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(360) Super Street Fighter IV AE Thread

Roy Batty

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Mandem, as much as the lil' muhf*cka talks too f*ck*ng much, I have to give Natty his props. His Abel is solid. The match against the Zade guy was live. Natty was making Dudley look easy for Abel.I made it to top 32 out of approximately 200 man so Im happy anyways. It was the second game I started getting into my groove. 3rd game I lost to a solid Cody but apparently he was at the preview event so he has match up experience. Bruddah was cool.As for Grim, I can understand the rage. The Cammy player spent most of the match at the other side despite the fact his links were very on point when he got in. But yeah, some of people there were awful.And on a sidenote, I did mash EX Pinwheel a few times in my first game, after that though I used it when I thought it would hit./And Guile has been buffed too much in my opinion. Alot of match ups concerning him are going to change now. The charge time is too fast and he still has the quick recovery.

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oi Risky, is it laggy on your end?its pretty much fine on mine but it still says i have no bars
Nah its been fine the entire sessionggs....need to improve with Guy...only started using him 2hours ago when i played Fitz :D
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Guile is tooooo sick nowLS vs Hoy top 8 was sick hoy won Hoy vs rmz was even better, ber hype and came down to the wire rmz clucthed it outDimenion vs affi top 4 was boring guile mirror match snmThe grand finals rmz vs dimenion was quite sick but dimenion is too solid guy won 2-0 and the ending was a par I'm not gonna spoil itSmh @ americans coming and winning our sh*t where was zak and ryan?Got top 16 my best performance yet so I'm happy, even got £6 so booooyy Not even salty about my loss affi won convincingly

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Grim >>>>>>>hes reaction to losing that match was the best thing of the whole tournament :lol:I went out to a Guile in my first match, i was annoyed but oh well, at least he werent a scrub.some guy who played against British Justice intentionally pressed the guide button in BOTH his matches because he didnt want to lose. lol @ some of these swag online guys wasting their money to come play in tournaments. At least there trying to level up i guess.safe to everyone i met today, was jokes watching some of the matches and seeing some mashers.

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Does anyone know if it's possible to upload videos recorded with an ipod?I have recorded some stuff I have done in training mode with Juri for when I FADC a pinwheel against characters with a reversal type SRK move. ON some of the characters I can either trade with them or be completely safe. If they try to jump out they get hit and I'm safe albeit minus one EX bar, and if they try to throw they eat the whole EX Dive kick>>EX Fireball which takes away about half of their life if every hit connects from the entire set of moves before and after the FADC. Doesn't work against some characters but stuff like Ken's HP SRK either misses or I get the counter hit. Going through the cast recording but my ipod battery died so will record some more stuff later.

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I want to know exactly was going through that guys mind when he heard Grim say "I should punch him in the face"./Tasty C was nowhere to be found. He must have thought Dstructo was coming :D

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I think you can upload vids recorded from ipod's but im not to sure though, might have to check it out./That guy must of been SHOOK he was only small and grim was some big angry african raging with psycho power. i swear he must of been looking over hes shoulder for the whole of the night to see if grim was behind him :D/One guy told me that he came late and he couldnt play because he was studying or something. Dont know why he turned up in the first place if he didnt intend to play tbh.

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Guile is tooooo sick nowLS vs Hoy top 8 was sick hoy wonHoy vs rmz was even better, ber hype and came down to the wire rmz clucthed it outDimenion vs affi top 4 was boring guile mirror match snmThe grand finals rmz vs dimenion was quite sick but dimenion is too solid guy won 2-0 and the ending was a par I'm not gonna spoil itSmh @ americans coming and winning our sh*t where was zak and ryan?Got top 16 my best performance yet so I'm happy, even got £6 so booooyy Not even salty about my loss affi won convincingly
sick set of matches>>>>>>Props to everyone that reached.Still creasing at the guy who only used 1 button. Too much. lolol i think someone got the footage.
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