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2008 Was A Very Shit Year For Hip-Hop


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In this years climate of releases that I've heard. I can only think of three classics imo:SCAREFACE - EMERITUS BEST ALBUM OF THE YEAR FOR ME HANDS DOWN. IT GOT ME FROM THE INTRO & BY THE TIME 'HIGH POWERED' CAME I WAS WHIPPED WITH THE ALBUM.Lil Wayne - Carter 3I don't like the little prick but man did his thing. I give respect where its due, f*ck his previous releases tho.Wretch 32 - WretchrospectiveLyrically smashed it, beats were nice & if he was a US rapper maybe he would have got more love. I think it will be one them gems people will clock onto way down the line.Superstition & Agony can you upload your lists or if anyone has any of the links send them my way please.I've just heard bits here & there but not the full albums of those artists you've mentioned.Thanks.

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Wale Not neek rap dr.001, but i know people mean , i have a feeling that next year all these backpacker will take over and it does really piss me off because i dont get them to me they are all kanye west/nerd ripoffs....Kid cudi and the cool kids is the main dude swhich is pissing me off right nowHope this new trend dont happen in the uk, see guys like the dude who made rope chain.

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hip hop is mainstream.so to suggest neeky rappers wont outsell gangster rap is silly imo.mainstream audience are far more receptive to neeky rappers nowadays.even gangster rappers have diluted their sound in order to appeal to the mainstream, resulting in neeky raps all round.gangster rap will probably go back underground for while, then surface when this neeky 'i wanna be an artist' fad has died.
:confused: Dont get me wrong, there is a chance they will go somewhere, but I havent heard any neeky songs which say hit to me. Lupe had to get some Chris Martin soundalike before he got a hit, and everything failed after hit. Anywhay, I thought this year was sh*t too, but I havent heard most of what Supes posted. I keep it all the way mainstream out here with a little bit of backpack, no frontin, so for me, this year has been sh*t. Trilla was good album, most enjoyed TOS tho - criminally underrated NY-gangsta album. Was unhappy with C Tray, although it wasnt as bad as I thought it'd be. Paper Trail wasnt too bad, wasnt good eitherI wanna hear Q-Tip *hinting*
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Wait, what's 'neeky' rap?LMFAO
backpackdem cool kids, charles hamilton, the guy with the f*cked up hair sticking out, the type of sh*t u dont click on wshh
Truss lolIts them pseudo-intellects/retro boys that want to believe that sh*t is the sh*t. I doubt any of them neeks will get a plat-plaque next year, think they'll reach about 3-400k max before fallin out of the charts. They will get nuff media bareback, the wannabe neeky/retro dudes will get sucked and support because it will be seen as what youre meant to support (simililar to everything else that receives pop/Kanye love), but how long it lasts I'm not sure. Mosy likely Houston chopped-and-screwed movement at best. End of the day, people want something they can dance/nod their head to.Someone set me the best mixtape of the Whale and Charles Hamilton dude, or recommend something.
