. She runs into the street like most kids I see whom aren't being properly supervised and nearly gets struck by the bike. Ghetto black man probably gets outraged because his daughter got hurt and tried to handle the LEO and was warned but the Ghetto black man most likely didn't care and got shot. Don't blame bad parenting on the police and don't run up on people because your likely to get shot which is the outcome of this situation.

HardCharger18 1 hour ago

That is deep.

Youtube comments are always so stupid. The person obviously didn't listen to actual events and just felt the need to make ignorant comments.

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