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Super Street Fighter IV AE Thread Part 2

Creed Diskenth

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]Made it out of my 8am pool in winners.

Had to face Wolfkrone in semi finals.He beat me 2-0.I wouldnt say he destroyed me and the matches came down to the last round, but yeah he definitely beat me fair and square. No one plays Viper to the same level as this guy in the UK.

In losers OnlineTony eliminated me, beating me 2-1.Pretty close set I think. Probably should have won it considering the matchup is in Guy's favour.Seth is Seth though and I'd say Onlinetony has the best seth next to poonkgo.

My goal at EVO was to get out of my pool and I achieved that, so I'm happy.Now I have to do the same for my main game which is MVC3, tomorrow at my 2pm pool.The only player I know in there is Felax from the 8onthebreak stream.

Watching top 32 in SFIV was really boring once my favourite players to watch were knocked out, like Combofiend and Alex Valle. Every time I looked at the big screen, the matchups just rotated between Fei, Yun,Seth and Viper.Dunno why people even hype this sh*t up. I was playing casuals for most of it.

In MVC3 there is a wide variety of character usage, and they're especially not afraid to use the most cheapest broken sh*t in the game, which I like.Wolverine/Akuma was definitely about.Playing casuals with random peoples is so fun.

Cheech Wiz posting on NE

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Makoto gets raped by half the cast.

Fei (I feel he loses to quite a few characters (mostly charge characters)

Yun (can't dispute this)

Yang (Yang is certified , some days I think he's the best in the game)

Seth (poongko =/= top tier character)

These are the clear top tier characters. Even Akuma has bad match ups.


Fei Yun Yang Zangief Viper Akuma Ken Cammy are all really strong , a few bad matchups doesn't equal a character not being top tier. After all there was a point Bison and Honda were top in Super and we all know how their matchups are.

Viper has plenty of bad match ups. Just because tier lists don't say it doesn't mean they aren't there.

Viper can beat any character in the game with ease.


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Titan's idol (Latif) >>>>

There's like 3 vipers in the top 8. In such a big tournament, that is f*ckedd


Evo is easily the hardest tournament in the world.

The amount of top players in that top 64- then 32, wow. Big players were dropping like flies.

Justin can't even been seen as one of the top dogs now!

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Flash isn't even fully repping Viper. He has been beating a lot of heads with Gief. He is playing Kindevu. TBH, he is f*cked either way because Kindevu counterpicks and plays nuff of the cast.

Latif is a badman. This guy came out of nowhere beasting online and proved he isn't an online warrior.

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just finished watching all the games from last night

daigo valle match was f*ckeddddd


that was disgusting, watched it back so many times

juicebox comeback with juri was nuts, sick player. the reads with abel against shiro were ridiculous aswell, never seen someone fadc first hit of COD into ultra in the corner like that before

shiro was pulling off some madness with makoto, ending of the match against Xian was sick

tokido got beasted but fighting yun with akuma is beyond long so wasnt suprising

top 8 should be hype

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