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Why? Cos we HH 'fans' arent afraid to speak against the holy Hip Hop? You need to llow settling for anything. No matter what, you will like Hip Hop, fact. If it changes for the worse, you'll compromise your previous standards for what's out now instead of saying "This is sh*t!" If neeky rap takes over you'll be on that wagon, if gangsta west coast comes back, ATL snap, Crunk remerges etc. you'll love it all.I mean werent you the one saying a bunch of sub-par 2008 albums were 4*+ LMAO. Everyone has their preference and levels, no need to readjust to satisfy your needs in 09 when you can download and listen to nothing but your favourite albums of the past

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Why? Cos we arent afraid to speak against the holy Hip Hop? You need to llow settling for anything. No matter what, you will like Hip Hop, fact. If it changes for the worse, you'll compromise your previous standards for what's out now instead of saying "This is sh*t!" If neeky rap takes over you'll be on that wagon, if gangsta west coast comes back, ATL snap, Crunk remerges etc. you'll love it all.I mean werent you the one saying a bunch of sub-par 2008 albums were 4*+ LMAO. Everyone has their preference and levels, no need to readjust to satisfy your needs in 09 when you can download and listen to nothing but your favourite albums of the past
Look at this douchebag. I don't know why you take me for any HH room 'random', to this day.People have always questioned the quality of Hip-Hop. If anything, the standards were HIGHER in the 80's. If you were considered wack, you had NO fanbase.My comment had nothing to do with the 'standard'.If anything, I have more of a problem with supposed HH fans. TBH, you lost credibility when you admitted that if it mainstream, you won't listen.This doesn't just apply to HH, but music in general. Music is everywhere. If you're gonna just lie there, expect to be fed bullshit. It's not the 90's no more. You want good music/good HH music, get to browsing through some blogs fam. Buy a XXL/Vibe/Source and pay more attention to the pieces on the guy you've never heard of instead of the interview on Lil' Wayne, T.I., Kanye. For example, the West Coast Blu, put out one of the best HH albums last year. I think I read a piece on him in late '06/early '07 and hardly paid him no mind. Then, when I stumbled on his release, was absolutely amazed. You think I'm going to let rappers with absolutely no creative motivation for the genre, dictate my taste for this genre? If you allow that to happen, you don't deserve ears TBH.And going back to my 70's statement. The thing I've envied for those listening to HH in the 80's/early 90's was that there didn't seem to be this 'alliance' where you either liked gangsta HH or 'underground' HH. I find it so retarded that you have to pick sides. Same way I'd criticise Rez or Lahi about calling it neeky rap, I'd do the same to Paulie or Stat for calling Max B, sh*t. That's like me refusing to listen to The Dream, because I'm an Anthony Hamilton fan. sh*t is backwards.But HH has become about frontin' amongst it's listeners. The ignorant nature of today's rappers has trickled down into the mindstate of it's 'fans', to the point individuals like Numero, feels like it's appropiate to belittle a sub-genre, just because it's 'different'. Which is funny to me, because 'neeky' rap is closer to the lifestyles of those trying to make fun of it. Who do you think you have more in common with Numero? Hamilton or Prodigy? Lol...Adieu
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Why? Cos we arent afraid to speak against the holy Hip Hop? You need to llow settling for anything. No matter what, you will like Hip Hop, fact. If it changes for the worse, you'll compromise your previous standards for what's out now instead of saying "This is sh*t!" If neeky rap takes over you'll be on that wagon, if gangsta west coast comes back, ATL snap, Crunk remerges etc. you'll love it all.I mean werent you the one saying a bunch of sub-par 2008 albums were 4*+ LMAO. Everyone has their preference and levels, no need to readjust to satisfy your needs in 09 when you can download and listen to nothing but your favourite albums of the past
Look at this douchebag. I don't know why you take me for any HH room 'random', to this day.People have always questioned the quality of Hip-Hop. If anything, the standards were HIGHER in the 80's. If you were considered wack, you had NO fanbase.My comment had nothing to do with the 'standard'.If anything, I have more of a problem with supposed HH fans. TBH, you lost credibility when you admitted that if it mainstream, you won't listen.This doesn't just apply to HH, but music in general. Music is everywhere. If you're gonna just lie there, expect to be fed bullshit. It's not the 90's no more. You want good music/good HH music, get to browsing through some blogs fam. Buy a XXL/Vibe/Source and pay more attention to the pieces on the guy you've never heard of instead of the interview on Lil' Wayne, T.I., Kanye. For example, the West Coast Blu, put out one of the best HH albums last year. I think I read a piece on him in late '06/early '07 and hardly paid him no mind. Then, when I stumbled on his release, was absolutely amazed. You think I'm going to let rappers with absolutely no creative motivation for the genre, dictate my taste for this genre? If you allow that to happen, you don't deserve ears TBH.And going back to my 70's statement. The thing I've envied for those listening to HH in the 80's/early 90's was that there didn't seem to be this 'alliance' where you either liked gangsta HH or 'underground' HH. I find it so retarded that you have to pick sides. Same way I'd criticise Rez or Lahi about calling it neeky rap, I'd do the same to Paulie or Stat for calling Max B, sh*t. That's like me refusing to listen to The Dream, because I'm an Anthony Hamilton fan. sh*t is backwards.But HH has become about frontin' amongst it's listeners. The ignorant nature of today's rappers has trickled down into the mindstate of it's 'fans', to the point individuals like Numero, feels like it's appropiate to belittle a sub-genre, just because it's 'different'. Which is funny to me, because 'neeky' rap is closer to the lifestyles of those trying to make fun of it. Who do you think you have more in common with Numero? Hamilton or Prodigy? Lol...Adieu
I dont take you for no random, I never said if it is underground I dont listen to; I said I havent listened to the stuff Supes posted because I've mainly listened to mainstream sh*t. How do you expect me to have heard sh*t I havent been exposed to? Regardless of whether I should buy mags and that, I cant hear material from guys I dont know/didnt know they dropped albums. Am I lying when I said you rated some duds 4*+?Basically, I'm letting people know from jump what I've heard so dont start listing albums I didnt know existed.How would you know what it was like in the 70s/80s/early 90s? Its easy to talk on fantasy when you werent there, but I'm sure, people who felt NWA/Public Enemy type movement, generally, werent listening to Native Tongues and vice-versa. Backpack isnt a new-skool term, is it? In 10 years time you can look on 2005-2008 and say you had artists ranging from Lupe, Pharrel and Kanye to Rick Ross and TI all getting shown love. Without being there to know any different, it would be easy to say there werent any alliancesAnd 'neeky rap' was coined by me, still. Only in joke form thoIts nothing to do with what I feel is closer to me, its down to who I think is kicking that real sh*t. I'm just interested in the character and their thoughts, not anything I'm relating to. Why should it be about who I relate to? Hear what youre saying on the seeking tip though. Thing is, I dont have to like Hip-Hop, therefore I can dip in and out as I please and still say f*ck HH.EDIT I hear what your saying on the majority, still.
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Why? Cos we arent afraid to speak against the holy Hip Hop? You need to llow settling for anything. No matter what, you will like Hip Hop, fact. If it changes for the worse, you'll compromise your previous standards for what's out now instead of saying "This is sh*t!" If neeky rap takes over you'll be on that wagon, if gangsta west coast comes back, ATL snap, Crunk remerges etc. you'll love it all.I mean werent you the one saying a bunch of sub-par 2008 albums were 4*+ LMAO. Everyone has their preference and levels, no need to readjust to satisfy your needs in 09 when you can download and listen to nothing but your favourite albums of the past
Look at this douchebag. I don't know why you take me for any HH room 'random', to this day.People have always questioned the quality of Hip-Hop. If anything, the standards were HIGHER in the 80's. If you were considered wack, you had NO fanbase.My comment had nothing to do with the 'standard'.If anything, I have more of a problem with supposed HH fans. TBH, you lost credibility when you admitted that if it mainstream, you won't listen.This doesn't just apply to HH, but music in general. Music is everywhere. If you're gonna just lie there, expect to be fed bullshit. It's not the 90's no more. You want good music/good HH music, get to browsing through some blogs fam. Buy a XXL/Vibe/Source and pay more attention to the pieces on the guy you've never heard of instead of the interview on Lil' Wayne, T.I., Kanye. For example, the West Coast Blu, put out one of the best HH albums last year. I think I read a piece on him in late '06/early '07 and hardly paid him no mind. Then, when I stumbled on his release, was absolutely amazed. You think I'm going to let rappers with absolutely no creative motivation for the genre, dictate my taste for this genre? If you allow that to happen, you don't deserve ears TBH.And going back to my 70's statement. The thing I've envied for those listening to HH in the 80's/early 90's was that there didn't seem to be this 'alliance' where you either liked gangsta HH or 'underground' HH. I find it so retarded that you have to pick sides. Same way I'd criticise Rez or Lahi about calling it neeky rap, I'd do the same to Paulie or Stat for calling Max B, sh*t. That's like me refusing to listen to The Dream, because I'm an Anthony Hamilton fan. sh*t is backwards.But HH has become about frontin' amongst it's listeners. The ignorant nature of today's rappers has trickled down into the mindstate of it's 'fans', to the point individuals like Numero, feels like it's appropiate to belittle a sub-genre, just because it's 'different'. Which is funny to me, because 'neeky' rap is closer to the lifestyles of those trying to make fun of it. Who do you think you have more in common with Numero? Hamilton or Prodigy? Lol...Adieu
I dont take you for no random, I never said if it is underground I dont listen to; I said I havent listened to the stuff Supes posted because I've mainly listened to mainstream sh*t. How do you expect me to have heard sh*t I havent been exposed to? Regardless of whether I should buy mags and that, I cant hear material from guys I dont know/didnt know they dropped albums. Am I lying when I said you rated some duds 4*+?Basically, I'm letting people know from jump what I've heard so dont start listing albums I didnt know existed.How would you know what it was like in the 70s/80s/early 90s? Its easy to talk on fantasy when you werent there, but I'm sure, people who felt NWA/Public Enemy type movement, generally, werent listening to Native Tongues and vice-versa. Backpack isnt a new-skool term, is it? In 10 years time you can look on 2005-2008 and say you had artists ranging from Lupe, Pharrel and Kanye to Rick Ross and TI all getting shown love. Without being there to know any different, it would be easy to say there werent any alliancesAnd 'neeky rap' was coined by me, still.Its nothing to do with what I feel is closer to me, its down to who I think is kicking that real sh*t. I'm just interested in the character and their thoughts, not anything I'm relating to. Why should it be about who I relate to? Hear what youre saying on the seeking tip though. Thing is, I dont have to like Hip-Hop, therefore I can dip in and out as I please and still say f*ck HH.
If I rated 'duds' 4*, then to me, they're 4*, f*ck what you think. This argument isn't about my/yours/Bob's standard of HH, I have no idea why you brought that up.Again, me wishing to born in the 70's was meant to mean, that I'd prefer to grow up in a time, where you didn't HAVE to pick sides. How do I know this, was actually the case back then? Errm, maybe I know HH listeners who grew up then? Maybe I've heard many rappers say that they listened to a variety of rappers and never came across the way HH fans, do today? For example, Kanye West listened to Black Sheep yet wanted to rap like Mase?Anyway, from time you saying you dip in & out of HH, what you say about the genre can't be taken too seriously. You just have good punctuation & grammar, thus making your posts easier to read & respond to.Adieu
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Why? Cos we arent afraid to speak against the holy Hip Hop? You need to llow settling for anything. No matter what, you will like Hip Hop, fact. If it changes for the worse, you'll compromise your previous standards for what's out now instead of saying "This is sh*t!" If neeky rap takes over you'll be on that wagon, if gangsta west coast comes back, ATL snap, Crunk remerges etc. you'll love it all.I mean werent you the one saying a bunch of sub-par 2008 albums were 4*+ LMAO. Everyone has their preference and levels, no need to readjust to satisfy your needs in 09 when you can download and listen to nothing but your favourite albums of the past
Look at this douchebag. I don't know why you take me for any HH room 'random', to this day.People have always questioned the quality of Hip-Hop. If anything, the standards were HIGHER in the 80's. If you were considered wack, you had NO fanbase.My comment had nothing to do with the 'standard'.If anything, I have more of a problem with supposed HH fans. TBH, you lost credibility when you admitted that if it mainstream, you won't listen.This doesn't just apply to HH, but music in general. Music is everywhere. If you're gonna just lie there, expect to be fed bullshit. It's not the 90's no more. You want good music/good HH music, get to browsing through some blogs fam. Buy a XXL/Vibe/Source and pay more attention to the pieces on the guy you've never heard of instead of the interview on Lil' Wayne, T.I., Kanye. For example, the West Coast Blu, put out one of the best HH albums last year. I think I read a piece on him in late '06/early '07 and hardly paid him no mind. Then, when I stumbled on his release, was absolutely amazed. You think I'm going to let rappers with absolutely no creative motivation for the genre, dictate my taste for this genre? If you allow that to happen, you don't deserve ears TBH.And going back to my 70's statement. The thing I've envied for those listening to HH in the 80's/early 90's was that there didn't seem to be this 'alliance' where you either liked gangsta HH or 'underground' HH. I find it so retarded that you have to pick sides. Same way I'd criticise Rez or Lahi about calling it neeky rap, I'd do the same to Paulie or Stat for calling Max B, sh*t. That's like me refusing to listen to The Dream, because I'm an Anthony Hamilton fan. sh*t is backwards.But HH has become about frontin' amongst it's listeners. The ignorant nature of today's rappers has trickled down into the mindstate of it's 'fans', to the point individuals like Numero, feels like it's appropiate to belittle a sub-genre, just because it's 'different'. Which is funny to me, because 'neeky' rap is closer to the lifestyles of those trying to make fun of it. Who do you think you have more in common with Numero? Hamilton or Prodigy? Lol...Adieu
I dont take you for no random, I never said if it is underground I dont listen to; I said I havent listened to the stuff Supes posted because I've mainly listened to mainstream sh*t. How do you expect me to have heard sh*t I havent been exposed to? Regardless of whether I should buy mags and that, I cant hear material from guys I dont know/didnt know they dropped albums. Am I lying when I said you rated some duds 4*+?Basically, I'm letting people know from jump what I've heard so dont start listing albums I didnt know existed.How would you know what it was like in the 70s/80s/early 90s? Its easy to talk on fantasy when you werent there, but I'm sure, people who felt NWA/Public Enemy type movement, generally, werent listening to Native Tongues and vice-versa. Backpack isnt a new-skool term, is it? In 10 years time you can look on 2005-2008 and say you had artists ranging from Lupe, Pharrel and Kanye to Rick Ross and TI all getting shown love. Without being there to know any different, it would be easy to say there werent any alliancesAnd 'neeky rap' was coined by me, still.Its nothing to do with what I feel is closer to me, its down to who I think is kicking that real sh*t. I'm just interested in the character and their thoughts, not anything I'm relating to. Why should it be about who I relate to? Hear what youre saying on the seeking tip though. Thing is, I dont have to like Hip-Hop, therefore I can dip in and out as I please and still say f*ck HH.
If I rated 'duds' 4*, then to me, they're 4*, f*ck what you think. This argument isn't about my/yours/Bob's standard of HH, I have no idea why you brought that up.Again, me wishing to born in the 70's was meant to mean, that I'd prefer to grow up in a time, where you didn't HAVE to pick sides. How do I know this, was actually the case back then? Errm, maybe I know HH listeners who grew up then? Maybe I've heard many rappers say that they listened to a variety of rappers and never came across the way HH fans, do today? For example, Kanye West listened to Black Sheep yet wanted to rap like Mase?Anyway, from time you saying you dip in & out of HH, what you say about the genre can't be taken too seriously. You just have good punctuation & grammar, thus making your posts easier to read & respond to.Adieu
Stick to dealing with the point at hand, instead of trying to embarrass cos it doesnt quite work I'm afraid. If your point is that strong, you dont really have to tart it up in attempt to getting lols.The reason I brought that up was to show everyone you lower your standards to fit current climate.LMAO @ using Kanye as an example. What did people like Nas, Prodigy, 50 Cent and them grow up listening to? Even your pal Lupe. You cant pick one of the most diverse artists today to back up your point - thats foolish. I'm not gonna totally outright say its not as bad, cos dudes today are ignorant, but I'm sure it wasnt the way you are depicting it.The point I was making with dip in and out is, you forget I dont have to listen to HH. Fact I dont actively search for sh*t doesnt mean I cant say f*ck HH
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